BY MYSELF ♣ I say my love ,send away my love




It was a summer afternoon, three years ago when they first met officially. Even though they would go across each another every days in the school‘s hallway, never had they acknowledged each other presence. Of course, Soo Yeon knew about Chen and the other EXO members since they were after all part of those popular guys that people call kingka nowadays. But she never bothered herself to pay attention to them because she thought that popular guys would never bring her anything but problems.  The only exception was, of course, Kris who was her best friend whom she had know since her childhood. 
That particular afternoon during her break, Soo Yeon found herself daydreaming at a table in the corner of the little coffee shop where she worked part-time. A light breeze of wind caressed her face as she was dozing between two worlds while she let herself being lulled by the sweet symphony of the silence which sounded like a lullaby. She never liked noises. Instead, Sooyeon was a person who would go and spend her time somewhere quiet so she wouldn’t to be bothered by anyone. Lucky her, there was nobody here at that time except her and two of her colleagues who were too busy gossiping around in the kitchen. 
Her peace was however interrupted when she heard someone knock on her table softly. Immediately, she raised up her head to look at that person only to chock herself with her coffee a few moment after she realized who that person was. Standing there was Kim Jong Dae aka Chen, one of her school’s kingka, smiling and looking apologetically at her. « Hum... excuse-me.. is this seat free ? May I sit here ? » he asked boldly. That was totally unexpected but little did she know, it really took all of his courage to decide to go up to her. 
Soo Yeon raised an eyebrow as she looked around the coffee shop only to see loads of empty tables beside that one where they were at. Seeing her confused expression, he immediately explained to her, not wanting her to think that he was some random creep. « I know it's weird, but I used to sit here and only here each time I come here so... ».   formed an ’O’ shape in comprehension as she gestured him to sit down in front of her.  « Feel free to. There isn't my name written on it anyway. » she said with a little grin. « Thank you. ». She had to admit, he was ridiculously good looking. No wonder why every girls fall for him at first sight. She found herself was melting at the moment when she saw his gentle eyes and his smile.
As she stood up, he quickly grabbed her wrist, preventing her from going any further. « You can sit with me, I don’t mind. I mean, I was the one who came and bothered you, I’m sorry for that so you can just stay here. ». Once again, that was totally unexpected. The fact that THE Chen was speaking to her with more than two sentences was already pretty unbelievable and now he’s telling her that he don’t mind sharing a table with her ? 
« Hum… it’s not that I don’t want to, but my break time has ended so I need to go back to work » she rubbed her neck sheepishly. « Maybe next time. » she bowed to him expecting him to let her go back to work once and for all but his next words surprised her for the umpteenth time since he began talking to her. « I’m Kim Jong Dae, but people call me Chen by the way. » he stretched her hand for her to shake. Sooyeon stood there confused a few moments before taking his warm hand in her while shaking her. « Soo Ye-... » she began to introduce herself but he cut her. « Soo Yeon, I know. Kris’s best friend. I’ve seen you a few times in school plus, Kris talking a lot about you. Nice to finally  meet you Soo Yeon.  »
Ever since that day, Chen would stop at the coffee shop as much as he can after school, sometimes bringing the other members as well and that was how she ended up bonding with those eleven kids (except Kris whom she was already close with) and much to her surprise, they weren’t anything like what she had previously thought. Of course, they caused some troubles here and there, especially Chanyeol the happy virus and the two maknaes Tao and Se Hun. However, all of them were really kind and friendly and didn’t seem like they cared about their kingka’s image at all. That’s how Soo Yeon ended up hanging out with them more and more frequently whether it was at school or outside. Surprisingly, except from the fact that the other girls would shot glares at her, her school life with EXO was relatively peaceful.  
Above all, her relationship with Chen also grew stronger as they grew closer day by day and before they even realize it; what seemed like a simple friendship at first developed itself into something more, much stronger and much deeper. They both knew it, what they felt wasn’t just a friendly feeling : it was love. The way her heart would beat in her chest as if it would explode every time she see him, the way butterflies are going wild in her stomach every time he would smile at her, the way her legs are shaking every time he hugged her. And so does he. However, she was in denial and eventually started to avoid him, thinking that her feeling would fade away if she didn’t see him for some times. She knew what she felt but her insecurities kept her away from him. Well come on, he is a kingka. Every girls would swoon or faint over  him. Chen was everything girls wanted : he was sweet, gentle, nice, kind, understanding, warm, intelligent and not to mention, ridiculously handsome. The list of his qualities goes on and never will she be able to quote all of it. He was perfect while she was just a commoner. A plain girl who can manage her grades well even though she’s not the best student. The kind of common girl  we can find at every corner. 
Chen’s patience grew thin as the days went on and ended up running out of stock after she avoided him during three whole weeks. He asked Kris about her strange behavior many time but it was in vain: even Kris didn’t have any answer for him. Of course, he didn’t trust him but since Kris was also Soo Yeon’s most loyal best friend, he knew that he wouldn’t spill the beans that easily. That’s why, one afternoon after class, he decided to face her, not letting her go until she explained what was wrong. Her acts all this time hurt him like crazy.
He was going back and forth nervously at the school entrance when he saw her exiting it carefully, looking around her. Babo, you want to avoid me again don’t you ? Quickly, he went toward her and grabbed her wrist while she let out a little squeal. « We need to talk. » he said firmly while she tried to free herself from his grip. « Wh-what ? But I need to… » « work ? ». When she nodded, he let out a loud sigh and messed his hair in frustration. Here she was, lying to him again. He didn’t know what kind of game she was trying to play these last weeks but he have had enough. He definitely wouldn’t let her win. « Don’t you dare to lie to me Jung Soo Yeon » he gritted his teeth. Her eyes widened at the tone he used. She knew him too well to ignore the fact that she knew he was really pissed. « You don’t have any shift today. Like well… the many other days you said you had to go to work ? I’m not buying your stupid excuses anymore. »
As of right now, she began to tremble a bit, still refusing to look at him. « What do you mean ? I’m busy. » she tried to break free again, only to feel his grip around her tighten but not enough to hurt her. « Don’t act as if you don’t know what I'm talking about. I’m not dumb Soo Yeon. Why were you avoiding me these last weeks ? ». Sooyeon let out a nervous laugh before slapping his arms playfully, trying to hide her nervousness. « EYY. You’re so silly Chen. Why would I avoid you ahaha » he shot her a look and she knew that he wasn’t buying what she said. Damn him for being so smart. « I was busy that’s all. My mom has an hectic schedule at the hospital and isn’t home often these days so I have to take over her and take care of…uh. Mina! Yeah Mina ! You know, my little cat. And speaking of her, it‘s time I need to fetch her so I need to go. BYE ! » and she ran away… again.
However, this time, he definitely won’t let her go before everything is settled. Or at least for him. So, before she can get out of his sight, he screamed at her : « JUNG SOO YEON ! CAN’T YOU SEE THAT I’M HURT ?! I’M IN PAIN ! » 
As if on cue, she stopped short before running back to him with wide eyes. Without waiting any further, she took his hands to examine them and when she couldn’t find any injury, she started to pat his chest gently trying to find where he was hurt. « Wh-where are you hurt ? Tell me ! » she asked worriedly. 
Suddenly, she was yanked into his chest and a few seconds after, she felt his arms sneak around her body, encircling her in his warm embrace that she missed so much. Time seemed to have stop around them. There was just Chen and her. Nothing nor nobody to bother them during their privileged moment. He then took her hand gently without letting her out of his embrace and placed it on his chest, where his heart is situated. « Here. It hurts. » he whispered in her ears as he nuzzled his head in the crook of her neck. Damn him, her heart is going to burst. « Wh-what ? » she stuttered.
He softly pulled away before he took her head in his hands while her rosy cheeks softly.  « I hate it. My heart hurts because you’re avoiding me Sooyeon. I’m going crazy Soo Yeon-ah. Please don‘t ignore me anymore. » he begged her with glistening eyes making all the walls she had built over these past weeks crumble. Seeing him so vulnerable, she cannot take it anymore and without any second thought she took him in a warm embrace again, laying her head on his chest. « I’m sorry. » She felt butterflies going wild in her stomach again when he hugged her back with an arm on her waist when the other was her hair softly as he rested his chin on her head. « I love you. ». Her whole body tensed. 
I love you. I love you. I love you.
Wait. Did Kim freaking Chen just confessed to her ?
« Me too. »
★彡 First part of the fourth chapter is up !
Click on NEXT :D 彡★
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I had the time to update the 5th chapter of « By Myself » finally ! Check it out ! :)


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Chapter 12: waaaaa This chapter is heart breaking!!! Thank god she didn't leave yet hehehe. But now both of them is heart broken ;_____;
Chapter 12: it's worth waiting ^^
get well soon ^^
Chapter 12: Will wait patiently!

Get better soon!!
an update ;W; OMG authornim LET ME LOVE YOU!!! (please don't freak out -_-)
why does my heart hurts? AUTHORNIM WHY DOES MY HEART HURTS SO MUCH??!!
p.s. angry kris is *cough *cough y *cough -/////-
update soon ne? *u*
idontsing-ismile #5
Chapter 11: Love it!~ Hope they manage to get her back soon though ^^ cant wait for the next update~
Chapter 11: Ohhh i am so glad i understand now!!!

Great update!

Do it again! Update!"!
Chapter 11: OOOOOOO I love it! Update soon c;
Chapter 10: Updaaaaaateeeee~~ :DDD
Ohmygosh! I'm so happy~~ :D

YES. You go Kris! You tell it to him! XD
I wonder where Sooyeon went. >.<

I can't wait for the next chapter! :D
SUNBAENIM ;__; (may I call you sunbaenim? cause seriously I want to be able to write like you!)
don't worry! the chapter was worth the wait :) keep up the good job (^__^)b
Chapter 10: Why did they break up then!?
