
What Is Love

The doorbell rang. You opened the door and found Bee and Tom was standing in front of your house.

“Hey!” you greeted them happily and hugged them one by one. “C’mon in!”you added. They walked in and went straight to your bedroom as usual while you went to the kitchen first to grab some snacks and beverages for them.

“I thought Tom would never leave Last Supper now it has become the hottest club in Seattle.”you giggled when you entered your room. He just snorted with your joke. Three of you chatted happily.

“Ah,”said Bee out of sudden. “How was that guy? The one who flirted with you in Jesse’s graduation party?”she asked.

“Wait wait, who flirted with you?”asked Tom with defensive tone. You just grinned. “Andrew?”

“Ah, his name is Andrew. How’s the progress?”Bee asked again ignoring the fact that Tom was clueless.

Tom waved his hands in front of you two. “Hey, I’m still freaking here and I have no ing idea who’s this Andrew with his flirting thingy with you, Ash.” He said sarcastically.

“Tommy, please don’t act as if you’re Ashley’s father cause you’re not, okay.” Bee snapped out.

“Oh I’m sorry if I’m just worried about my best freaking friend after what Daniel had done to her.” He snapped back.

“STOP!” you yelled to both of them before Bee could reply Tom’s words. “Andrew, is just my new friend. Okay, he flirted but I’m just befriend him so chillax guys, it’s not like I’m a fool like I used to be one.” You explained. Both Bee and Tom took truce to each other. There were few seconds of awkward silence before Bee broke it.

“Geez, sorry man. Maybe I’m in PMS mode. I was just a bit happy that finally, this oh-so-independent young lady met a gorgeous creature named Andrew. To be honest, I’m hoping that you would create love relationship with him.”Bee said.

“I’m hoping that you could have another man too, Ash. But not so soon. I mean, you just met him few days ago. He might be dangerous.” Tom added.

You chuckled by how your bestfriends worried about you. Bee worried if you couldn’t open your heart anymore while Tom worried that if you open your heart too fast someone might hurt you again. You were so grateful to have them in your life.

“LOL guys, seriously. I’m not interested in any kind of relationship at the moment but hey, I’m not easily hurt anymore. I’m much stronger and much rational now. Daniel taught me a lot about love, and I’m more than glad to keep it for a while before entering the whole new world with new guy, you know.” You exclaimed. Tom sighed in relief while Bee furrowed her eyebrows. She wasn’t agree with you.

“You still want to keep him? Keep all of those lovey-dovey thingy?” Bee asked you.

You nodded. “Are you sick?” she asked again rhetorically.

“Ash, in my opinion, why don’t you give Andrew a chance? Or if you don’t want, at least you have to give yourself a chance to find someone to love. You can’t love Daniel forever or even just at the moment, okay. He’s gone. He’s happy somewhere and he left you all broken-hearted, remember?” Bee retorted. You and Tom stayed in silence.

“I mean, sooner or later you have to open your heart for another love. You can’t keep your memories forever. And the sooner you open up, the sooner you can forget him. Andrew is a good opportunity.”she added.

Tom nodded in agreement. “But still, learn about him first before you let him enter your heart.”

“I don’t want to use Andrew as a rebound or just because I’m a loner.” You said in doubt.

Bee snorted and shoved some crisps into . “Ifh yhou where dathing Anhdrhew fhew dhays after you broke,” she swallowed her chewed crisps and drank her coke, “that’s what you called as rebound. But it’s been more than a year, you know.”

You took Bee’s and Tom’s words into your brain and think about it carefully. Giving Andrew a chance… should you?


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Shinhwa will appear soon >_> I'm afraid OTL


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KissStar #1
Loved the story.... I hope you'll update it soon...