Don't leave..

Till death do us part..

"NOONAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sulhu yelled as he dragged Hyomin to the dancefloor and with puppy eyes he begged, "Dance with me pweety pleaseeeee!!"

Hyomin who has a very bad tolerance for aegyo gave in and danced with Sulhu reluctantly at first but slowly she enjoyed dancing with him. Somehow, they started grinding and Hyomin felt something poked against her . She immediately realized what it was and gave Sulhu a whack on the head and laughed.


"NOONA! It's not my fault that you are y! kekekeke" Sulhu smirked and rushed to the bathroom to release his male hormones..

Hyomin proceeded to join the rest of X-5 at the bar to find them in deep discussion.

"Hey boys what are you all talking about?"

"Hyominie~ What happened today? You don't normally like to go to the club.. Especially when there is work tomorrow!" Ghun said as he raised his brow.

"Aish.. I saw Chang Sun and Hyuna today at the BRIDAL shop. So obviously I'm pissed off." Hyomin replied as she clenched her fist in annoyance. *That adulterous pair. Shameless argh. What does Hyuna have that I don't?! ARGH*

"Hyomin-chan. You should cool down!" Hyunjin teased, knowing that he will be smacked by Hyomin *I love it when she's annoyed. I mean, she is so darn cute!"

"YAH! HYOMIN-CHAN?! I'M YOUR N......" Hyomin stopped midway as she noticed Joon drinking alone at the other end of the bar. "What is HE doing here... Screw him! Let's go guys my mood is ruined just by looking at the fly over there." Hyomin ordered as she paid the bill and marched out.

"Hey princess, not yet!" Ghun exclaimed as he hooked his arm around Hyomin's ant waist. "It's just a MAN. Don't let him ruin your mood dear. In fact, you have the five of us to lean back on.." and he moved his lips closer to her ear and continued," of course, I'm here 24/7 babe."

Hyomin felt her face starting to get heated up and smiled and gave her best friend a hug. This time, she whispered, "And I'm here for you too my prince." Ghun widened his eyes in shock which earned him a smirk from Hyomin as she winked, "GOTCHA!"

Ghun smiled, knowing that Hyomin has cheered up *If only she knew that I was serious when I said those words* Ghun's thoughts were interrupted as someone tackled him on to the floor. This crazy drunkard kept trying punch Ghun in the face but to no avail as he simply dodged each punch. 

"GET AWAY FROM MY *hiccups* HYOMIN! *punch* YOU FILTHY---"

"LEE CHANG SUN. GET YOUR OFF GHUN OR ELSE I WILL GRAB YOUR BELOVED HYUNA'S HEAD AND SHOVE IT UP THAT TINY OF YOURS!" Hyomin threatened as she pry Joon off Ghun. "Get away from my sight Lee Chang Sun. Go and date that Hyuna for all I care."

Joon grabbed onto Hyomin's ankle and in his drunken state began to cry. 

At this point, a huge crowd was beginning to form around the three. *argh so embarrassing* Hyomin thought as she face palmed.

"Hey hey hey there's nothing to see! It's just a drunkard! Nothing else~" Sulhu, Haewon and Taefung repeated as they disperse the crowd. Hyunjin simply watched and laughed at the hilarious scene in front of him which earn him death glares by Hyomin.

"Hyomin ah! Why don't you go back first? I will settle this dude for you. Hyunjin go send Hyomin home okay!" Ghun said in a soothing voice as he ushered them both out of the club. 


"Noona... Do you still like him?" Hyunjin began.

"Do you really have to talk about this?" Hyomin replied with venom in her voice. Suddenly, the rain started pouring and it escalated into a thunderstorm. (Yeah, just like in the dramas where it will ALWAYS rain when the leads are depressed xD)

Luckily, the pair were already nearing Hyomin's house so they quickly made a dash for her door. 

"Come on in. You can't possibly go home in this weather." Hyomin beckoned as she led Hyunjin into her house.

Even though Hyunjin has been to her house a couple of times, he can never ever get used to it. Hyomin's house is so spacious and beautiful, but the lack of furniture and warmth in this house kind off turn Hyunjin off.

"Why don't you get some furniture?"

"A TV set, a couch, a dining table and chairs, a bed, a sink, a toilet bowl and a cabinet is all I ever need. The rest are all redundant. Oh, and a mirror too." Hyomin replied as she poured a glass of warm water for hyunjin and her. Hyunjin enjoyed watching her in the kitchen *she will make a great wife.*

The pair chatted and Hyunjin found out a lot of things that he never knew about her. 

"Ahh seems like the rain has stopped... I should go"

"No... Don't leave..... Please."




So sorry for the extremely boring chapter of mine..

I actually wrote this on the spot without any planning :x

Anyways, IM BACK! Have been really busy with GCE 'O' Levels and work :(

And I'm also busy with anime! hahaha feel like writing a anime fanfiction on xD


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Chapter 10: Thanks for kiss scene author, I like it
What next with Hyuna...I felt pity for her little by little
Chapter 8: Omggggggg. She had a baby before?
Chapter 6: What is Hyuna hiding? ._.
Chapter 5: Awww he confessed <3
Merry Xmas to you too! Even though it's still early lol
Chapter 4: Glad that u are back ! and Hyomin has loads of admirers! *0*
update please? >_<
Wow. Hyomin changed so much >_<
I didn't expect this LOL
shhh_its_me #8
thanks for the update :D
i hope hyomin wont get into any trouble :S
shhh_its_me #9
Woah :O
please update soon ^^
wow..plz update >.< really interesting