Feelings In Between

What Is Love

From: Andrew

Hey, you’re going to keep your promise tomorrow, right?

You smiled when you saw the message. Your fingers then typed the reply as fast as possible.

To: Andrew

Of course! I’m not a promise-breaker. Just wait for tomorrow, okay?

You were staring at the fire that burning in your fireplace. It was warm. Although that fire consumed the wood, but that was the one that make you stay warm. Just like love, sometimes love burns. Love hurts and painful, but if you recalled it again, the memories would stay warm in your heart.

You're reminded of Daniel, the man where are you willing to give the rest of your life just to be with him. Hands raised and touching the chest to protect your heartbeat. There was warm, though sometimes there is pain, but you still feel comfortable when considering all of your memories with Daniel.

You were reminded of Daniel, the man whom you were willing to give the rest of your life to be with him. Your hand raised and touched the chest that protect your heartbeat. There was warm, though sometimes there was pain, but you would still feel comfortable when you remember every memories you had with him.

Your phone vibrated.

From: Andrew

I believe that you’re not a promise-breaker. What I don’t believe is the result tomorrow :P

You chuckled before you reply his text.

To: Andrew

Okay then I think we should have a battle tomorrow instead of me making you satisfied. How about that? Fair enough, right?

"Who's that?"asked a voice surprise you. You looked up and found your mother sitting in an armchair right behind you.

You smiled. "New friend."

Your mother only replied you with inaudible murmur. She then your head. "Your young uncle, Eric called from Seoul. He was asking about you."

"Young uncle? Eric?"you cooed.

"Sssh. Though he's young, he's still your uncle. He asked me if you want to spend your holiday in Seoul."your mom said.

You wince. An offer like this was so rare. You quickly shook your head. "I don't think I'm going anywhere this holiday, Mom. I'll just have my usual holiday. "you said. She nodded knowingly and rose from her seat.

Before she went into her bedroom, she looked at you. "Be careful, don't be carried away too quickly by the atmosphere."

You looked at her puzzled and faked a smile. Since Daniel's incident, your mom became more concern with your love life. She became quickly anxious if you looked sad. Almost all people who were close to you became skeptical with men who were trying to approach you. They worried if those men who approached you are just like Daniel.

But you yourself had never taken it into your head. Because afterall, these was just tests, and trials to see if you deserved a happy fate or not. Well, at  least that was what you believe. Besides, if human have nothing to believe, there won't be anything left for them anymore, isn't it?

Your cellphone vibrated again but you didn't open it right away. Instead you put out the fire in your fireplace and went to bed. Once you were inside your thick and comfortable blanket, you opened Andrew's text.

From: Andrew

Deal. If I win, you have to grant me a wish and if you win, I’ll grant you a wish as well.

You just wanted to type his reply, but your phone vibrated again. This time, it wasn't incoming text, but it was an incoming call. Andrew's name was on your phone's screen.


You didn't hear him talking, instead you heard a sound of guitar was strummed.


The dawn is breaking

A light shining through

You barely waking

And I’m tangled up in

Andrew's melodious voice sounded so soft and sneaked into your heart. He sang Howie Day's Collide. It was one of your favorites. You smiled when you heard Andrew was singing it. And most of all, you were happy because Andrew's voice was good. Because if it wasn't, you might have laughed really hard.

He kept singing and you were still listening. You could feel sincerity in his voice.

I’m quiet you know

You made the first impression

I found I’m scared to know I’m always on your mind

You chuckled a bit when you heard the second verse been sung. He was afraid if he's always on your mind? Geez, like seriously! Even if it was true, you wouldn't want him to know that, would you?

Don’t stop here

I lost my place

I’m close behind

Even the best fall down sometimes

Even the wrong word seem to rhyme

Cause out of the doubts that fill my mind

I somehow find

You and I collide

Cause you finally find

You and I collide

“So…that’s that.”he said after he was finished with his song.

“Thank you.”

“For what?”he asked.

“For singing me that song?”

“Well, I sing that song because I want to know something.”he said.

You snorted. Turned out he wasn't singing that song for you to be happy. But because of something else.

“You haven’t tell me why you like that song.”he said.

Ah, so that was why. You remembered Daniel sang that song for you too once in your school's event when he asked you to be his girlfriend.

“Because…even the best fall down sometimes, even the wrong word seem to rhyme, even the stars refuse to shine, and out of the doubts that fill my mind, I somehow find you and I collide.”you sang. You could tell that Andrew furrowed his eyebrows because of confusion.

“Can’t guess yet? If so, come tomorrow and I'll tell you why.”you added.


You hung up the phone. After put your cell phone next to the pillow, you pat it and got ready for bed. Just when you were about to close your eyes, your cell phone vibrated again. You groaned and opened the cell phone to see the message that just came in.


From: Andrew

Okay, then. I know you’re tired already. So, are you going to sleep now? If you are…remember that out of the doubts that fill your mind, I somehow will try my best to pull out that doubt. Hahaha, cheesy I know. Good night, and sweet dream. Oh! And most of all, dream about me.

You turned off your phone after reading that message. Warmth were running through your body and soaked into your heart. The fact that Andrew made you feel that feeling again made you a bit happy. You closed your eyes and stepped into the dreamland. But instead of a beautiful dream, you got a nightmare.

In the dream, you see Andrew standing in front of you. He smiled and looked very handsome. But suddenly breaks into his chest and pull out your heart. You can feel a very excruciating pain in your left chest. Blood was oozing, your heart is in the hands of Andrew was seen still beating. He then destroyed the heart of it. You're surprised and looked at him in disbelief. But strangely again, after destroying the heart, he pulled out his own heart and put it in your right hand.

In that dream, you saw Andrew was standing in front of you. He smiled and looked very handsome. But suddenly, his hand broke into your chest and pulled out your heart. You could feel an excruciating pain in your left chest. Your blood was oozing, and your heart that was on Andrew's hand was still beating. He then squeezed it and it destroyed. You were surprised and looked at him in disbelief. You were about too cry and confront him about why did he do that.

But strangely, he then pulled out his own heart and put it in your hand. He stared at you as if he was begging you but you didn't know what he begged from you. After that, suddenly you could feel someone pulled your wrist from your back. You turned around to see who was that. And you woke up.

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Shinhwa will appear soon >_> I'm afraid OTL


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KissStar #1
Loved the story.... I hope you'll update it soon...