
What Is Love


February 14, 1999

The Kim's Residence

"In the end, fate is what will decide if our true love will stay with us until the end or not." Mrs. Kim smiled and stared at the cute face of her daughter.

"So, if the fate doesn't want us to marry our true love, that won't happen, Mom?" That little girl asked innocently. Mrs. Kim just smiled hearing the question. She pulled up the blanket until it covered up her daughter's body until her chest.

"That question's answer is your duty to find out when you're older."replied Mrs. Kim wisely as she kissed her daughter's forehead. Ashley, her name. She smiled and nodded enthusiastically as if she wanted to grow up already. Mrs. Kim got up and bid good night to Ashley before turning off the lights and shut the door. Mrs. Kim seemed relieved because Ashley now didn't afraid anymore when sleeping with the lights off and door closed.

Ashley opened her eyes again and looked at the sparkling star-shaped stickers on the ceiling of her bedroom that glowed in the dark. "True love...and fate." she muttered. She smiled and hugged her bolster until she fell asleep completely.



The same date,

The Kwon's Residence

"Of course, Andrew always make us proud. He never bring any trouble for both parents."Mr. Kwon said, patting Andrew's shoulder. Mrs. Kwon smiled as well seeing their guests seemed enchanted with Andrew.

"Indeed, if the seeds are good, the results will be good as well. And from what I have watched, Taeyoung is not much different from Andrew. They match to each other. "Added a middle-aged woman who was one of The Kwon's guests that night.

The man beside that woman cleared his throat. "I think it will be wiser if the elders fix up about this matter. Andrew, why don't you show your mother's garden to Taeyoung?"

Mr. Kwon looked surprised but quickly controlled himself. "Ah! Yes yes, of course. Andrew, take Taeyoung to the garden."ordered Mr. Kwon to Andrew. His words indicated that he supported what that man had just said. The man who was Taeyoung's father.

Andrew just smiled and nodded. He and Taeyoung got up and after saying goodbye, they went out of the mansion, which located in northern California. With politeness, Andrew interlaced his hands with Taeyoung's as he guided her to his mother's garden. While Taeyoung who had paid attention to Andrew since her arrival in The Kwon's residence seemed happy because Andrew's hand was interlaced with hers. She hoped that their parents "conversation" went well.


October 15, 2010

Phoenix High School

Ashley's hand was never separated from Daniel's hand when they fled from the pursuit of the janitor at their school. Both of them ran as fast as possible and hid in one of the empty classrooms.

"That...was....haaah..real....hhh fun."Ashley said. She was panting because of running. Both of them sat behind the class' door. Daniel just smiled and nodded. For a while, they sat in silence while they were trying to adjust their breath.


"Yes?"asked Ashley while turning her head to Daniel.

He caressed Ashley's cheek. "I promise you that we will stay together until we get older." He said, holding Ashley's hand. She just smiled and kept his promise at the bottom of her heart. In silence, they exchanged gaze each other before Daniel landed a soft kiss on Ashley's lips. And in an instant, Ashley knew that she had met her true love.


The same date,

Different place,

"With this I declare you as husband and wife!"

Flowers were falling and there was a boisterous delight from guests who attended the church that morning. On the altar, the bride and groom seemed to do their first kiss after being declared as marriage couple a few minutes ago.

Andrew looked at his parents after he pulled away his kiss from his bride. His eyes catched his parents's happy tears seeing him married to Taeyoung. His parents' smiles were everything to him ... in order to keep it, Andrew had always been the best son for twenty eight years.


Eight months later...

Ashley's room door was opened. Tom looked panting when he went to Ashley's bedside to meet that girl. "Are you... okay?"asked Tom carefully. He couldn't confirm whether Ashley was okay or not because her hair was covering her face with her hand holding a wedding invitation with the initials D & D.

Ashley looked up while Tom carefully tucked her hair away from her face. In one glance, Tom found that Ashley's eyes were puffy because she cried too much. She smiled when she could see Tom clearly. A smile that destroyed the hearts of all people who loved her including Tom, her bestfriend.

"I'm fine. Or at least... I'll be fine, right? "She asked in a voice that barely audible. Tom smiled and nodded for sure. He pulled her into his arms and rubbed her back.

"Everything will be alright. Your fate is waiting for you somewhere else. You'll find him."


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Shinhwa will appear soon >_> I'm afraid OTL


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KissStar #1
Loved the story.... I hope you'll update it soon...