BY MYSELF ♣ I say my love ,send away my love







This is not an update, as you can see it.
I know, I'm being slow again with the updates and I'm really sorry T.T 
Actually, I'm here to make an announce that you would probably dislike : indeed, I won't be updating for the next two (or three weeks ?). The reason is; my cousin from Germany whom I don't get to see often is coming to visit me for the whole week and I have the intention to spend the maximum of my time with her since I don't get to see her often. She will be staying here from the 23rd to the 29th June. Then, why did I say 2/3 weeks then ? Well, I'm actually leaving on vacation with my family the 30th during two or three weeks in southern France to the sea :3
It's just a notice though. I will still try my best to update the 29th June when my cousin will leave but I can't promise anything since I still have my luggage and all to prepare >.< If I don't update then I'll be writing the next chapters during my vacations and maybe finish it so I can update a lot faster when I'll come back~ 
Once again, I'm really sorry for not updating ;A; 
Please forgive me huhu~ See you soon ♥
ps: as always, thank you for your support ♥
Hey guys ! So, I woke up early this morning before my cousin's arrival and had the time to write the 5th chapter !  But I'm telling you beforehand, since I wrote it quickly, the chapter is really lame T^T The chapter is not edited though, I'll edit as soon as possible ^^'
Daylights shone through the hospital room, reflecting itself on the girl’s sleeping face. She stirred a bit in her bed then slowly regained consciousness. As she opened her eyes lazily, she frowned seeing the unfamiliar environment around her. That was definitely not her bedroom. She looked around just to see another empty bed beside hers, two bedside tables, a TV hanging on the plain white wall together with two doors. She assumed that one will lead her to the bathroom while the other one will lead her outside. What am I doing here ? As if on cue, the door which lead outside opened just for her to see a woman in a white blouse peeking her head inside. Her eyes widened seeing her daughter awake and her expression was torn by worries. 
« Soo Yeon honey ! You’re awake ! Are you okay ? How do you feel ? Oh my god, do you know how worried I was when I heard that you fainted ?  » she said as she cupped Sooyeon’s face. The younger rolled her eyes, feeling dizzy all of a sudden because of her mother.
« I’m okay as you can see mom, don’t worry. » she sighed.
Sooyeon’s eyes widened when suddenly her mom embraced tightly and even more when she felt warm drop of liquid on her shoulder. She frowned, not understanding what was going on. She just fainted due to tiredness right ? « Mom ? What are you doing ? Hey ! I’m fine ! » she assured but her mother cried even harder after that. « Mom, what’s going on ? Tell me ! » She gently pushed her away to wipe the tears that stained her face away. « Hum no… I was just so worried honey. Rest now. I have to check on the other patients. » she stood up while kissing Sooyeon’s forehead before going out. 
The frown on Sooyeon’s face didn’t disappear despite her mother’s reassurance. She felt odd somehow but shrugged that feeling off as she felt the fatigue regain her once again. 
After taking a short nap, boredom gained her as she decided to walk around the hospital while going toward the playroom where she used to come every weekends to play with the kids at the hospital. She loved children. Somehow, they have the power to make her feel better immediately with just a smile. They were her escape during the most difficult time of her life, especially after her break up with Chen. The room was left slightly ajar so she could peek inside just to see them play the family‘s game inside. Sooyeon laughed softly at their innocence and her eyes softened when she saw a little girl playing alone in the corner. 
« Can I join you ? It’s so boring outside with the adults. » she said jokingly as she sneaked inside. Their eyes brightened as soon as they saw her standing there. « SOOYEON ! » they shouted before running toward her to acclaim their usual hugs. « What are you guys playing ? So, can I join you ? ». They nodded excitedly before pulling her down to sit and explained today’s scenario for the family’s game. 
« No ! I’ll be the father ! I want to be Sooyeon noona’s husband ! » one of the boys exclaimed only for another one to protest. « What ? No ! You already played the father’s role last week ! My turn ! ». She can only laugh at their silliness. Her smile faded a bit when she saw that the little girl from earlier hadn’t move even an inch. « Okay okay guys calm down. Both of you will get that role okay ? Just decide calmly who’s doing it first while I’m going to see you friend over there and ask her if she want to join okay ? » she said softly while ruffling one of the kid’s hair. 
However, as she wanted to stand up, a little girl grabbed her wrist to stop her. « Unnie, it’s useless. We already asked her a lot of time but she didn’t want to. She was alone the whole month. » she whispered into the older girl’s ear. Sooyeon glanced at the girl who sat alone and sighed. Indeed, she seemed really lonely. « She’s just shy. Let me talk to her okay ? »
Sooyeon stood up and walked toward that little girl before she tapped her shoulder softly to have her attention. However, her eyes widened once again when she saw the familiar face which stared right back at her with a surprised expression as well. « Ji-Ji Hae ? What are you doing here ? » she frowned, seeing the difference she had with the bubbly Jihae she saw just a few months ago. 
The little Ji Hae she knew overflowed with energy and joy and was the little girl every other parents envied of. That Ji Hae she’s seeing here was extremely pale and skinny. Her eyes weren’t bright anymore. Instead, they were sad and as soon as she saw Sooyeon, her eyes teared up before she hugged her tightly. « Unnie… » she sobbed. « Let’s go outside okay ? » she took her hand in hers and led her outside.
They sat down on a bench in the hospital’s garden. Sooyeon took the little girl’s hands in hers while gazing at her gently. « What are you doing here Ji Hae ? Are you feeling unwell somewhere ? » she asked worriedly. Jihae looked down sadly and sighed. « I don’t know. I’m just having difficulties while breathing since a month ago. The nurses told me that I’ve to stay here until it get better. » 
She frowned once again. 
« What are you doing alone ? Where is  Jongdae ? » 
« Oppa is at school and he told me he will come later. »
« What about your parents ? I mean, your mom isn’t working right ? »
Without any warning, Jihae’s eyes swelled with tears again which made the older girl’s heart stop. « Jihae-ah… What’s going on ? » she asked as for the second time that day, she felt something odd again. 
« Mom left us after my parents divorced two months ago… »
« Wh-what ?! »
Before she can get an answer, Jihae was yanked up and pushed behind someone. Shocked, Sooyeon looked up just to meet with Chen’s cold eyes which looked at her with hate, making her flinch.
« What the hell are you doing here ? » 
Oh ! Did I mention it ? Ji Hae is also Kim Jong Dae's little sister.


★彡 I told you it was lame T^T
Now I'm going to hide myself~  彡★
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I had the time to update the 5th chapter of « By Myself » finally ! Check it out ! :)


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Chapter 12: waaaaa This chapter is heart breaking!!! Thank god she didn't leave yet hehehe. But now both of them is heart broken ;_____;
Chapter 12: it's worth waiting ^^
get well soon ^^
Chapter 12: Will wait patiently!

Get better soon!!
an update ;W; OMG authornim LET ME LOVE YOU!!! (please don't freak out -_-)
why does my heart hurts? AUTHORNIM WHY DOES MY HEART HURTS SO MUCH??!!
p.s. angry kris is *cough *cough y *cough -/////-
update soon ne? *u*
idontsing-ismile #5
Chapter 11: Love it!~ Hope they manage to get her back soon though ^^ cant wait for the next update~
Chapter 11: Ohhh i am so glad i understand now!!!

Great update!

Do it again! Update!"!
Chapter 11: OOOOOOO I love it! Update soon c;
Chapter 10: Updaaaaaateeeee~~ :DDD
Ohmygosh! I'm so happy~~ :D

YES. You go Kris! You tell it to him! XD
I wonder where Sooyeon went. >.<

I can't wait for the next chapter! :D
SUNBAENIM ;__; (may I call you sunbaenim? cause seriously I want to be able to write like you!)
don't worry! the chapter was worth the wait :) keep up the good job (^__^)b
Chapter 10: Why did they break up then!?
