Till Death Due Us Part??!

One Night Can Change It All

(Your POV)

"Did we get married last night?" .........

I just stared at him with a blank face.

I mean come on what are you suppose to say to that? YES! HOW LONG SHOULD OUR HONEYMOON BE?!??  I don't think so?!

Our stare lasted for a while until the sudden ringing of phones smacked YES! smacked us into a very cruel reality!!!

I fell off the bed and ran to get my phone like a total mess as he walked almost glided to his phone. Sure make me feel like a total spazzz

I answered the phone" Hel-", "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU LAST NIGHT?!?!!?!?!?!" was what I think I heard?! I didn't have to look at the caller i.d to know who it was, that and also my best friend does have her own ringtone! " Adri! I have no clue, I was just trying to figu-" I was cut off again! "Yoonji, your all over the newspaper!!! WHEN THE HECK DID YOU GET MARRIED!!!!?!?!" At that moment I looked at Jinwoon, he was talking on the phone while pacing a bit, he looked up at me and I knew that today was about to be a pretty good example of hell!!


Adri kept screaming on the phone and my head still hurt from the hang over " Adri, I’ll call you back later" she was just about to say something when I hung up. I turned the phone off cause I didn't want to hear any more news....

Jinwoon had just finished his phone convo, he looked at me and said "Your going to my company, the president want to have a chat with both of us" He grabbed my hand and made me follow him to a van that was already waiting for us downstairs, we got inside and rode off. OMGGGG! JYP wants to talk to me?!! He must be P-I-S-S-E-D! I mean he has a strict NO dating policy so imagine the Marriage from a drunken night with a complete stranger policy?!?!?!?!?

We arrived at the company building and the van stopped, there was a bunch of angry fans; NO MORE LIKE AN ANGRY MOB! blocking the way!

I looked at Jinwoon and he looked a bit angry, I tried to say something to him but I don't know what to say? What do you say in this type of situation?! I tried to get his attention, but when I did he just glared at me!! Isn't that a bit too much? I mean he's not in this alone? I might get featured on the news ' YOUNG LADY FOUND KILLED BY A MOB OF ANGRY FANS!' 

We managed to get in through the back, as we walked in I felt so and it was really cold! I don't know if the chills down my spine were from what I was wearing or all the stares. Everyone seemed to be talking about us, I felt so dirty and uncomfortable 

As I tried to ignore all the glares we finally came to a stop. I looked up and he said" Stay here! " as he walked off I felt even more and I could see people snickering. I closed my eyes and I heard music, I looked behind me and I saw a room. I took a quick peek in and I saw 4 girls dancing, WOW they are really good! As I tried to back away and close the door I tripped over myself and landed inside, they stopped the music and looked at me. " Can we help you?" great more people that seem to hate me " No, sorry I didn't mean to interru-" then one of them interrupted me! "I know you!" she squeaked. The others girls looked at her with confused faces?! " Your the one on the news!" she looked at the girls " Yeah! the one that married Jinwoon!" they just stared at me waiting for an answer or maybe an explanation.....

"Ummm, I’m sorry about that...." then another girl spoke and gave me a shock! " Why are you apologizing?! We should be congratulating you Unnie!!!" I looked at her with shock, confusion, happiness, and who knows what else?! " What do you mean?!" I blurted out. They began to laugh, NOW I really was confused?!

"Don't be so shocked, we're not that judgmental. Plus, you already look like you suffered enough so far. That and you seem really nice" wow they were really nice. I talked with them for a little, at one point I forgot why I was even there until Jinwoon came back and dragged me to reality. I said bye and they wished me good luck ! Which I knew I was gonna need.

Jinwoon threw some clothes at me "Change into that, I don't think JYP wants to see someone like you". Someone like me? Wait a minute? Doesn't he mean dressed like this? He makes me seem like a hooker or something?! ( Author's note : I'm not saying being a hooker is bad! I don't judge!)

I looked at him and exploded " OK LOOK! I'm normally a really nice person but don't go around pushing my buttons! what the hell do you mean a person like me? Am I some sort of e?! Don't treat me like I have no feelings?!  I know I got you into trouble and what not but last time I checked they needed TWO ' I Do's' to make a marriage happen! So don't go around all victimized, pointing fingers at me!" I know I was causing a scene which I really hate but this kid really ugghfbdksbjhcvas me.

He looked at me and so did everyone else, I turned around and continue to yell " And you all! WHO THE HELL do you think you are to be staring at me with judgmental eyes?! I doubt you guys are all saints! You've probably made a billion mistakes so I highly recommend looking at another direction cause I’m not a circus for your entertainment!" I turned back towards Jinwoon " Where’s your president? If he wants to talk to me or whatever I’ll go just like this!" He pointed at a door and I walked right in!

I tried to calm down as I walked into the office since well I don't like being mad. I looked up and saw a man sitting with a smirk on his face. " Your the girl that has married one of my sons?" Sons? Damn how many kids does this guy have then? " Yes, I’m sorry for making such a mess. We'll go to court as soon as possible and get it annulled" As I said that Jinwoon walked in. " Oh that isn't needed." Huh? I think this guy's crazy? " What do you mean?" I asked.


He asked Jinwoon and I to sit down and spoke " I heard you just now." Oh sheeet did I go overboard? he stared at me and laughed " I like you! I want you and Jinwoon to stay married!".




Ahhhh sorry for the delay! School and exams! But I’ll try to post another one tonight!

Any who! What do you think of this one? Too long? Short? Tell me what you guys prefer? Also should I write more spaced out? 

Comment your thoughts!!! :]

Also! I would also like to say thanks to my two subscribers! Though its little it makes me ubber happy xD

Love you guys!!

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gibbo2001 #1
can u plz write more its AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Chapter 32: i need more from this ff pls update soon...thisis os great
Cassiopeia501 #3
Chapter 32: o.O omona your majesty why didnt you send this earlier?
whateveryouthink #4
Chapter 33: Please update faster.. ^^
Chapter 33: OMG I NEED MORE!!!!?!??
I love this story so much. Please update, author. ^^ <3
exo1211 #7
thanks for the update XD
uchiayume #8
So im a new reader... I gotta say this sounds like the taiwanese drama drunken to love you or something like that with rainie yang. Butnim looking forward to it :)
littlemiss10 #9
AHHH YOU UPDATED!! Yay:) hehe awww jinwoon wants confess but hes to shy:( have some confidence! Thanks for the update!