BY MYSELF ♣ I say my love ,send away my love



She sat there on the windowsill, motionless while watching raindrops crash against her window. Raindrops. She took a liking on them nowadays and even wished that she could be just like them. Falling from the sky, sometimes described as the paradise, and crash against the ground. Just like her but at least, any of the raindrop fall alone. Instead, there were thousand other raindrops accompanying it each time. A few weeks ago, she was still happy and complete. In his arms, it seemed like being on a little cloud. It seemed like she was in  paradise but then, that perfect world suddenly collapsed, making her crash to the ground and it seems like her life doesn’t have any meaning anymore. Nothing made sense anymore since Chen broke up with her and unlike raindrops, she was alone this time, crashing to the ground and broken as ever but as if the sky understood her, it didn’t stop raining since then, just as how the tears didn’t stop flowing down her pink cheeks all that time. The thing is, the more tears fall from her eyes, the more the hatred and anger toward him grew in her as much as the love she still felt for him. Tonight was the last time she would be there, sulking and crying her heart out. Finally, she told herself that love was only a simple ephemeral illusion.
With confident steps, Soo Yeon entered the school’s busy hallway for the first time in a month. All heads turned toward her with surprised eyes. It was completely quiet for a few seconds before whispers started to overflow the hallway, with the students still looking at her. She didn’t even have to listen as she already know that their conversations were all about her. Of course, the school president who was missing class for a whole month without any notice finally came back to school. She should have known that she wouldn’t be unnoticed. She tried her best to put on a wide smile while she greeted some of her classmates who were passing by and fortunately soon after, the entire hallway resumed their activities, not minding her anymore. The young girl sighed in relief as the whole staring thing began to make her uncomfortable and walked toward her classroom and this time, it was the whole classroom which turned silent. She swear, she could even hear a fly in the back but two persons suddenly stood up and broke the silence with their cries.
Soo Yeon !   cried Chanyeol as he ran to her to claim a hug which he missed so much.
YAH ! Jung Soo Yeon ! Where have you been all this time ?!  shouted Luhan with tearful eyes, joining the hug.
Uh yeah… h-hi to you too C-Chanyeol and Luhan. I’m happy to see you two too but would you mind getting off of me ? You’re suffocating me down here kiddo. she whined, trying to push them away but they wouldn’t budge until she started to choke. 
Sorry, we just got so excited seeing you here again said Luhan as he scratched his head while smiling sheepishly.
But you really ! You’re too much ! Where the hell have you been ? We were searching like everywhere but nothing ! Even Ch-… complained Chanyeol as his voice trailed down seeing her froze a bit expression at the mention of his friend’s name. Oh crap, he made a mistake again. Of course they knew about their break up but decided that they shouldn’t ever bring the subject up again.
Yeah…  Kris oppa told me. I’m sorry. I needed some fresh air so I went to Jeju island to visit my aunt for a while. But hey! I'm back ! she smiled, surprisingly unfazed by the mention of Chen’s name earlier even though her heart twitched painfully for a few seconds inside but she didn’t let it show. She hated it when someone see her weak side.
Ah so that’s it-… WAIT WHAT ?! KRIS HYUNG ?!
She nodded, confusing as she saw how worked up they looked as she mentioned Kris. Weren’t they good friend ? Or did it change ? What the hell did she miss during the period she missed school ?
Do you mean that Kris was still in contact with you during that time and he knew about everything ? He knew where you were all that time ? » asked a Luhan as his eyes were wide as D.O’s. « AISH !  I can’t believe it ! He let us sulking all this time over you and didn’t even mind to tell us ?! That brat ! »
She giggled softly. Don’t be mad at him. I asked oppa not to tell anyone. It was my fault. she admitted. 
Don’t you dare to do that ever again Jung Soo Yeon ! We’ll definitely not forgive you that easily next time ! he pouted cutely at her while crossing his arms. 
Okay okay. I promise. Sorry again.  she chuckled again while ruffling his hair. 


Even so ! Hyung, you were so mean ! You let us search like that and didn’t even bother yourself to tell us ! » Tao, the youngest pouted. Kris began to chuckle once again. Seeing their face after the revelation of him knowing everything about her being since the beginning was so funny.
I’m sorry, but it was so enjoying seeing all of you all worked up. » he said between laugh as the other glared at him but he didn’t mind. 
Bad hyung. Karma will hit you someday, you'll see ” Sehun muttered.
Kris then took Sooyeon by her wrist and yanked her to him and greet her with a tight embrace he didn’t get to have since a month not bothering about Tao's complain. Welcome back Baby Princess.

There. There he was again being all flirtatious again. From the corner of her eyes, she could see some girls shooting glares at her for being hugged by Wu Yi Fan, aka Kris himself.  With that surname, the way both of them talk to each other, walk hand in hand and even the way they  hug each other affectingly, everyone would thought that both of them were dating because Kris was well known as a cold person who only warm up to the persons he loves. Well, it’s not the case. In fact, Kris and her grew up together and were really close since then so holding hand, hugging each other and giving such surname was just formalities between them. They didn’t care about what the other think as long as the two of them were fine with that. However, that kind of relationship caused many quarrels before. Kris with his ex-girlfriends and Soo Yeon with Chen and his stupid jealousy. 
Chen… now that she thinks about him. She couldn’t even think of a reason why he’s been such an back then during their quarrels because she had  ‘oh so many skinship' with Kris. Did he ever really love her like she believed he did ? Or was it really all fake as a simple game for him ? Aish… Jung Soo Yeon, here you go again. Get a hold of yourself and don’t think of that bastard again. 
It seems like luck was on her side at that moment because as soon as she thought about him, she heard his voice, yelling for Baekhyun’s name. And she froze, not daring to turn around and look at him at first. If she did so, she knew that all her defense and fake strong façade will collapse and she didn’t want to. She refused to look weak in front of him. She wanted to show him how strong she was, how well she took their break up, how well she’s living without him. That’s when she noticed the other look at her warily, afraid of her reaction. Oh great. Much to their surprise, a wide grin drew itself on her lips and she turned around toward Chen to who froze at the sight of his ex-girlfriend. Sighing, he approached their table without even bothering to return her smile. She felt her heart squeezing in pain again but ignored it. Kris, who was sitting beside her took her hand in his under the table, squeezing it lightly to comfort her. In return, she smiled at him, telling him that she was okay now. Of course, he didn’t trust her. He wasn’t an idiot. Even though she’s showing off that strong façade of her, he knew that his best friend is suffering deep down inside her and he wanted to ease that pain.
Please, just pass by pretending like you don't see me
Please, don't even give me a glance
In the days that are like the sandy winds
Don't give anything to me
What is she doing here ? Chen asked coldly, digging into his food as soon as he sat down, not bothering to pay any attention to anyone.
Isn’t it obvious ? We’re eating, like how we did since forever. Chanyeol grinned and before anyone could say anything, a girl with long brown hair arrived in front of their table. Without hesitation, she went toward Chen and started to cling onto him. Soo Yeon’s heart missed a beat when she saw him initiating a kiss with the girl.
Oppa, what is she doing here ?
Shin Joo Ae was not unknown to Soo Yeon. She was one of those popular girl who got along with all the popular ones and who despised all the others who weren’t the same rank as her. She was rich, her parents were powerful, she’s beautiful, intelligent and the list still goes on. Too bad, nobody can tell the same about her personality. 
She’s eating with us. Like old times huh Yeonnie ? said Suho as he encircled her with an arm by her shoulder. She nodded, smiling back at him.
Chen scoffed and the next thing he said made all the members gawk at him, shocked. Well… Joo Ae is joining us today but seems like there isn’t enough place. Could you please tell your "friend" to finish off quickly ? I need to talk to you about a project.. privately.
That did it. Kris shot up from his chair, startling everyone. His fist were curled into a ball and we could see his white knuckles. There were two more chairs at the table‘s end. What did you just say ?. Chen raised his eyebrow amusingly while crossing his arms. A strong tension was now present across the whole cafeteria. 
I’m asking you to tell her to screw off quickly.
Folding away my one heart
Hiding my one tear
Like it's the first time we've seen each other, like we're strangers
Just pass by. It has to be like that. 
★彡 SO ! First chapter  is up ! (:
I'm sorry if there is grammar fault ;w; English is not my first language so there might be a few spelling/grammar errors. If that's the case, please don't hesitate to notify me the error and I will correct it right away~ I'm sorry for the long wait too but great news : I finished all my exams and I'm in holidays up to september haha :3  I'm FREEEE *o*
What do you think of that chapter ? Feedbacks are appreciated and I will take time to answer all of your comments ^.^ See you and thanks for supporting me ♥ 
ps: BTW, I changed the main girl's name~ I liked Jung Soo Yeon more than Hwang Sun Kyu ^^' 彡★
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I had the time to update the 5th chapter of « By Myself » finally ! Check it out ! :)


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Chapter 12: waaaaa This chapter is heart breaking!!! Thank god she didn't leave yet hehehe. But now both of them is heart broken ;_____;
Chapter 12: it's worth waiting ^^
get well soon ^^
Chapter 12: Will wait patiently!

Get better soon!!
an update ;W; OMG authornim LET ME LOVE YOU!!! (please don't freak out -_-)
why does my heart hurts? AUTHORNIM WHY DOES MY HEART HURTS SO MUCH??!!
p.s. angry kris is *cough *cough y *cough -/////-
update soon ne? *u*
idontsing-ismile #5
Chapter 11: Love it!~ Hope they manage to get her back soon though ^^ cant wait for the next update~
Chapter 11: Ohhh i am so glad i understand now!!!

Great update!

Do it again! Update!"!
Chapter 11: OOOOOOO I love it! Update soon c;
Chapter 10: Updaaaaaateeeee~~ :DDD
Ohmygosh! I'm so happy~~ :D

YES. You go Kris! You tell it to him! XD
I wonder where Sooyeon went. >.<

I can't wait for the next chapter! :D
SUNBAENIM ;__; (may I call you sunbaenim? cause seriously I want to be able to write like you!)
don't worry! the chapter was worth the wait :) keep up the good job (^__^)b
Chapter 10: Why did they break up then!?
