
It's A Complicated (Love) Story


Kyuhyun quickly ran to the van and went inside. Ryeowook followed after him wondering to himself why the maknae was in such a hurry. Kyuhyun usually just didn't care where he sat in their service van because if someone else was sitting where he wanted to sit, he would just use his cute pleading eyes to get his way.


Everyone is acting weird lately! Gosh! What the hell is up with them?


Ryeowook reached the vehicle and went in to sit beside Kyuhyun. When Yesung reached them, he went to the front passenger seat. But before he could get in, long slim fingers held his tiny hand that was just about to pull the door handle.


"I will sit here, rabid dog." Heechul said so nonchalantly one would think that it was the natural order of things. Yesung sighed. He didn't even want to answer that remark as he was tired from all the dancing and singing during the concert earlier.


"Ok hyung." Yesung went to get inside and sit beside Ryeowook. Kyuhyun coughed a bit too loudly and shot a glance at Heechul who in turn gave him a smirk that made Ryeowook scared.  Nothing good came out whenever those two evil people put their heads together about something. He stole a sideward glance at the turtle lover to his right and was met with a breathtaking sight.


Yesung left the top three buttons of his white shirt open, showing off his smooth toned chest where a drop of sweat from his neck was slowly making its way down near his left . He laid his head back on the headrest and closed his eyes. Ryeowook gulped. He suddenly felt claustrophobic sitting next to this tempting man. Heechul smirked even wider watching the reaction of his dongsaeng.


So they have the hots for each other! Well well well.... let's see who succumbs first. This is going to be so friggin' fun!


Heechul smirked  as Kyuhyun coughed again. Ryeowook snapped his head to the maknae's direction. He was thankful for the distraction that the maknae provided because his mind was already going back to that night that he shared with a drunk Yesung. The aircon was on but Ryeowook somehow felt warm and stuffy inside the van.


Ahhhh!  You are such a torture Yesungie!


The group had agreed to celebrate in the dorms instead of going out. The managers ordered food and drinks for the celebration of another successful concert. Yesung was once again oblivious to the four pairs of eyes that constantly wandered to him. Although he was happy and joined in the merry making, he felt tired and all he wanted to do at the moment was to curl up in his bed. When he looked at the clock in the kitchen and saw that it was already 01:35 in the morning, he thought it would be fine if he sneaked off to his room. He finished his drink and made his way out of the kitchen. He didn't notice a pair of tipsy eyes that followed his movements. Once inside his room he quickly took off his clothes and changed into his boxers and shirt. Afterwards he went to the bathroom to wash up and get ready for bed, silently glad that no one has noticed his absence in the celebration. He really just wanted to sleep. He got under his blanket after turning off the light. Somehow the room doesn't feel gloomy anymore unlike the past months after Kibum left.


Yesung was already in dreamland when someone silently and carefully opened his door. The intruder went in and closed the door behind him. He stood there as he waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness as he just came from the brightly lit kitchen. He walked slowly and silently as his heart thumped wildly inside his chest. He felt like a thief out to steal something valuable. He knows he needs to be as careful as he can be because the man slumbering is such a light sleeper that the smallest noise can wake him.


He recalled how Yesung gave him a sweet smile earlier after he gave the fourth eldest member a back hug during the fan service portion of the concert. That was the smile that he missed the most from his beloved hyung. The smile that always turned his insides into mush. The smile that made the world a lot brighter. Well, maybe not the entire world, but Ryeowook's world at least. He was more than happy to see that smile again and knowing that Yesung smiled like that because of him made him feel giddy.


Ryeowook approached the bed and kneeled on the floor near the headboard. He looked at the sleeping man's face as if he was trying to etch it into his memory. He just couldn't spend enough time looking at that handsome face that looked younger than the owner's real age. He squeezed his own hands to control the urge to touch the sleeping man's adorable face. He didn't want the man to wake up. He just wanted to look at him while he slept. He looked so peaceful and calm that Ryeowook could feel his heart swelling inside him.


Ryeowook watched him sleep like a mother would sometimes watch her baby.  He reached out a hand to move the strands of hair that fell on Yesung's face when a breeze came through the half open window. The dim light cast on the bed from outside made him wish he could just watch this man sleep every night. He covered his mouth with his hand to muffle the sound of his chuckle when the older pouted, he must be dreaming Ryeowook thought as he combed Yesung's hair with his fingers. He didn't know if it was the alcohol since he was not drunk although he can admit to being tipsy, or if it was the sliver of moonlight that fell on the bed's occupant, that heightened Ryeowook's urge to brush his lips against the other.


He wouldn't wake up, would he? Just a tiny little kiss won't hurt, right?


Thinking that he would leave after kissing his hyung goodnight, Ryeowook slowly leaned forward on the bed, gradually decreasing the distance between him and the sleeping man. He was inches away from Yesung's inviting lips when he stopped. He inhaled the scent that was distinctly Yesung, and it somehow aroused him. He closed his eyes and brushed his lips ever so lightly to that of the older singer.


I'd give anything and do anything for you, hyung. Is it so wrong for me to love you and hope that someday you'll love me back?


Ryewook's eyes widened in shock when he felt a small hand snake its way to his nape and another to his waist.


"Stealing a kiss from me, Wookie?"



(A/N and then here I was thinking I had this chapter posted -_- just to realize that I forgot to uncheck the hide chapter box after I edited it. >_> so here it is finally.

Thanks to all my lovely readers. Thanks for all the comments ^_^ Yewook in next chapter! ~coughcough~

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Am currenty in the middle of next chap. Please pardon me for the late update. Work has been such a the last few days. :(


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409 streak #1
Chapter 13: Rereading, I wish you're here T^T
409 streak #2
Chapter 13: eeeeeh??? Why I always bump to never ending fanfic? T___________T
Chapter 13: Next chappie is the last? :3 awwww
kekeke I guess we will find out soon what happens next eh ^_< please wait patiently for the next chapters as there are only 3 chapters left for this story. It already makes me sad that I am about to end this which is actually my first venture into the realm of fanfics. And I have all of you to thank for, for all the comments and love you have shown this story. ~bows~ For those of you who will be sad to see this end....I have a new project which will be request based ~wink wink~ Please do support me (again). Thank you so much! <3
mouj05 #5
iam wondering what will happen?
Another awesome fic.
So glad that Yeh found Wookie. Not a huge Bum fan...sorry...It actually pissed me off that Bum did this evilness to Yesung. Will there be more chapters to this one?
omo! ^_^ thanks for the subs and the comments! ~bows to everyone~
please forgive your humble author for not updating ._. i have been busy with work and with finishing my fics for KyusungFest.
I am editing the next chapter so please wait a few more hours before I post it.