BY MYSELF ♣ I say my love ,send away my love



« I’m asking you to tell her to screw off quickly. »
This time, her heart shattered completely. Her world collapsed and crumbled in little pieces. Tears were threatening to roll down her cheeks but she held it all inside. I definitely won’t appear weak in front of him. I’m a strong and independent girl. I don’t need him by my side anymore. She kept chanting it inside her head until she got distracted by Kris’s movements. Before she could even react, he went over Chen and grabbed his collar while starring at him with anger. Soo Yeon stood up and her hand immediately found his, afraid of what he might do if she didn’t do anything. She knew that Chen is Kris's best friend whom he was really attached to since a lot of years. She didn’t want them to break that precious friendship just because of her. She looked onto Kris’s eyes with a pleading gaze while she shook her head lightly to tell him not to do anything he would regret later.
« Kris… don’t. Please. » she whispered as she squeezed his hand softly but it happened that Kris was a really stubborn person. « Jung Soo Yeon, don’t you dare to stop me. I have to teach that jerk a lesson. I’ve had enough. ». Chen scoffed once again as he didn’t even try to escape his friend’s grip. 
« And so ? What are you going to do Yi Fan ? Punch me ? Come on ! Just do it ! Just punch your best friend ! Because it seems like you’re choosing that over me, over us, your best friends ! » he yelled, startling everyone, including Soo Yeon and the rest of EXO who were by now by their side, trying to ease the tension between the two. Never had they seen Chen like this. He was always the smiling, sweet and caring type of guy who would never curse but here he is, cursing her. The one he had once called his soul mate.
Those words set Kris off once and for all as he got ready to throw a punch at his best friend’s face but stopped when he saw that Soo Yeon got in between them, closing her eyes as his fist stopped a few inch away from her face. « HYUUUNG ! » all the members of EXO cried as they tried to take him away from Chen while Joo Ae shrieked and ran to him to check if he wasn’t hurt.
On the other side, Soo Yeon took a deep breath before turning around and facing the couple, or more specifically, Chen. Her hand flew across his cheeks and the sound of that slap could be heard in the whole cafeteria. He brought a hand where she slapped him and man, yeah it hurt like hell. He immediately scowled at her as he looked at her, his eyes full of anger.
« Did you just… slapped me ? » he scoffed.
« Jerk. » she muttered. « That you’re talking about is in front of you. If you need to tell me something, then just do it directly instead of bothering your friends you coward. » she said as she stared coldly onto his eyes. The same pair of eyes that once looked at her softly, that once showed her so much love. Guess it was all fake after all.
With that, she stormed out of the cafeteria without bothering to pay attention to anyone else. Here she thought that she would come back to school as if anything was wrong. Things had gone wrong as soon as she stepped on the school ground already.
By myself, i say my love, send away my love
In the folds of the lonely accumulated Memories, the tears hang
« SOO YEON ! JUNG SOO YEON ! OPEN THAT DAMN DOOR BEFORE I BREAK IT ! » Kris shouted from outside.  Mrs. Jung was at home just in time when she saw her daughter storming in their house with a tears stained face before locking herself in the bedroom. It has been 3 hours now and yet, she didn’t gave in to all her mother’s plead to let her enter. In despair, she called Kris who was coincidentally on his way to her home. Since she had to go back to work, she didn’t have any choice but to let Kris take care of her daughter.
« YAH! I’m really doing it ! ONE… TWO… THR- »
The bedroom’s door flew open and before he could even react, he was yanked in it. « Aish… so noisy. » she muttered before she regained her bed once again and sat on it while hugging her knees tightly and reposing her head on them. With a sigh, he closed the door and walked to her, encircling her waist and took her in a comfortable embrace. « It’s okay to cry. Do it until you can’t anymore, I’ll be there for you Princess. » he whispered softly in her ear as and kissed her forehead. Having no strength left, she exploded on his chest as uncontrollable tears ran down continuously on her cheeks. 
« It-it hurts Oppa… What should I-I do ? I wanted to be s-strong in from of h-him but but seems like I c-can’t… W-why am I so weak ?  Look at me now. I‘m so pathetic. » she sobbed.
« Don’t say that. This jerk definitely doesn’t deserve your tears Soo Yeon. You’re the most amazing girl I‘ve ever met Sooyeon. Every other girls should be jealous of you and I’m not only telling you this because I’m your best friend. I really mean what I just said. Kim Jong Dae, that coward guy don’t know what’s his loss now.  In my eyes, you, Jung Soo Yeon are perfect. The guy you will get married to will be really lucky to have you. You’ll see soon, there will be a bunch of boys in front of your door, begging you to let them make a way into your heart now that Chen backed off. » he said while rocking her body back and forth. 
Soo Yeon chuckled lightly between her sobs and hit his chest playfully. « It’s crazy how you always manage to bring some light in the darkest moments of my life… I don’t know what I would have become without you Oppa. ». She snuggled herself deeper into his firm chest. It feels really natural for both of them, being like this in each other embrace. His arms around her made her feel protected from everything around her, and she felt safe. 
« Well… I don’t know. Good question. I wonder how you’ll live without that amazing and handsome best friend of yours. » he said playfully, earning a light blow on his ribs. 
« I’m okay now Kris Oppa. Thank you for staying by my side… »
« Don’t say it. Best friend are made for that right ? » he her cheeks as he gazed onto her eyes softly, feeling butterflies in his stomach go wild again. « By the way, I think you have to have a talk with your mother when she will come back. You made her so worried earlier but she had to go because an emergency came up at the hospital. »
« Oh great… »


Since that day, she has been avoiding Chen. She would turn around quickly and walk away as soon as her radar detected him. She also stopped eating with EXO members since she knew that he would be there too with his new girlfriend Joo Ae. 
Since the tension between Kris and him hadn’t cool down  yet, Kris would eat with her in a corner of the cafeteria every single days no matter how much the others insisted for them to eat together at the same table unless they were the one to join them at their new table while Chen and Joo Ae would eat at the usual table. Truthfully, Soo Yeon couldn’t care less about Chen but the things is that she felt really bad for breaking their relationship. The EXO members also slowly distanced themselves from her since that day. Instead of choking her with hugs each time they would come across her as usual, they would only nod at her and make their way through the hallway without looking back. It hurts but she knew that she deserved it : she was the one who’s breaking the group apart. Of course they had every right to be mad at her. 
Today again she sat with Kris in the corner they’re now using to eat everyday and she would catch Kris glancing at EXO’s table from time to time. She knew that even though he was being sincere when he said that he would be by her side no matter what, he also missed his friends. His expression turned dark and hurt every time laugh roared from their table like just seconds ago.
« Go. » she said calmly while digging into her food.
« What ? » he was surprised at her sudden word.
« I can see that you miss being with them a lot Oppa. Just go on ! I’ll be fine by myself don’t worry. Plus, I finished eating and I have to go retrieve something in my locker for the next subject. » she grinned at him but frowned as soon as she saw him shook his head telling her that he won’t be going there. « Oppa. Come on ! Or I’ll get mad at you ! It has been such a long time since you last hung out with them. I feel really bad already so please, make my day and go over there and catch up with them ! »
« YAH you brat. Are you telling me that because you’re sick of seeing me ? »
« Yeah yeah… if you say so. So now go before I get really mad » she threatened while pouting cutely at him.
« Fine you won. » he sighed.
He went over their table and fortunately, Chen and Joo Ae weren’t there. He turned around after greeting his happy best friends only to see the empty table which was earlier occupied by Soo Yeon. He frowned but shrugged it since he remember her saying that she needed to retrieve something in her locker. 
Meanwhile, Sooyeon was heading toward her lockers but she suddenly heard strange noise from the school’s yard. Of course, curiosity took over her and as the saying said : curiosity killed the cat. She got around a tree only to see Shin Joo Ae all over Chen. In other words; they were making out. Her heart clenched in pain once again and decided to leave but luck definitely wasn’t on her side once again as she accidentally stepped on a branch which cracked under her weight, gaining unwanted attention from the two lovers. Chen had his eyes wide in horror as he saw her while Joo Ae glared at her for interrupting their intimate moment. Sooyeon muttered a short apology before turning back and walk away. For a short moment, he got flustered and forgot everything and wanted to go after her when she left but was retained back by his girlfriend. Why the hell would I go after her ?
« Oppa where do you think you’re going ? »
« N-nowhere. »
Even if you're far away, i hope that you'll be happy
I bury my love deeply within my heart
★彡 Second chapter is up !
It's 0:36 AM and I'm just so tired and lazy to check if there's any grammar or other fault >.< I'll do it tomorrow ! :)
What do you guys think about this chapter ?
I have some questions for you, because I need your opinion. 

Are the chapters too long ? Should I reduce it ?

Do you think that there's so many color for the conversations ? Should I just write it in black ?彡★


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I had the time to update the 5th chapter of « By Myself » finally ! Check it out ! :)


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Chapter 12: waaaaa This chapter is heart breaking!!! Thank god she didn't leave yet hehehe. But now both of them is heart broken ;_____;
Chapter 12: it's worth waiting ^^
get well soon ^^
Chapter 12: Will wait patiently!

Get better soon!!
an update ;W; OMG authornim LET ME LOVE YOU!!! (please don't freak out -_-)
why does my heart hurts? AUTHORNIM WHY DOES MY HEART HURTS SO MUCH??!!
p.s. angry kris is *cough *cough y *cough -/////-
update soon ne? *u*
idontsing-ismile #5
Chapter 11: Love it!~ Hope they manage to get her back soon though ^^ cant wait for the next update~
Chapter 11: Ohhh i am so glad i understand now!!!

Great update!

Do it again! Update!"!
Chapter 11: OOOOOOO I love it! Update soon c;
Chapter 10: Updaaaaaateeeee~~ :DDD
Ohmygosh! I'm so happy~~ :D

YES. You go Kris! You tell it to him! XD
I wonder where Sooyeon went. >.<

I can't wait for the next chapter! :D
SUNBAENIM ;__; (may I call you sunbaenim? cause seriously I want to be able to write like you!)
don't worry! the chapter was worth the wait :) keep up the good job (^__^)b
Chapter 10: Why did they break up then!?
