
It's A Complicated (Love) Story

Ryeowook paced in the room as he kept looking at the alarm clock on Yesung's nightstand. Super Junior M was scheduled to leave for China in a few hours. Only two hours left before the SJ subgroup will leave for the airport to work their heads off for a month in another country. But Ryeowook is not restless because of their imminent departure. They have known their China schedule a month ago. And Ryeowook speaks and understands enough Mandarin to get by in basic conversation. What bothers Ryeowook is the fact that today is also the day that Kibum will visit the dorm. They had been told by Heechul that Kibum has a three days rest before he resumes the filming of his upcoming drama. Heechul had then pulled Yesung to a corner and told him that the original maknae wanted to have a talk with the lead baritone.


Ryeowook wanted to scold himself for being a nervous mess. It's not that he doesn't trust his lover because he does, and with all his heart. He trusts Yesung completely that he'd believe anything his lover will say. From that point of view Ryeowook shouldn't be anxious, nor apprehensive, at all. But he couldn't help himself. He is too afraid of what might happen after Kibum talks to Yesung. Amongst all the members of Super Junior it is he, Kim Ryeowook, who knows best how much Yesung loved the original maknae. He had watched from the beginning how Kibum and Yesung just naturally gravitated towards each other like a moth to a flame. He watched how Yesung fought tooth and nail to keep his feelings for the young actor under the surface so it wouldn't be known or shown to anyone. He watched how Kibum persisted and broke down Yesung's barriers around his heart until the older finally succumbed. He watched as Yesung finally got out in the open to the rest of the members about his feelings for the rapper. He watched how Kibum and Yesung showered each other with affection with every passing day. It might have all come to an end almost a year ago but Ryeowook can't help the tightening in his chest. A side of him wanted to assure himself that it is him that Yesung loves now. And he so desperately wanted to believe that Kibum's reappearance will not shake his relationship with Yesung.


Ryeowook blinked to hold back the warm tears that threatened to cascade out of his eyes. There was no reason to cry...yet. If Yesung would say that he wants to get back together with Kibum, Ryeowook wouldn't hesitate to say he'd agree to let Yesung be with the two of them...at the same time. It's desperate to the point of being pathetic and he knows that but he'd rather be run over by a train than lose Yesung.


A knock on the door made Ryeowook hold his breath and quickly wipe with the sleeves of his shirt the lone tear that managed to escape his eyes.


"Wookie?" Kyuhyun's voice was low and calm, disguising the worry that he felt for the petite man currently pacing back and forth. Ryeowook walked to the door and opened it slightly to reveal a maknae with furrowed brows. Ryeowook flashed him a watery smile and it was all that Kyuhyun needed to confirm his suspicions. He pushed the door wide open as Ryeowook stepped aside to let him in. Kyuhyun's eyes fell on the still open suitcase on the vacant bed.


"Aren't you done packing?" Kyuhyun asked Ryeowook who sat down on the edge of Yesung's bed. Since the eternal maknae moved into the lead singer's room Ryeowook can always be found inside if he has no schedules. Kyuhyun waited for him to answer but the other just propped his elbows on his knees to bury his face into his hands. Kyuhyun approached Ryeowook on the bed and sat beside him.


"Wookie." Kyuhyun called the petite man but got no response. "Look at me, Wook-ah." Kyuhyun put his right arm around the petite man's shoulder as he pried away the hands covering his face, revealing his tear-streaked cheeks.


"Shh....Wook-ah, don't do this to yourself. You have to be stronger than this." Kyuhyun rubbed comforting circles at Ryeowook's back while he hushed the latter.


"I'm .... I'm scared, Kyu. I'm so scared." Ryeowook answered brokenly as he gulped for air and attempted to calm down.


"Don't be. You have to trust him, Wookie. You need to have more faith in him than this. You know he loves you. And we all know he doesn't go into relationships lightly.You and him, you wouldn't be together if he wasn't sure of his feelings." Kyuhyun waited for Ryeowook's sobs to subside as his words slowly registered in the distraught man's mind. Ryeowook finally stopped crying after a while and wiped his tears away with his sleeves.


"You know, Jongwoon hyung would be upset if he knew you were being like this." Kyuhyun frowned as he imagined Yesung's reaction if he learned that his lover was having doubts about him and their relationship.


"Kyuhyun!" Ryeowook nearly shouted at the maknae.


"Hahaha! Look at your face! Kyuhyun couldn't help but laugh at Ryeowook's expression. Ryeowook hit him on the shoulder for teasing him at such a situation.


"Don't worry. I'm not going to tell him. I'm the last person who'd want to see him sad or upset. But really Wook-ah, what did you think will happen if they talk?"


"I..I honestly don't know, Kyu." Ryeowook shook his head as if by doing so he could shake off the cobwebs that were clouding his mind.


"You really should trust him more, Wook-ah."


"I do trust him, Kyu. I ... I just don't know what he will do or how he will react if Kibum says he wants him back."


"Hmm....." Kyuhyun paused to think of an answer but before he could say anything else...


"Does it really matter if he wants me back?" Kyuhyun and Ryeowook both turned their heads to the door where Yesung was standing, his face serious and eyes unfathomable.


"Hyung!" They both managed to blurt out. How much of their conversation did Yesung hear? Kyuhyun stood up abruptly knowing that the two needed to sort things out before SJM left for China. Before Kyuhyun reached the door, he was pulled into a hug by Yesung.


"Thank you, Kyuhyunie." Kyuhyun smiled sweetly while returning the hug.


"No problem, hyung. I just don't want you or Wookie to be sad."  Yesung nodded and thought that Kyuhyun really doesn't act like the he's the maknae sometimes. He was really thankful for having such a mature dongsaeng although he doesn't mind that the makane has an evil snarky side.


"Be good in China, okay? Don't give your hyungs any problems." Yesung said, half stern and half teasing. Kyuhyun pulled away from the hug to glare at his hyung.


"Aish! Hyung!" Kyuhyun whined at Yesung's words. "You know better than anyone that it's them who gives me headaches."  Kyuhyun frowned and pouted. It wasn't really his fault that his hyungs always brought out the evil side of him. Yesung chuckled at the now pouting maknae.


"Just don't be too evil when you exact revenge on them, okay?" Kyuhyun grinned, an evil feral grin.


"I can't promise you that hyung. But I promise I will take care of Wookie." Kyuhyun smiled brilliantly and Yesung knew that the youngest member will keep his word.


"Thank you, Kyuhyun-ah." They hugged once more before Kyuhyun headed once again towards the door but not before jerking his head towards Ryeowook's direction. Yesung nodded and smiled at the maknae before walking to the bed. He squat in front of the petite male and took his hands into his smaller ones.


"Look at me, baby." Ryeowook lifted his head and looked at Yesung only to cringe at the hurt look in the older singer's eyes. He averted his gaze to avoid seeing the pained expression on his lover's eyes only to have his face cupped in the latter's hands forcing him to lock gazes with the other. yesung brought their lips together in a slow sweet kiss.


"You know I love you, right?" Yesung asked as he put his forehead against Ryeowook's after their lips parted. Ryeowook hummed in response, his mind becoming hazy as Yesung's warm breath ghosting on his lips reminds him of more sensual things.


"Baby, do you really believe that it matters even a bit if he wants me back? Did you think I'd want him back after I got over him and moved on?" Yesung once again kissed the smaller man who immediately parted his lips for a deeper, more passionate kiss. Yesung groaned as he plunged his tongue inside Ryeowook's mouth caressing every inch of the warm moist cavern. They parted regretfully after a long while, both panting as their lungs screamed for air. Yesung Ryeowook's flushed cheek with his thumb and smiled sweetly at his lover.


"I love you, baby. All that matters to me now is that you love me back. Although not as much as I  love you." Ryeowook's eyes widened.


"NO!" He lunged at Yesung making them fall on the floor with him on top, straddling the older singer. "I love you more!" Yesung laughed heartily at Ryeowook's outburst making the latter turn a deep shade of red.


"My silly baby. You couldn't possibly love me more than I love you." Ryeowook was about to argue but Yesung pulled his head down for another kiss as the lead baritone's hand found purchase at his . He moaned lewdly into the kiss as he felt Yesung's bulge against his.



A smirking maknae looked at them knowingly as they emerged from the room half an hour later.


"What?! No round two?" Yesung chuckled while Ryeowook blushed magenta at the youngest member's insinuation. It only made Ryeowook even more embarrassed when Heechul burst out cackling on the couch upon seeing his reaction.


"Yah! Cho Kyuhyun!" Ryeowook couldn't think of any retort to throw back at the two most evil people in his opinion who just both doubled up in laughter.


"Wook-ah....you smell of . Oh! I stand corrected! You reek of . And not to mention you look like you just had ." Heechul finally managed to talk after a furious fit of laughter.


"Not to mention also we heard you moan Jongwoon's name like there's no tomorrow. We really should have recorded it, Kyu. That would be evidence to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt." Heechul winked at Yesung who only laughed with them but wrapped his arm around the smaller man beside him. Leeteuk, Hangeng, Eunhyuk, and Donghae who had been in the kitchen soon joined in the laughter after they heard the four member's conversation.


"Hyung!" Ryeowook turned to the leader hoping for some support.


"Ryeowook-ah, you will be away for a month. One round...just one round before you go...it's just not enough, Wook-ah." Leeteuk managed to say in between bouts of laughter. Ryeowook blushed even harder at the leader's words. He was about to complain that the leader was adding to his embarrassment instead of saving him but that was when someone rang the doorbell. He stomped his way towards the door thinking that the manager hyung must have decided to come a bit earlier than scheduled. He slowly opened the door and felt himself go numb as he saw the smiling face in front of him.


"Wookie!" Ryeowook didn't move even as Kibum hugged him tightly and even when the original maknae released him. Kibum smiled even brighter when his eyes fell on the face of the one he missed the most.


"Jongwoon hyung!" Kibum's shout shook Ryeowook from his frozen state and he spun around just as Kibum took quick long strides toward the lead singer. Before anyone could react Kibum flung himself at Yesung and wrapped his arms around the latter's neck.


"I've missed you so much, hyung!" Yesung's slightly parted lips because of the shock was suddenly entrapped by Kibum in a kiss.




(A/N  I know this update took what seems like forever. Mianhe! ._.

Next chapter will be the last, I think. Thanks to everyone who have given me support on this. This story is actually my very first attempt at fanfics. Sorry for any part that didn't meet your expectations.



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Am currenty in the middle of next chap. Please pardon me for the late update. Work has been such a the last few days. :(


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409 streak #1
Chapter 13: Rereading, I wish you're here T^T
409 streak #2
Chapter 13: eeeeeh??? Why I always bump to never ending fanfic? T___________T
Chapter 13: Next chappie is the last? :3 awwww
kekeke I guess we will find out soon what happens next eh ^_< please wait patiently for the next chapters as there are only 3 chapters left for this story. It already makes me sad that I am about to end this which is actually my first venture into the realm of fanfics. And I have all of you to thank for, for all the comments and love you have shown this story. ~bows~ For those of you who will be sad to see this end....I have a new project which will be request based ~wink wink~ Please do support me (again). Thank you so much! <3
mouj05 #5
iam wondering what will happen?
Another awesome fic.
So glad that Yeh found Wookie. Not a huge Bum fan...sorry...It actually pissed me off that Bum did this evilness to Yesung. Will there be more chapters to this one?
omo! ^_^ thanks for the subs and the comments! ~bows to everyone~
please forgive your humble author for not updating ._. i have been busy with work and with finishing my fics for KyusungFest.
I am editing the next chapter so please wait a few more hours before I post it.