
What Is Love

“Mom, we’re going to be late! Hurry up!”

“Wait! How do I look?”

“Seriously, Mom! It’s not the right thing to ask. We’re late!”

“ASH DON’T MAKE YOUR MOM PANIC!Darling, you look beautiful.”

Suddenly, you could hear the sound of car’s engine. You ran out of your home and found Bee with her car waiting at the terrace of your house.

“C’mon!”she yelled. You ran back home and cried, “MOM, I’M GOING WITH BEE. JESSE WILL KILL ME IF I DON’T APPEAR FROM THE FIRST EVENT!”

After you bid goodbye, you hopped in into Bee’s car. Once you fasten your seatbelt, she sped up her car as if there was no death. You turned at her. “How do I look?”

She glanced for few seconds. “Untie your hair. You’ll be ier.”

You sighed and untie your messy bun. You fixed your hair first and repaired your make-up. “How do I look?”you asked Bee again.

“Parfait. All men in the world are on their knees now.”said Bee.


Andrew fixed himself inside his car so he wouldn’t be late. It was the first time in his life he tied his tie in the car, while driving! All thanks to you. He dreamt that he met you again. He was so drift away by that dream until he awake half an hour longer than he should had to.

Thank God that Phoenix’s streets seemed empty so Andrew didn’t have to pay extra attention while his hand tying his damn tie.

Right exactly when he arrived in Phoenix High’s parking area, he tied his tie perfectly. After he messed his hair so he would look younger, he went out of his car and ran into the school area.

He went inside the hall and looked for empty seat. Just when he was about to sit, his eyes caught a creature that made him overslept this morning.

You were sitting across the hall with Bee on your side. She elbowed you. “Ash, ten o’clock, now!” You turned your head to the direction Bee just told you and surprised. You elbowed Bee back.

“I know him. I saw him at Last Supper. He was hot and now, oh my he looks hotter!”you whispered. You sounded so excited and it made Bee relieved because it was hard to find man that included in your ideal type criteria.

For more than an hour, you didn’t pay full attention to your brother’s graduation ceremony. Instead, your eyes kept glancing at Andrew once in a while. And when your eyes met him accidentally, you could feel your adrenaline was rushing through your vein. The ceremony was about to ended, you got more excited cause there would be a small party held after this and you were sure that he would attend that.


Jesse had asked you for many times to sing with his band but you never granted him that wish. When you found out that that handsome stranger attended the small graduation party, you decided to join Jesse so you could search for him and most of all, amazed him with your other charm, singing.

You were ready on the stage with your microphone while Jesse began strumming his guitar smoothly. Not so long, the drummer started to beat his drum along with Jesse’s melody. You scanned the crowd yet he was nowhere to be found. And then you started singing…

Don’t see you

You pushin and pulling me down to you

But I don’t know what I…

Now when I caught myself

I have to stop myself

I’m saying something that I shouldn’t never thought of you oh you

You pushin and pulling me down to you…

Your voice mesmerized the audience. You sang the song beautifully while searching for the sign of his presence. Your heart snorted, was it that hard to get to know him? Or you weren’t fated to know him? When the song was about to reach the end, you saw him walking toward the party with the school’s principal. You couldn’t miss the chance!

Right after the song was ended, you requested Jesse to play another song with you. He and his band looked happy and start to play another song. This time it was Paramore’s Crush Crush Crush.

The drum started first and it ignited your spirit. You could feel your adrenaline was rushing. You bang your head before you jumped on the spot and start singing.

I got a lot to say to you

Yeah I got a lot to say

I notice your eyes are always glued to me

Keeping them here and makes no sense at all.

Again, your charisma hypnotized everyone and that stranger. He couldn’t take his eyes off you. You kept rocking the stage until the last verse of the song and finished it. You went down of the stage and searched for some lemonade. You were heading to beverages table and about to grab a glass of lemonade when someone shoved a glass of lemonade to you.

You looked up and found that stranger. “Singing or dancing, both make you thirsty, right?”he asked rhetorically while handing you that glass. You took the glass and finish it in one shot. “Especially if you want to impress someone. You tend to give your 110% as long as that someone glued his eyes to you.”he added.

You chuckled hearing his words. “And now I begin to wonder if I was impressive enough for him or not.”you said glancing at him. He smiled and finished his own drink,”Only a fool that wouldn’t fascinated by your existence.”

You smiled back and stuck out your hand. “Ashley Kim.” He shook your hand firmly. “Andrew Kwon.”


“That is all. Sorry if it was boring.”you chuckled after finishing your life story to Andrew. He didn’t seem amused or bored. His expression was hard to guess. Both of you walked around Phoenix High and enjoyed the scenery. An awkward silence was filling in until he spoke.

“Let’s grab some lunch.”he asked. You were a bit confused with him and you didn’t answer his call yet he grabbed your hand and pulled you to follow him. Hesitately, you followed him to his car which parked nearby. You hopped in the passenger seat beside him and in seconds, he drove away from Phoenix High to find some lunch.

He pulled over at Hustle Restaurant and again, he was being gentleman toward you. He opened the door, and held your hand. You were confused yet you didn’t refuse either. Both of you ordered the same food and then when they came, you two ate in silence.


“I’m a good son for my parents. I never rejected their wishes.”he said breaking the silence. You looked at him, he was smiling. And so he started to reveal his life story. His good behavior, his achievement, his boring love life, his principal, his life motto, his mindset and his thoughts.

Talking with him was amusing. Both of you never ran out of topic to talk about or to discuss. Once or twice both of you had some disagreement but you two were respecting each other’s point of view. And that was how you spent your day with him. By talking, and wandering around Phoenix.


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Shinhwa will appear soon >_> I'm afraid OTL


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KissStar #1
Loved the story.... I hope you'll update it soon...