The Proposal After The Marriage?!

One Night Can Change It All




" I like you! I want you and Jinwoon to stay married!"


I think my jaw physically dropped! Did I just hear him right?! I turned to face

Jinwoon he seemed as shocked as me, maybe even more!


"Don't look so shocked. You both should take responsibility for your actions! You can't expect to make such a commitment thoughtlessly and then throw it all away when you come back to you senses!" Now he does sound like a father! I looked at Jinwoon, his spirit seemed to have left him! JYP sat next to him and said "Jinwoon, you understand right?" Jinwoon nodded like a punished kid. " Great! then it's settled! Welcome home my daughter-in-law!" JYP yelled as he spread his arm open for a hug.


Wait a minute, daughter-in-law? What is this lunatic talking about he can't just force people to stay together!?!? " Look, he may have agreed. But I don't wish to spend the rest of my life with someone I DON'T love! and you can't force us!" He looked at me and then looked away Score I think I won! " Well if that's how you feel I completely understand. I guess there’s nothing else I can do". He lowered his head and grabbed some papers, He then walked up to me " Then I guess I’m gonna have to sue you for causing so much trouble to our company, I didn't want to do this but you see there is no other way" he smirked. My eyes widened! He can't be serious right???? " Wait! Sue me?!" I said in disbelief. " Well yeah, you aren't accepting my proposal so I have to do something to solve this mess..." he said. " Don't we just have to get annulled? No need to sue?" I was confused, is he threatening me? " Isn't it illegal to threaten people?!" He chuckled " Aigoo, I really like you. It isn't threatening, I have all the right to sue you for the all the loss your scandal is and will cause my company! Even if you do get annulled your marriage is all over the Internet, and newspaper so it's not like it will just go away. People will know. You'll leave my children with a really terrible reputation! "


Omo this guy sounds a little bipolar...


I don't know it just seems so fake to get sued for getting married?! but then the way he says it makes me believe him. " Why don't you listen to the whole proposal and then give me you answer?" Like I have a choice! I watched him as he sat down on his big chair " Fine, what do you have in mind?" He smiled and began " I want you and Jinwoon to continue the marriage, not for the rest of your life of course. I'm not that cruel". I looked at him a little more interested. " I want you guys to stay married for 18 months." 18 MONTHS!? 1YEAR AND A HALF?!?! " Within that time, I hope you guys will learn a few things about life and responsibility. That's all, so what do you think?". Wait a minute that’s all?


Ok ok think? 18 months of my life or have my life ruined?!


"its only 18 months right?" I asked to make sure. "Yes" he answered. "After 18 months goodbye?!" I asked to triple check. "After the 18 months, yes your free to live your life how you please whether its with or without Jinwoon" he finished. With or without? Pfft I guess it’s a good deal.


I thought for a while. I looked at Jinwoon and he seemed in another world. He doesn't seem to be a bad guy, I mean earlier he probably was in a bad mood from being yelled at and judged, I mean that’s why I exploded. Also, he made a mistake that everyone saw and probably won't forget. So I guess I’m responsible to help him out with this mess. Then I guess I know what I have to do!


"OK! I made my decision. I'll agree to your proposal! After 18 months we'll go our separate ways!" I looked at Jinwoon and he seemed shocked to hear my answer! then I looked at JYP he was ecstatic to hear my answer. " Perfect, then if you just sign here then it will be official that you guys are official!" he handed me a small packet and I signed it. He then asked for someone to come in and send us out.


As we left he called me back " Oh one more thing! you do have to live with him and his band mates in the dorm! No separate rooms or beds! You have to have at least one meal together everyday. And call each other once a day. Basically you have to be a married couple" Where did this all come from I looked at him with confusion, he laughed " Aww my daughter-in-law is so cute, it's all in the contract you signed. And make sure you do it, cause I’ll know!"


Yeah I guess my 'FATHER-IN-LAW' is bipolar...


"Oh I almost forgot, since you are sharing a bed behave. Don't wanna have kids so early in the marriage do you? Though I do think I’d be a good grandfather!" he joked hopefully!


"You don't have to worry about that! That will never happen! I'm innocent till marriage!" I yelled and walked away!




Aigoo she's so innocent she hasn't even realized that she's already married.

With this I think our maknae will grow up a little cause with Yoonji there seems to be a lot in store, for all of us!


(Jinwoon POV)


Y-yoonji agreed?

What the heck was I thinking last night?

How did this happen? 

I don't even know her and I have to be with her for 18 months!

How will everyone react?!




Seriously. What was that man thinking?! Kids?!.....

Now that I think about it, that packet was pretty thick, ahhh I should read before signing things!

As I stepped out side, it was so loud I couldn't even hear myself think!

"There she is! who do you think you are! seducing Jinwoon!" I felt myself being into the crowd like a black hole!

What have I gotten myself into?!



Hehe well this is a bit short but still enjoy!! xD Sorry if it's a little boring!!

I added the other pov sorta since Jinwoon was a little out of it the whole chapter ( I guess from the shock xD)

Do you guys like the others POV or should it jut be yours?! Comment!

Oh also yay! 5 subscribers!! I'm so happy! I think I’m more ecstatic than crazy JYP! Love you guys!!!!

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gibbo2001 #1
can u plz write more its AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Chapter 32: i need more from this ff pls update soon...thisis os great
Cassiopeia501 #3
Chapter 32: o.O omona your majesty why didnt you send this earlier?
whateveryouthink #4
Chapter 33: Please update faster.. ^^
Chapter 33: OMG I NEED MORE!!!!?!??
I love this story so much. Please update, author. ^^ <3
exo1211 #7
thanks for the update XD
uchiayume #8
So im a new reader... I gotta say this sounds like the taiwanese drama drunken to love you or something like that with rainie yang. Butnim looking forward to it :)
littlemiss10 #9
AHHH YOU UPDATED!! Yay:) hehe awww jinwoon wants confess but hes to shy:( have some confidence! Thanks for the update!