
It's A Complicated (Love) Story

Ryeowook woke up feeling someone touching his face. He tried to remember what happened last night and his eyes flew open as realization hit him. He blinked again and again not believing what he was seeing. Yesung's face was inches away from his. Yesung's smiling face was inches away from his own face! No. Make that centimeters away from his face. As he thought of why Yesung's face seemed to be getting nearer and nearer, his eyes widened in surprise as the older singer's lips came in contact with his.


"Good morning, baby." Yesung said as he pulled away from Ryeowook.


"Good morning, hyung."


Wait! What???? Did he just call me baby???? Does that mean we're together now?


"B-baby??? What!?"


"Yes. Baby. Don't you want me to call you that?" Yesung quirked an eyebrow at the eternal maknae.


"Umm...Does that mean..... Are we..." Ryeowook stuttered and spluttered incoherently, blushing at the questions in his mind that he just couldn't put into words.


"Yes, we are." There was a short pause before Yesung continued. "Unless ... you don't want to." Yesung pulled away and rolled on his back thinking that what happened last night was probably just because the other was drunk. And now that he is sober it might be something he regretted. A stab of pain shot through Yesung's heart at the thought.


Ryeowook mentally face palmed. He wanted to reassure Yesung that he wanted them to be "together" but he was too shy to say it. He rolled to his side and hugged the older singer snuggling tightly on the crook of his neck. Ryeowook turned a deep shade of red once he realized that they were still both -.


"Hyung...." Ryeowook called tentatively. It was Yesung's turn to be confused now. If Ryeowook regretted what happened last night, why was he clinging to him now?


"Hmm?" Yesung hummed in response. He really didn't know what to make of things.


"Is ... is that what you will call me from now on?"


"Yes. But only if you want..." Yesung didn't manage to finish his sentence as he felt Ryeowook kiss the pulse in his neck.


"I like it, hyung." Ryeowook whispered softly against Yesung's neck. Yesung shifted so he was now lying on his side facing the eternal maknae. He held the younger's chin in his thumb and index fingers and tilted his head up so they were looking at each other. Yesung looked him in the eyes and held their gazes together before closing the gap between them and connecting their lips in a slow tender kiss.


"I love you, Wookie baby." He smiled the brilliant smile that always made Ryeowook weak in the knees.


"I love you too, hyung." He buried his face in Yesung's chest listening to the older singer's heartbeat with their arms wrapped around each other and their legs tangled together. They stayed in that position for a while relishing the warmth and happiness of just being together until they heard a knock on the door. They looked at each other, wondering who was bothering their "moment". Yesung pulled the blanket that covered them from the waist down so that it was now covering them from the chest just as Leeteuk's voice sounded from the other side of the door.




"Yes, hyung. Is there something wrong?" Yesung answered in a voice that he hoped sounded nonchalant as the doorknob turned and Leeteuk's head appeared.


"OH!" Leeteuk's mouth formed an 'O' as his eyes fell on the new couple on the bed apparently still . A smirk soon replaced his surprised expression as Ryeowook's face turned red for the third time that hour. Yesung raised an eyebrow at their leader.


"Heh..." Leeteuk was clearly trying his best not to squeal in delight at his discovery.


"....I was just wondering where Wookie slept because he wasn't in his bed." Leeteuk's smirk now resembled that of the one that Kyuhyun would always have on as the eternal maknae turned redder by the second.


"W-..why were you looking for me, hyung?" Ryeowook managed to ask despite stuttering.


"Oh it's nothing. Nothing important. I guess it's Hangeng's fried rice for breakfast then. Just.... continue with what you were doing." Leeteuk winked mischievously at the couple before closing the door muffling Ryeowook's indignant shout.


"We weren't doing anything!" Yesung chuckled at Ryewook's flushed face.


"It's not funny, hyung." Ryeowook pouted, his face still bright red from the embarrassment of being caught in bed and the insinuation of Leeteuk's last words. He swears the leader is the worst teaser in all of Super Junior.


"It's not my fault that you're too cute for your own good specially when you're all blushing and pouting like that. Yesung kissed his pouting lover's lips making the latter smile bashfully. He pulled the smaller man into a tight hug and kissed the top of his head. Ryeowook once again buried his face  in Yesung's chest.


"Thank you, baby."


"Why are you thanking me, hyung?"


"Thank you for loving me. Thank you for staying by my side. Thank you for waiting for me even if it was hurting you. And thank you for accepting me and making me happy now. You are so amazing baby."


"You're worth it, hyung. All of it..... and more." He hugged the older singer as he sighed in content. He wanted the moment to last longer if not forever. They were content just being in each other's embrace when their stomachs growled.


"Aigoo! My baby is hungry." Yesung teased his lover as he threw the blanket to the side.


"You're hungry too, hyung." Ryeowook retorted as he poked Yesung's side earning him a giggle from the ticklish singer. They got up and got dressed. Yesung gave Ryeowook a clean shirt and shorts to wear from his closet as he changed into a clean set of clothing for his own. They could hear the merry banter of the people gathered at the dining table as they walked down the hallway. Yesung took hold of Ryeowook's hand just before they entered the room earning him a questioning look from the younger.


"Hyung?" Ryeowook looked nervous but Yesung smiled at him and kissed his hand.


"I want them to know about us." Yesung said without any trace of hesitation on his face or his voice. Ryeowook nodded and allowed Yesung to lead him inside. There was a hush as they entered, all the occupants at the table looking at them and their entwined hands. Yesung cleared his throat to talk but someone shouted before he could open his mouth.


"Yewook is real!? Yay!" Eunhyuk's shout resonated and the dancer started jumping towards the new couple.  Ryeowook turned scarlet (again) and hid behind Yesung. Eunhyuk hugged the two of them still squealing in happiness.


"Are they? Really? Like Eunhae?" Donghae's eyes were wide in surprise as he absorbed the information reminding Yesung of freshly caught fish.


"Yes, we are. Starting today. Yesung smiled, looking at the Eunhae couple. He can't help but smile as his dongsaengs were just too adorable. He looked around the room, scanning everyone's faces, trying to assess if anyone disapproved. Much to his relief, they seemed to be happy with the newest development, or rather with the newest couple. Kyuhyun's smirk was just too much, too happy for Yesung's liking though and he wondered why until the maknae stood up and walked over to Leeteuk.


"Pay up, hyung." The smirk on Kyuhyun's face grew bigger as Leeteuk groaned and Heechul face palmed as Kyuhyun extended his hand, palm up to the two oldest members. Yesung shot the maknae a glare as he and Ryeowook sat themselves at the two vacant chairs between Leeteuk and Sungmin who gave the younger singer a congratulatory hug.


"What's this about, Kyu?" Yesung asked intrigued as Hangeng stood up from his chair and went to the kitchen.


"We made a bet last night after we told Wookie to follow you to your room. Obviously, I won so they have to pay up." Kyuhyun said without taking his eyes off of Heechul and Leeteuk who now had their heads together in a huddle.


"What? What bet?" Yesung didn't know if he should be angry or amused so he decided he should know first what the bet was about.


"I said that you and Wookie will be 'sleeping together' and that you'll be a couple by morning. Now I need them to pay up so I can buy the new World of Warcraft game." Yesung shook his head. Was his love life and life that much of an interest for others, he thought as Hangeng placed a bowl of fried rice in front of him and another one in front of Ryeowook.


"Hangeng hyung." Donghae looked up to Hangeng after seeing the bowls of fried rice that were recently placed on the table just across him and Eunhyuk.


"Hmm?" Hangeng looked at Donghae as he sat down again beside Heechul.


"Why did you give Yesung hyung more rice than Wookie?"


"That will be because he needs more energy." Hangeng replied with a playful smile as he looked at the new couple.


"Eh??" Donghae obviously didn't catch the underlying meaning of the Chinaman's answer.


"Aish! This fishy! It's because Yesung hyung is the one who tops, Hae." Eunhyuk ruffled Donghae's hair wondering how a grown man can be so innocent as though he was a five year old kid.  Ryeowook once again blushed and hid himself behind Yesung who just rolled his eyes at their friends. Kyuhyun only went back to his chair after Leeteuk handed him two hundred thousand won. They went on chatting and laughing as they ate breakfast and Yesung was thankful that the other members supported him and Ryeowook. For a while he thought that someone might not be so welcoming of his new relationship after he just recovered from a failed one. He turned his head to the left and smiled at his lover who returned his smile warmly. Heechul and Hangeng stood up as they have finished eating when suddenly the former's phone rang. He took his phone out of his jean's back pocket and looked at the caller ID. As Heechul's eyebrows formed a straight line, Yesung felt an uneasiness in his stomach which had no connection with the food he was eating. Heechul looked at Yesung just as he clicked the phone to answer.


"Hello, Kibum-ah."



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Am currenty in the middle of next chap. Please pardon me for the late update. Work has been such a the last few days. :(


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409 streak #1
Chapter 13: Rereading, I wish you're here T^T
409 streak #2
Chapter 13: eeeeeh??? Why I always bump to never ending fanfic? T___________T
Chapter 13: Next chappie is the last? :3 awwww
kekeke I guess we will find out soon what happens next eh ^_< please wait patiently for the next chapters as there are only 3 chapters left for this story. It already makes me sad that I am about to end this which is actually my first venture into the realm of fanfics. And I have all of you to thank for, for all the comments and love you have shown this story. ~bows~ For those of you who will be sad to see this end....I have a new project which will be request based ~wink wink~ Please do support me (again). Thank you so much! <3
mouj05 #5
iam wondering what will happen?
Another awesome fic.
So glad that Yeh found Wookie. Not a huge Bum fan...sorry...It actually pissed me off that Bum did this evilness to Yesung. Will there be more chapters to this one?
omo! ^_^ thanks for the subs and the comments! ~bows to everyone~
please forgive your humble author for not updating ._. i have been busy with work and with finishing my fics for KyusungFest.
I am editing the next chapter so please wait a few more hours before I post it.