
What Is Love

April 15, 2012

The Kim’s Residence, Phoenix.

“Mom, I’m going!” you yelled while going downstairs and grabbed your coat.

“Got it! Don’t forget to come back home and attend your brother’s graduation thingy!”your mom yelled back at you. You didn’t hear her but you knew that she must’ve talked about your brother’s graduation. You hopped inside your car, turned the engine on and played your favorite songs. In minutes, you were already on your way to Seattle to meet people you long for.


Nearly two hours later, you arrived at Seattle and you drove to Last Supper Club as fast as you can. You hopped out of your car, the alarm and went inside the club after showing the receptionist your VIP pass card. You were one of the VIP members in this club. You had the privilege to come in and out of the club just by having that VIP card.

“Hey, babe!”cried a girl with red highlighted hair while running to you. You had known her as Nicole, one of the waitress in Last Supper. “Long time no see you. Since you’re here, you’re in tonight, right?”she asked.

You hugged her. “Of course I’m in! Just tell Bee to give me the sickest beat ever.”

Both of you burst out in laughter. “Got it.”she said. After that, you climbed up the stair which lead you to Last Supper’s staff room. You scanned the room but it was empty. You then decided to walk aroundandsee thechanges thathave occurredin that roomwhen you didn’t come at all.

You founda fewpaintingsanddrawingsthat seemed new on the wall. You also went to the biggest desk on that room and fiddled with the PC on that desk. You checked out the latest songs that could be played tonight.

“Bee wouldn’t like it if you mess up with her Itunes, you know.”

You gasped at the other voice and turned around. You found your bestfriend was standing beside you. “Tom!”you cried and jumped happily into his hug. Both of you chuckled with that little reunion. You hadn’t see him for three weeks and you missed him like crazy already. He led you to sit on the couch nearby to have some chats.

“How was your life so far?”he asked.

“So-so. You know me, living in New York is fun, the clubs are great but Last Supper is much better.”

He grinned. “Of course you love Last Supper the most. It’s the only club that give you a lot of privileges. I bet New York’s clubs have strict rules if you want to be VIP members.”

You yawned and felt tired after the 2 hours driving. “Well, sort of. Anyway, I want to take some nap so I won’t be exhausted tonight. And you, young man go back to your room and continue your work. I know you were working back then. See ya.”you said while get up from the couch and kissed Tom on his cheek. After that, you ran up to the third floor to get some rest while waiting for the night to came. The time when you were back to the right place where you used to be. Back with people you loved.


Meanwhile, there was a man driving with an earphone plugged in his ear.

“Yes? Of course I’m arrived already…the appointment? In…uhm…wait I forget the club’s name,”he reached into his jeans’ pocket and took out a business card. “Last Supper Club. We’re going to meet up there. And then I’m going to Phoenix and stay for few days with my high school friend… Mmm-hmm. Okay, got it. Bye.”

He unplugged his earphone soon after the call was off. He loosen up his tie and drove to the hotel where he would stay tonight. There were still few hours before his appointment with his nephew. It was clear that he needed some rest. Tired streaks were all over his handsome face. Eyebags, and dark circles below his eyes were signs that sleep was the only thing that he needed. He sped up his car so he could arrive in the hotel as fast as possible. He was too tired already.


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Shinhwa will appear soon >_> I'm afraid OTL


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KissStar #1
Loved the story.... I hope you'll update it soon...