BY MYSELF ♣ I say my love ,send away my love


Nineth Part

Tic toc tic toc.

Raindrop’s sound could be heard as they crashed against the window. There, stood Chen motionlessly while everything else was silent.  The clock displayed that it was already 3AM, but no matter how much he tried, he couldn’t get himself to close his eyes and sleep a little while. Instead he just stood at his window, watching the thunderstorm raging outside, just like the past two weeks since his ex-girlfriend’s disappearance.  How could he even allow himself to sleep when he knows that the reason she left was because of him? Thunderbolts could be heard, thus describing his actual feelings.  Guilt, loneliness, emptiness, anger, regrets. People are saying that it’s only once you lose something that you realize how much it is precious and it has revealed to be true to Kim Jong Dae too. He realized only now that his method was wrong, how much of a jerk and a coward he was and above all, that no matter how much he loved her, he would never deserve her heart. Not anymore, not after what he has done to her. Of course, over the past months, he has noticed how she had slimmed down. Not only that, her eyes seemed off and her smiles didn’t even reach her eyes.  Mrs. Jung was right; Soo Yeon lived like a dead person for the past few weeks, faking her smiles to show every body how strong she was while in fact she was broken inside and that, more and more each day because of him.  Her, who had always been a bright and cheerful person, became a depressed one because of him.

Chen knocked his head against the window in frustration. It’s been two weeks since Soo Yeon’s disappearance and nobody could find her. No matter how much they tried. Especially him. He had gone to every place he could think of, places where they had been together but still; he couldn’t find any trace of her nor her mother.  He sighed as he started to go back toward his bed when a light emitting from his phone caught his attention and he frowned. Who the hell could call him at three freaking o’clock in the morning? As he took his phone, getting ready to scold that person (even if he wasn’t sleeping), his eyes scanned over the caller’s ID by reflex and his eyes widened as soccer.


Coffee Princess Soo Yeon


What? His hands started so tremble as he saw her name on the screen. What should he say ? What should he begin with? Apologizing? Begging her to come back? How lame… how can you expect her to come back when you’re the very person who pushed her away? He pressed the ‘answer’ button nervously and brought his phone to his ear.

« H-hello ?  Soo Yeon ? »
« Jongdae-ah ! »
he sighed in deception as he didn’t recognize her voice. Instead, the one on the line was the person he hated the most. He wanted to hang up immediately but reminded himself that now is his only chance to find Soo Yeon.
« Wh-… » he didn’t have the time to say anything that she cut him and what she said made his heart stop immediately. No.  Immediately, he ran to his closet and brought out his jacket and ran outside.  « I’ll call back later Mrs. Jung. Please call the other members quickly too. »



« Jongdae-ah! Soo Yeon is missing! She ran away from the hospital and I can’t find her anywhere! You’re the one who know her the best, please help me! By now she might have arrived in Seoul already !»



He went to the train station but the last arrival from Gwangju happened 3 hours ago and since her mother told him that she really did take the train to Seoul, she should be here somewhere. He had kept contact with the other members who had also gone out to help him find her but none of them were succesful until now, even Kris.  In the end, they got back to their home at 7AM, thinking that there’s a possibility  that they missed her and that perhaps, she could have wanted to go to one of them. But Chen, who was still searching for her in Seoul, felt desesperate as Kris and the others called him, saying that she wasn’t there.  In the end, he also gave up and went back home as he had to go back to the hospital to see his little sister. Luckily, they were now on holidays so he didn’t have to go to school.

But, what he didn’t expect while going back home is to find someone, crouched on the ground at his door, eyes closed and trying to protect herself as much as possible from the cold. Even though the situation wasn’t propice, he couldn’t help but smile as he heard that person cursing herself for not having thought of putting warmer clothe on.  But then, he remembered the circumstances and his eyes teared up, seeing her. Since how long was she waiting ?

« S-Soo Yeon-ah… »

Then, she looked up at him and at this moment, he never felt so alive. As she stood up, he ran to her and took her into his warm  embrace, taking in the scent that he has missed so much. Screw everything, now you’re back. But what she did next broke his heart. She pushed him away harshly, looking at him with so much pain and depesperation as tears flowed down her cheeks. Only now, he remarked that she didn’t hug him back. What did you expect Kim Jong Dae ?

« Jerk. Coward. I hate you ! » she shouted as she brought her fists to hit his chest.

The girl that he was dying to see for the past few weeks finally reapeared in front of him but yet, she seemed farther than ever. 


Wahouu, it's been months ! So many thing happened since the last update. I got into high school and oh my... I feel like dying because of all the homeworks and all @.@  Now that I'm on vacation and that I don't have any problem with writer's block, I can finally update~ I'm really sorry for keeping the wait that long T^T  And about the story, it feels like I'm rushing  , but it was supposed to be a short story so yeah... Are you still there guys ? ♥  

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I had the time to update the 5th chapter of « By Myself » finally ! Check it out ! :)


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Chapter 12: waaaaa This chapter is heart breaking!!! Thank god she didn't leave yet hehehe. But now both of them is heart broken ;_____;
Chapter 12: it's worth waiting ^^
get well soon ^^
Chapter 12: Will wait patiently!

Get better soon!!
an update ;W; OMG authornim LET ME LOVE YOU!!! (please don't freak out -_-)
why does my heart hurts? AUTHORNIM WHY DOES MY HEART HURTS SO MUCH??!!
p.s. angry kris is *cough *cough y *cough -/////-
update soon ne? *u*
idontsing-ismile #5
Chapter 11: Love it!~ Hope they manage to get her back soon though ^^ cant wait for the next update~
Chapter 11: Ohhh i am so glad i understand now!!!

Great update!

Do it again! Update!"!
Chapter 11: OOOOOOO I love it! Update soon c;
Chapter 10: Updaaaaaateeeee~~ :DDD
Ohmygosh! I'm so happy~~ :D

YES. You go Kris! You tell it to him! XD
I wonder where Sooyeon went. >.<

I can't wait for the next chapter! :D
SUNBAENIM ;__; (may I call you sunbaenim? cause seriously I want to be able to write like you!)
don't worry! the chapter was worth the wait :) keep up the good job (^__^)b
Chapter 10: Why did they break up then!?
