
It's A Complicated (Love) Story

Yesung stared at the phone in his hands, debating whether to call or not. He longed to hear the voice of his lover who he last spoke to three days ago. Eversince Kibum moved out of the dorm two months ago after deciding to take a leave from Super Junior, Yesung has kept in touch by calling and texting. They couldn't meet each other as much as they liked because of their hectic and most often conflicting schedules aside from the fact that they cannot be seen publicly together. Absolutely not.


That's the price we pay for being idols.


He took a deep breath and shut his eyes.


How long are you going to endure this agony Kim Jongwoon?


"Aish!" He needed to hear that voice. He swallowed the lump that started forming in his throat before he turned his attention back to his phone and dialled the number. He listened as it connected and waited for the other to pick up.


"Yo! Kim Kibum here. Please leave ........"


Yesung violently chucked the phone to his bed without waiting for the beep sound that would have followed the automated answer. His frustration starting to boil he buried his face into his palms. He stayed in that position for a while until he heard the soft knocks on his door.




What does he want now?


Hesitantly, Yesung stood up and headed to the door where he found the eternal maknae standing just outside.


"What's wrong, Wook?"


"Nothing. Just... dinner is ready. Let's go eat it while its hot."


Ryeowook grabbed his wrist before he could decline and pulled him to the dining table where Kyuhyun just finished setting the bowls and chopsticks. The table was set for just three people since the other members had their own schedules for that night. He didn't really feel like eating. He was too annoyed to do anything but he couldn't flat out refuse Ryeowook. The eternal maknae would pout for days if he did. He resigned himself to having dinner with his dongsaengs. He kept his head low to avoid conversation so he didn't notice the two exchanging glances.


The two younger men have been concerned about their hyung. Well, everyone in the group to be exact. He hasn't been himself since Kibum left. And they didn't have the means to help him either. They rarely gathered all together except when they have dance practice. And Jongwoon's refusal to talk to anyone about it just made them all worried. He was more like a zombie now, just getting by each day like clock work. Wake up, shower, work, eat, sleep. The exact same things everyday. If he needed to be infront of some reporters or camera he'd put on a fake smile which he easily discarded afterwards. There was no sign of the old Jongwoon. No jokes. No goofy cute dances. And he would stay locked up in that room if he didn't have to be outside. He was so absorbed in his misery he didn't notice Ryeowook look at him sadly. The younger boy sighed. Kyuhyun sighed too. Their favorite hyung was reduced to such state.


If only I can help you heal your heart. I am here for you if you need me just like when you were there for me when I needed somebody..... i love you Jongwoon hyung.


(A/N: Sorry for putting out a short chap. Too much going on at work to even be able to write. Next one will be long, I promise! Please continue reading. And thanks for all the subs and comments, If you have suggestions or ideas that you would like to see/read on this fic please feel free to inform me. I will try my best to accomodate them. Kamsahamnida! Have a great weekend! <3 )

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Am currenty in the middle of next chap. Please pardon me for the late update. Work has been such a the last few days. :(


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409 streak #1
Chapter 13: Rereading, I wish you're here T^T
409 streak #2
Chapter 13: eeeeeh??? Why I always bump to never ending fanfic? T___________T
Chapter 13: Next chappie is the last? :3 awwww
kekeke I guess we will find out soon what happens next eh ^_< please wait patiently for the next chapters as there are only 3 chapters left for this story. It already makes me sad that I am about to end this which is actually my first venture into the realm of fanfics. And I have all of you to thank for, for all the comments and love you have shown this story. ~bows~ For those of you who will be sad to see this end....I have a new project which will be request based ~wink wink~ Please do support me (again). Thank you so much! <3
mouj05 #5
iam wondering what will happen?
Another awesome fic.
So glad that Yeh found Wookie. Not a huge Bum fan...sorry...It actually pissed me off that Bum did this evilness to Yesung. Will there be more chapters to this one?
omo! ^_^ thanks for the subs and the comments! ~bows to everyone~
please forgive your humble author for not updating ._. i have been busy with work and with finishing my fics for KyusungFest.
I am editing the next chapter so please wait a few more hours before I post it.