The Secret

It's A Complicated (Love) Story


Ryewook can feel his throat constricting like someone was choking him. He quickly finished his coffee and stood up. He turned around and headed towards the sink where he put his bowl and cup. He took a deep breath and held it for a few seconds before exhaling. He closed his eyes and gripped the handle of the faucet while taking another deep breath. He didn't want to cry. Not now. Not when everyone is around. He could feel someone was watching him. He opened the faucet and washed his hands. When he turned around he found Leeteuk watching it was more like the angelic looking leader was trying to read him. He smiled at his hyung hoping that his actions didn't give him away to this observant leader.  He swallowed before speaking hoping that his voice will not sound strange.

"Yesung hyung we also have to get ready for our vocal parctice later."

"Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me Wookie. Where's Kyu by the way?"

"Taking a shower." replied the younger without looking at the smiling Yesung. He can see Leeteuk hyung still observing him so he just pretended to take an interest in the water that he was drinking. What he didn't expect was for Yesung to stand up and head for the sink, apparently to wash his bowl also.

Ottoke??? Ryeowook decided to stay still unless he wanted to arouse Leeteuk's suspicion even more. He moved aside a few inches to give room for Yesung to wash his bowl.

"I guess I'll take a shower when Kyu is finished. We still have two hours anyway."

Ryeowook just nodded silently. He headed for his room to change his clothes.

"I hope Teukie hyung won't start asking me questions. I don't want to lie to him but I don't want anyone to know about my feelings for Yesung hyung."

He sat down on his bed and tried to calm his nerves .How long has it been? How many years has he kept his little secret? No one ever knew and he had been very careful not to show it. He closed his eyes. It was just like yesterday. The memory still vivid in his mind. The day he fell in love with his Yesung hyung.


"Anneyeong! Kim Jongwoon imnida."

It's our first day of training. Twelve guys. Twelve strangers. I  looked up at the sound of the voice of Kim Joongwoon. It was a nice husky voice that easily caught everyone's attention. A handsome young man with intense eyes, messy black hair, and thin red lips who was nervously fidgeting with his small hands stood in front. The host of today's  training asked everyone to introduce themselves at the front and show some of their talent. I had sung earlier when it was my turn. I  was embarassed when I forgot some of the lyrics of the song but they applauded none the less and complimented my voice. Hyukjae, the guy  with blonde hair danced. The chubby guy named Shindong also danced after him. Then the bedimpled Jungsoo sang just before Kim Joongwoon.

"What will you show us today Kim Jongwoon ssi?" asked the host.

"I will sing The More I Love You."

I smiled. I'm familiar with the song. It's one of my favorites. I hope you sing it well Kim Jongwoon ssi.

I quickly understood why SM Entertainment signed Joongwoon into their project group Super Junior. Not only does he have a beautiful voice but he also sings soulfully. He can make you feel the song, not just hear it.  I stared, captivated, at the man singing in front of us.  The applause took a long time to subside after he finished singing. 

"Hi! My name is Jongwoon." he smiled as he extended his hand. "You're Ryeowook, right?"

He remembers my name!

"Yes that's me." I shook his hand and nearly melted as I looked into his eyes.

"I like your voice."

"Thank you!" I stuttered and blushed.  "But actually your voice is much better than mine." I noticed that he blushed too, making his eyes even more beautiful.

That day I believed in love at first sight.

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Am currenty in the middle of next chap. Please pardon me for the late update. Work has been such a the last few days. :(


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404 streak #1
Chapter 13: Rereading, I wish you're here T^T
404 streak #2
Chapter 13: eeeeeh??? Why I always bump to never ending fanfic? T___________T
Chapter 13: Next chappie is the last? :3 awwww
kekeke I guess we will find out soon what happens next eh ^_< please wait patiently for the next chapters as there are only 3 chapters left for this story. It already makes me sad that I am about to end this which is actually my first venture into the realm of fanfics. And I have all of you to thank for, for all the comments and love you have shown this story. ~bows~ For those of you who will be sad to see this end....I have a new project which will be request based ~wink wink~ Please do support me (again). Thank you so much! <3
mouj05 #5
iam wondering what will happen?
Another awesome fic.
So glad that Yeh found Wookie. Not a huge Bum fan...sorry...It actually pissed me off that Bum did this evilness to Yesung. Will there be more chapters to this one?
omo! ^_^ thanks for the subs and the comments! ~bows to everyone~
please forgive your humble author for not updating ._. i have been busy with work and with finishing my fics for KyusungFest.
I am editing the next chapter so please wait a few more hours before I post it.