When Sorry Doesn't Cut It

It's A Complicated (Love) Story

Yesung wanted to kick himself. He couldn't quite believe what he had done. He can't even begin to explain why he had done such a thing. He was drunk, he tried to convince himself that it was the only reason behind his behavior last night.


Pabo! That's the true reason! You are an idiot. It doesn't matter if you were drunk or not. How are you going to face Ryeowook now, huh?


Yesung scratched his head as he tried to think of an answer. How? He started pacing in his room. Walk, walk, walk, walk. He looked at his bed where the act had happened. He didn't wake up when Ryeowook left. He doesn't even know if the younger man slept in his bed or not.


Man up and beg for forgiveness Kim Jongwoon!

....but I didn't force him! Did I?...

You just basically told him to you and you. Pabo!

.....but that doesn't mean I forced him!...He could have said no. He could have ran out on me. But why ....why didn't he resist?




He felt frustrated. And angry. And his growling stomach didn't make things any easier. He decided to go out of his room after an hour of pacing. He took a deep breath to steady his nerves before twisting the door handle. He braced himself for anything that Ryeowook would say or do to him. It was his fault after all. He poked his head out of the open door to check if the said man was anywhere nearby. The corridor was empty so he went to the kitchen as his stomach made another sound of protest. It seems that the only inhabitants of the dorm left are the three vocals. They had been given two days off to rest while the others went about with their schedules.


"Morning hyung." A yawning Kyuhyun greeted him from the dining table.


"Morning Kyu." He made himself a cup of coffee and sat down next to the maknae.


"Something wrong hyung? You seem fidgety." Kyuhyun has noticed how Yesung has been looking everywhere and how he kept drumming his fingers on the table.


"Huh? Oh....just....just a hangover."


The younger man gave him a i-don't-believe-you look. He ignored it as he didn't want Kyuhyun to start asking questions. He busied himself with his coffee and silently heaved a sigh of relief when the maknae turned back to his newspaper and coffee.


Yesung nearly choked on his coffee when Ryeowook showed up apparently just having finished his shower as his hair was still damp.


"Morning Wook." Kyuhyun greeted without looking up from his newspaper.


"Morning Kyu. Morning hyung."




He inhaled the distinct smell of vanilla and peaches as the eternal maknae passed behind him. What made Yesung turn around though was the way Wookie was walking. He seemed to be limping!  Yesung gave himself a virtual slap on the face.


This can't be happening!!!!


Ryeowook started with his daily routine of cooking breakfast. He didn't notice that Kyuhyun has been looking at him for quite sometime now.


"Wook.." Kyuhyun couldn't contain his curiosity any longer.


"What is it Kyu?"


"Why are you limping?"


There was a loud clatter as Ryeowook dropped the spoon on the sink. Yesung nearly choked on his coffee earning him a suspicious look from the evil maknae.


"Ohh...mm...I-i... slipped in the bathroom. Fell...fell on my ."


Kyuhyun looked at Ryeowook's back. Then to the turtle loving hyung seated next to him. His curiosity even more piqued but decided not to ask anymore questions for he knows he won't get any answers. He will just have to find out in some other ways.


After a few minutes Ryeowook put 3 plates of pancakes on the table and sat on the other side of Kyuhyun. They started eating after a mumbled thanks from the other two. Kyuhyun felt like he was in a poorly attended funeral where he was the only one who wasn't mourning. He smirked as he kept eyeing his companions in between mouthfuls of pancakes. They finished breakfast without anyone saying another word until Yesung volunteered to wash the dishes.


Ryeowook picked up the newspaper that Kyuhyun has abandoned when the maknae left to go back to their shared bedroom. Yesung leaned against the sink after washing the dishes to face the eternal maknae. He took a deep breath and gripped the side of the counter top, cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak.


"Wookie-ah.." Man up, Kim Jongwoon!


"What is it, hyung?" Ryeowook answered without looking up from the newspaper he was reading.


"Err...um..about last night. Um... I'm sorry Wookie-ah."


Yesung hung his head and prepared himself for whatever harsh words his dongsaeng will throw at him. He heard Ryeowook take a deep breath.


"Forget about it hyung. Just pretend it never happened." Ryeowook answered without looking up.


Yesung's eyes widened in surprise. That was definitely something he didn't expect.


"But.. T-that was your first, wasn't it?"


Another sigh escaped from the younger man.


"Yes, it was."


"Don't you hate me for it?"




"But... I..you...I'm really sorry Wookie-ah your first time should be something you do with someone you love. ." Yesung once again hung is head feeling so ashamed of himself. Ryeowook looked up at him this time before answering.


"I know hyung. I did and for that reason I don't regret it even though the said person doesn't love me back. Or should I say would never love me back..."


Yesung was taken aback. He didn't know what to say. He tried to open his mouth to say something but his muddled brain can't seem to come up with anything.


"If you don't have anything else to say hyung I think I'm going back to sleep." Ryeowook stood up and left Yesung standing there who seem to have been frozen on the spot where he stood.


Did he just say he loves me???????


A/N Sorry everyone. :( I know this update took like forever. I was really wringing my hands while typing this coz I didn't like how it turned out the first 3 times I wrote it. Sorry!

On the brighter side....thanks to everyone for subscribing! I hope you are still reading this. And please do let me know what you think. <3 ^_^

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Am currenty in the middle of next chap. Please pardon me for the late update. Work has been such a the last few days. :(


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409 streak #1
Chapter 13: Rereading, I wish you're here T^T
409 streak #2
Chapter 13: eeeeeh??? Why I always bump to never ending fanfic? T___________T
Chapter 13: Next chappie is the last? :3 awwww
kekeke I guess we will find out soon what happens next eh ^_< please wait patiently for the next chapters as there are only 3 chapters left for this story. It already makes me sad that I am about to end this which is actually my first venture into the realm of fanfics. And I have all of you to thank for, for all the comments and love you have shown this story. ~bows~ For those of you who will be sad to see this end....I have a new project which will be request based ~wink wink~ Please do support me (again). Thank you so much! <3
mouj05 #5
iam wondering what will happen?
Another awesome fic.
So glad that Yeh found Wookie. Not a huge Bum fan...sorry...It actually pissed me off that Bum did this evilness to Yesung. Will there be more chapters to this one?
omo! ^_^ thanks for the subs and the comments! ~bows to everyone~
please forgive your humble author for not updating ._. i have been busy with work and with finishing my fics for KyusungFest.
I am editing the next chapter so please wait a few more hours before I post it.