One Man

The Pizza Boy Who Fell in Love

There's a  girl boy, who doesn't know I'm like this.
Who receives love but doesn't even know that it is love.
Leaving you, who is as foolish as I and sad,
At this moment tears come but I'm happy.
It's because you're by my side.

~One Man, Super Junior's Yesung (cover)

Leeteuk showed up at Pizza World the very next day.

Kangin got annoyed. Was he intending on always being there?

Kibum however was excited. "Look its your rich friend!"

Kangin gaped at the lean figure propped up against the door to the store. Kibum smacked his arm.

"Ask him to buy our breadsticks."

Kangin shook his head at his manager's craziness and went outside.

"Hi." Leeteuk smiled at him, his dimple prominent.

"What are you doing here?" Kangin demanded. "Don't you have anything better to do?"

"No. Not really." He shrugged.

Kangin sighed. This guy...

"Want to go to a resturant? My treat!" Leeteuk offered.

Kangin hesitated. There was dealing with Leeteuk but getting free food or ditching him and paying for food....


He ran inside and took off his uniform. "I'm on break!" He called to Kibum.

Kibum waved him off.

"Let's go." Kangin said once he was outside. Leeteuk smiled and he and the chubby man took off.

This guy couldn't get any cuter.... Leeteuk thought as he watched Kangin shove food in his mouth. The man paused aware of eyes on him.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Kangin asked pointing to Leeteuk's plate of food.

"Uh...yeah." Leeteuk said. He shoved some food in his mouth and smiled.

Kangin's eyes went narrow in suspicion. "Why do you keep looking at me?"

"Well to be honest I've never seen someone eat like..."

"Like what?" Kangin demanded.

" never eaten this kind of food before." Leeteuk replied.

Kangin snorted. "That's cause I haven't. I'm a commoner I've never even been inside this place before."

Leeteuk made a :O face. "Really?"

Kangin glared. "Really."

"I should take you out more often you seem deprived."

Kangin laughed. Leeteuk burst on the inside. His laugh was so cute!

"You should." Kangin said. He continued eating and Leeteuk continued staring.

Suddenly a quartet of men with violins came around and began playing. Leeteuk laughed while Kangin stared awkwardly.

"Did you--uh-- plan this?" He asked.

"What? No!" Leeteuk waved his hands. "I'm not that cheesy!"

Kangin laughed. He then stopped when a familiar tune came on.

"Hey!" He called to the violinist's. "Is that 'One Man'?"

They nodded and continued playing.

"Do you like that song?" Leeteuk asked. "I love that song."

"Yeah its nice-- i was actually thinking of my friend he can sing really well and he's done a cover of this song." Kangin said.

"Wow! Is he good?"


"I want to hear him!" Leeteuk exclaimed, excited.

Kangin smiled. "He's performing tonight if you want I could--" What the hell was he doing? He was edging him on now?!

"Could what?"

Kangin sighed. He just made a date with the guy he was trying to avoid. How smart. "Take you..."

"Oh that would be fun!" Leeteuk clapped.

Kangin feigned eagerness.


What had he gotten himself into?

"Leeteuk?" Kangin called as he arrived to his apartment.

He looked up at a window that had light. He then spotted a small sized rock lying on the sidewalk and threw it at the window. He was too lazy to knock.

Leeteuk was seated on the couch listening to fiance and mother gossip over clothes and the latest fashions when they heard a noise. Leeteuk looked at the window and saw a small object bang against the pane.

Then again.

"Who is that?" His mother demanded. Leeteuk looked out and beamed. Kangin!

"Uh-- excuse me but I have to go meet a friend somewhere." Leeteuk bowed to his finace and mother.

"What? You can't just abandon your fiance like this!" His mother snapped.

"No its okay. It's just a friend right?" His fiance smiled.


"Friend? What friend?" His mother demanded. If his fiance wasn't here Leeteuk would have been escorted to his room by his mother's security.

"Just this guy..." Leeteuk looked at his watch. "Sorry I have to go." 

Without another word to his furious mother he took off.

He practically threw himself at Kangin when he met him outside.

"Whoa!" The man pushed him away. "What's up with you."

"You just saved me from a very boring night." Leeteuk replied,


Leeteuk smiled.

Kangin decided Leeteuk was strange.

Very strange. Because only strange people hugged people they have only known for a couple days.

He and Leeteuk discussed their family life and what they hated about it. Kangin realised Leeteuk had it worse. His mother was cold and expecting. And she was all he had.

"How were you allowed to come out with me then?" Kangin asked.

Leeteuk paused. " have my ways." Leeteuk replied.

Kangin laughed. "Okay."

Leeteuk managed a small laugh. He was lying to him but for some reason telling Kangin about his fiance seemed...weird.

He and Kangin finally made it to some club looking thing. They entered Leeteuk finding it a bit crowded and smelly. A lot of the people wore costumes as if they were bands.

"Do a lot of people play here?"

Kangin nodded. "Yeah even religious groups." He pointed to a handsome man in a suit. "That's Choi Siwon local religous freak. He's nice to hang out with, when he's not talking about converting you to the faith."

"Wow! He's handsome." Leeteuk commented.

Kangin snorted. "So?"

Leeteuk turned back to him. Was he jealous? "Well not as handsome as you...but still."

Kangin flustered. "Wha-what?"

Leeteuk laughed and went back to staring at the others. Kangin scratched his head. Did Leeteuk really find him handsome? Wasn't that a bit.... but wait wasn't it fine for friends to call each other handsome? Yeah! It was a compliment.

Kangin nodded definantly. Yes it was.

"Oh!" He blurted and nudged Leeteuk.


"That's him! He's up."

Leeteuk looked up at the small stage and saw a man around his age or younger. He was wearing a black jacket over a black shirt with black pants and shoes. His hair was also black and scruffy covering his eyebrows and nearly touching his eyes.

He looked a bit awkward though. As if he wasn't sure of himself.

He took a mic and looked at the crowd. "Hello. I'm Kim Jongwoon. You may call me Yesung."

Leeteuk jumped as a strong chant of "Yesung! Yesung!" started. "Wow."

Kangin beamed with pride. "Yeah he's popular."

Yesung then smiled. "I'm going to sing 'I Only Know About Love' ." He said.

The crowd cheered but then quieted as the musice began.

Leeteuk found himself in awe as the man sang in a rich husky sounding voice. He sang with such emotion a couple of girls beside him started to cry.

"He's amazing!"

Kangin shrugged. "Yeah..."

Kangin was a bit smug now. After the show was over he took Leeteuk to meet Yesung. Leetuk had been totally amazed and wouldn't stop complimenting him on what a great friend he had.

Yesung was drinking water backstage when they approached.


Yesung turned. "Hey." he looked at Leeteuk with interest.

"This is your newest fanboy." Kangin motioned.

Yesung laughed. "Oh really?"

Leeteuk smiled. "Well not like that but I am a fan."

"Do you two know each other?"

"Yeah he's my..."

"Friend." Leeteuk answered. He was a bit puzzled why Kangin had trailed off. Did he not want to be friends.

Yesung then came up to him. Leeteuk shrank away slightly as Yesung's hand came up to touch his face.

"What are you--"

Yesung touched the spot between his nose and lip. "Nice."

He turned to Kangin. "I like your new boyfriend."

Kangin and Leeteuk gaped.

"He's not--"

Yesung walked away though before he could protest.

Leeteuk smiled at the chubby man. "Maybe I am?"

Kangin made a face. "Shut up." He pushed Leeteuk playfully.

He and the older man then headed back.

They arrived at Leeteuk's apartment first.

"Thank you for walking me home." Leeteuk said sincerely.

Kangin nodded.

Leeteuk then hugged him. Kangin caught offguard tried to push away but then just allowed it. Maybe Leeteuk's mother had never hugged him. He should be allowed some affection.

"Have a good night. " Leeteuk whispered in Kangin's ear.

A load of shivers ran down his spine and he shoved Leeteuk away. "Hey! Don't do that!" He blushed, grateful the darkness hid it.

Leeteuk smiled. "Okay, sorry. Bye!"

"Bye." Kangin said touching his ear. He watched Leeteuk go then shivered again. What was up with this guy?! 

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guys in Mexico they have internet but i have to pay and I only have a little amount of time sorry I havent updated the story is so close to being done! hang on!


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MrSimple0508 #1
IAmToastFood #2
I really enjoyed this and an Eunhae prequel would be just fantastic~!! :)
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #3
Yes.. Do it!! :D :D

kekek^^ excited... :))
MrSimple0508 #4
Do it!!!
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #5
Awww.. It's so sad that's this story have to end.. But I'm happy that their ending is happy!! Nice Ending you got there!! :D

Super Junior!!! Hwaiting!! ^^
IAmToastFood #6
Omo! Teukie has no idea that his mother thinks it's Yesung :O !! And as for Gulliver, I'm obsessed with it!! It's just so cool! And Kangin ghiayhfuhrufakh!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*
Update soon author-nim :)
hebteuk #8
can't wait...i luv daydream so much and kangteuk's pic too...i really missed their moments ~ <3...about Gulliver i didn't listen to it yet,but my sis did and said it's amazing.
...i hate kyu and teukie's mother >:/...i'm waiting for the happy ending :DDD
yes teukie kangin is yours!!! ahaha...up date soon dear author-nim^^