Cliff, Sunset, and You

What Is Love

The next morning.

You ran out of your home and hopped in into Andrew’s car once you heard his horn “yelling” at you.

“Good morning.” You greeted him.

He smiled and looked as handsome as always. “Good morning. So, where should we go?”he asked. You tapped your chin and think.

“From my house, we should go straight into an Indian reservation near the forest. And then when I say that you should pull over the car, you have to do it.”you said smilingly toward him.

He tilted his head and started the engine. “And the forest we go.”he said as he stepped on the gas pedal and made the car go.


“You can’t be serious.”he said.

You just shrugged as you taking off your clothes. “You said you want some fun and this is the best fun you can afford in Phoenix.”

“But Ash, this cliff’s height is definitely more than 30 meters.”he whined. You were finished taking off your clothes and left with your undergarment only while he was still full-dressed.

“C’mon, Drew! Don’t be such crybaby. I’ve done this so many times before. I guarantee you that this is safe.” you tried to convince him. Andrew sighed and paced back and forth with hands on his hips. He didn’t like the idea of free jump from more-than-30-meters cliff.

“Are you afraid of height?”you asked. He shook her head. “Then why you don’t want to do it?”you asked again. This time with more demanding tone.

“It’s not that safe. No safety tools.”he said. He looked at you and found that you were standing at the edge of the cliff already.

“Ash, don’t.” he warned you.

You just smiled and shrugged. “Don’t let me have the all fun, please. And if you manage it to follow me after this, I’m going to tell you a secret.”she winked.

He walked closer to you. “Don’t jump.”

But too late, you threw yourself to the air. You screamed when your body was floating in the open air like a meteor, but it was a scream of joy, not fear. The wind blew and tried in vain to resist the gravity. It pushed you and twisted your body in spiral like a rocket crashing into the earth.

Your voice was unheard as soon as you reached the water. You looked up and saw half- Andrew was taking cue to follow you. In less than a minute, you saw his body floated in the air and going down rapidly just like you back then. His body crashed the water and was gone for few minutes. You began to worry if he wasn’t a good swimmer.

“Andrew! Andrew come up, hurry!”you yelled and searched for him on the water surface. Your hand splashed the water.

“Andrew it’s not funny, okay.”you yelled again but still, no sign of Andrew’s presence.

You gulped. What if he dived to down and got carried away by the stream? “KWON SANG-WOO I SWEAR… KYA!”you cried as your body as lifted up in the air. It was Andrew. He came up to the surface suddenly, lifted you up and put you on his shoulder.

You hit him. “You just make me worried-sick! I thought you got carried away by stream down there.”

He just laughed. “I thought you’ve done this a lot?”he joked. You puffed your cheek. He then put you down and both of you had some swimming session together.

“Hey, wanna compete to reach the water?”you asked him. He stared at you. “You can’t beat me, Ash. I’m a better swimmer than you and I’m stronger.”

You splashed water to him. “Pffft! Show off!”

“Noob swimmer!”he stuck out his tongue and splashed you back. Both of you played water war for few times before reaching the beach together.

You walked away to go back to the cliff when he pulled your wrist. “The sun was about to set, let’s watch it together.” You nodded and stood in front of him. He put his hands on your shoulder as you two watching the sun set together.

The sun was slipping down in the west when you felt his chin was rested on your shoulder. “Our first sunset.” He whispered and kissed your bare shoulder. You could feel your blood was running up from your feet to your head.

You stepped forth suddenly and walked away from him. “C’mon! It’ll be dark soon.” You said. Little did you know that behind you, he watched your back as he was smiling happily with his thumb rubbed his lips.


He pulled over once you two arrived in front of your house. You went out of the car. “Thank you for today. Don’t forget to come here tomorrow around two.”

He smiled and nodded. “I’m the one who should thank you. But you’re welcome. Anyway, tomorrow might be my last day so make it special, okay?”

“Of course. Now go before you wake up the whole neighborhood.” You said.

You then walked into your house and stayed at behind the window as you watched him left your house. You felt your heart again. It was thumping so hard when you remembered his kiss on your shoulder.

You giggled and went to your room immediately. The day was great and you wished that everything could go smoothly, especially your relationship with him though you were still building it up. You walked to your calender and wrote something on today's date. After that you left to bathroom to washed up before you go to bed.

It was 'Cliff, Sunset, and You' that written on your calendar.

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Shinhwa will appear soon >_> I'm afraid OTL


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KissStar #1
Loved the story.... I hope you'll update it soon...