BY MYSELF ♣ I say my love ,send away my love


Tenth Part


« Cheesecake and chocolate milk, your favorite. » he announced merrily.

Or at least, he tried to. Acting normal was quite difficult when the girl he loves so deeply is looking at him with that hostile look. She looked right at him during all this time but yet, she refused to move from the couch nor does she talks either. Her eyes reflected frustration, anger, disappointment, but also guilt. Indeed, even though he had hurt her and drained her mentally, she couldn’t help but feel guilty somehow. As a girlfriend, she should have known that something was definitely wrong.

Chen sighed as he scratched his head, not knowing what to do. He felt so awkward that he feels like running away. No, get your together. You can’t run away when she’s finally back. They have been in his living room but she didn’t mutter a word. He then remembered her mother’s call, a while ago.

« Your mom is really worried. She’s been looking for you this whole time… you should call her »

The Soo Yeon he knew would have immediately shot up, remembering the mother that she had left behind in Gwangju. Anyway, she didn’t even budge but the greater surprise was that she suddenly let out a scoff.

« Why? Since when do you care about her or even about me? Aren’t we the ones who destroyed your entire life? » she said expressionlessly.

He felt numb all of a sudden. A feeling in his guts told him that she knew something that she wasn’t supposed to. Something from what he wanted to protect her.  « Wh-what? ». His voice sounded choked, as if he was going to cry.

« Let’s go straight to the reason for which I’m here right now. Had you ever loved me? No, actually, screw that. Do you LOVE me? »  

Yes yes yes. Yes a million time. He loved her infinitely and beyond. He would go through everything if it meant her happiness. But idiot, all you’ve done is hurting her more and more each day. What a fool. But he sincerely thought that what he did was the best for the two of them. In the end, he realized that it was only for his own selfish reason. He was afraid to get hurt and he felt betrayed at the same time. At that time, he was so desperate as he saw his family split that his anger took control of him, putting all the blame on Soo Yeon. How he regretted it now. He knew that he didn’t deserve her and that he should let go, but how? He couldn’t even imagine tomorrow without that girl by his side so how in hell would he survive without her for the rest of his life? No way.

« The answer is simple Oppa. It’s either yes or no. Just one world, that’s all I need. » she said as she got impatient. He seemed confused and deep in thought. Soo Yeon really wanted to know what he was thinking right now. They stayed in silence during two minutes and her patience finally ran short. A tear tickled down her cheek without her noticing. She whispered a small « Fine, goodbye. » and stood up.

As she was at the door, she turned her head to cast one last glance at the man who will now be a part of her life. The one that she thought will be her present and future too. As she saw that he didn’t even bother to look up, she stepped out, closing his door gently. She would be obviously lying if she said that she didn’t wait for him to come and get her back. She even waited a few minutes outside his door, but seems like he’s quite stubborn.

Soo Yeon got into the lift, not without looking back at his door but no movements were made from there.  However, as the lift’s door started to close, separating her forever from Jongdae, a hand shot up and pulled her forcefully so she was knocked against a chest, barely avoiding the closing doors. She didn’t need to look up to know who that person was. His scent was one in a million, the way she feels against him, the way his arms are embracing her… she would recognize him everywhere.

« I do. I love you infinitely and beyond. I love you so much Soo Yeon. »

Then, he took her small face in his hands, making her look up at him and captured her lips with his as he poured all his feelings to her. And right there and then, she felt as if everything was worth it. In each other’s embrace, they felt complete again, as if nothing could separate them ever again.

Fate, don’t you dare to play a trick on our love anymore, because I won’t let go.

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I had the time to update the 5th chapter of « By Myself » finally ! Check it out ! :)


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Chapter 12: waaaaa This chapter is heart breaking!!! Thank god she didn't leave yet hehehe. But now both of them is heart broken ;_____;
Chapter 12: it's worth waiting ^^
get well soon ^^
Chapter 12: Will wait patiently!

Get better soon!!
an update ;W; OMG authornim LET ME LOVE YOU!!! (please don't freak out -_-)
why does my heart hurts? AUTHORNIM WHY DOES MY HEART HURTS SO MUCH??!!
p.s. angry kris is *cough *cough y *cough -/////-
update soon ne? *u*
idontsing-ismile #5
Chapter 11: Love it!~ Hope they manage to get her back soon though ^^ cant wait for the next update~
Chapter 11: Ohhh i am so glad i understand now!!!

Great update!

Do it again! Update!"!
Chapter 11: OOOOOOO I love it! Update soon c;
Chapter 10: Updaaaaaateeeee~~ :DDD
Ohmygosh! I'm so happy~~ :D

YES. You go Kris! You tell it to him! XD
I wonder where Sooyeon went. >.<

I can't wait for the next chapter! :D
SUNBAENIM ;__; (may I call you sunbaenim? cause seriously I want to be able to write like you!)
don't worry! the chapter was worth the wait :) keep up the good job (^__^)b
Chapter 10: Why did they break up then!?
