Why Do I Feel So Guilty?!?!

One Night Can Change It All

(Jinwoon’s POV)


What was that? I opened my eyes and looked around but saw nothing. I sat up and laid my head back on the couch “That…that was weird?” I said to myself. I began to rub my eyes “Did I really just dream about confessing to _____?” I continued to talk to no one, that dream… it felt so real. But if I thought it was real, then what I said… was that real too?! “No, no, no it wasn’t! Dreams are dreams! And THIS is reality.” Yeah! That’s it, nothing more. But why was she leaving me for Jalon? Pfft that jerk! ____ deserves a better guy than him! She’s too good of a person to have some jerk mess with her heart! I would never do that to her, I could treat her better! “Wait.. Why did I just compare myself to that jerk… Why do I feel like he’s competition?” I continued to talk alone. Competition? Do I want to compete for ____’s heart? Do I lik-

Ring Ring~!

My cell phone began to ring “Hello?” I answered.

“Oh yes that would be no problem.” I said.

 “When?” I asked.

 “OH! Now? Alright, I’ll be right there.” I said as I hung up the phone.


~~~ At A Studio~~~

I got called to do a last minute schedule I don’t mind I needed my mind off the whole dream, talking to myself and losing my sanity. “Jinwoon! I didn’t know you were gonna be here?! Someone yelled. I looked up and saw Doojoon, “Hey, Hyung!” I yelled back and waved as he walked up to me. “If Dongwoon would have known you were coming he couldn’t have turned down this schedule” he laughed a bit. “Ah, he decided to be lazy again!” I stated, “yeah! He convin-“ “OH! Doojoon can I speak with you for a bit” one of the writers interrupted hyung. “Yes” he said walking away before turning around “I'm gonna go change! Talk to you later hyung!” I yelled and he waved.

I went to the changing room and began to change. I looked at myself in the mirror; the clothes the coordi-noona chose were comfortable; better than some of other idols I’ve seen. I look different, why is that? “Could my dream be true? Do I really-“ no no, ____ is just a girl that randomly stepped into my life. There isn’t anything more than that. She’s nothing close to my ideal type! My ideal type is more like “Guess who~” Someone whispered in my ear as they covered my eyes. “Hmmm I wonder?” I said, “Ohh~ Who knows?!” she said. A smile suddenly came to my face as I recognized that voice “Hmm can it be…. Nicole?” I said trying to sound unsure. “Yah! Don’t act like you didn’t know” she said as she softly hit my arm, “Mianhae~” I said chuckling a bit. “How did you know I was in here?” I asked her, she looked up at me and smiled “I was the one that recommended you today! I knew you weren’t doing anything and were most likely bored” she said. Her smile is really cute, Nicole is pretty close to my ideal type and that weird feeling isn’t around anymore… maybe I should “Hey, Nicole?” she looked at me waiting for me to continue “Do you like me?” I asked her.



Jinwoon wasn’t home so I called father in law to ask where he was, aish on a schedule. Really? When I have something important to tell you!! Maybe this is a sign? Maybe I shouldn’t.. no no I have to a least try! “Hmm where is Jinwoon though?” I asked to no one in particular, “Oh are you looking for Jinwoon?” someone said. I turned around to be greeted by Doojoon, “AH! ______! I thought that was you! Your looking for Jinwoon?” he said. “Doojoon oppa, hi. Yeah I'm looking for him, do you know where I can find him?” I asked trying to get to the point fast. He chuckled a bit “Yeah, follow me I was just about to go talk to him” he said and I felt like he was my angel sent from above! “You’re the best!!” I yelled as I followed towards my husband, the man I married without a confession. The one that I’ve fallen for and am now gonna confess! I'm terrified YET excited! I began to smile to myself “You look happy” Doojoon said to me, I looked up and smiled brighter “You think?” and blushed. “Yeah! He should be in here, so go run in there!” he said, not knowing how encouraging that was for me. I walked up to the door and froze…What…Am...I…looking… “Jin-“ I felt a pair of arms pull me to the side as my tears began to fall unknowingly.


(Jinwoon’s POV)

Right after I asked Nicole if she liked me she just stared at me without saying a word; suddenly she ran up to me and kissed me! My eyes went wide I didn’t quite expect that. Wait a minute.. What?!...What am I doing?! This doesn't feel right… I want…I want my wife! I- I have feelings for _____! I immediately pushed Nicole away “WTH ARE YOU DOING?” I yelled at her while wiping my lips with my sleeve, she looked at me confused.




What just happened? Did I just get rejected without even confessing? “____ are you alright?” Doojoon asked me. I just stared blankly to the floor letting my tears roll; I can’t control them. I feel like my heart just broke… like it was made of glass and it just shattered into pieces so small that there is no point in fixing, you’ll just have to throw it away. My heart has just been swept up and thrown away without a chance… “____?” Doojoon said. I looked up at Doojoon and realized that I was crying in public, I quickly wiped my tears and laughed “Well that would have been awkward thanks Doojoon” I said with a fake smile. He looked at me with pitiful eyes before he brought be into a bear hug “Do I look that pitiful?” I asked with tears threating to escape.


Unn-Noona!" someone yells from across the halls, I look up and see a fairly good-looking guy running towards me "Umm Hi?" I said trying to be polite while covering all the tears that tried to escape a moment ago. He looks confused "You don't remember me?!" he asked. I look up at him confused I'm pretty sure I don’t know you… I mean I think I would remember a really cute guy like him "Umm no? Sorry" I said with a bit of disappointment that he probably thinks I'm someone else. He looks up at Doojoon and pulls me to the side looking around making sure no one can hear us "Unnie it's me!" he said with a big smile. Unnie?! Did he just call me Unnie? "Aishh I guess I look different since I have make up on now… " He said as he tried to wipe some make up off then it hit me! "OH! Sam Dong!?!" I shouted in glee, his face brightened up "Yesss! We meet again! And this time I’m sober!! " he said, Aishh this idiot! Doojoon walks up to us “____ do you know him?” he asked pointing at Sam “Yeah! This is SamDong; SamDong this is Doojoon” I said introducing the two. They talked for a while and I watched how Sam got Doojoon’s number, this is good since he most likely just finished debuting. “Ok thank you hyung!” I heard sam yell I looked up “____! I'm sorry I have to go, Feel better!!” he waved. I waved back understanding that he’s busy, “Unnie! I got his Doojoon, the leader of Beast’s number! This is awesome!” he screamed and jumped like a fangirl. Aish he's so cute, I chuckled at him “That’s how a rookie is suppose to react to his sunbae’s number? I wonder how you’d react with getting all the numbers on my cell” I said teasing him. His eyes lightened up and he stared at me like I was some god “W-what?” I asked. He smiled and then hugged me, ehh? Is he trying to seduce me to get the numbers?! “Unnie, why were you crying?” he asked and my heart stopped. That’s right… “Nothing, I'm just married to a jerk. So how’s your jerk?” I asked him hoping to change the topic. “Ehh.. Everything went well since he didn’t hate me for liking him but I don’t think he felt the same way. Heh I guess being a secret gay idol is gonna be hard” I said with a sad tone. Yes, gay… do you remember him? *A/N: Ch.9! *


(Mystery POV)

So your gay? Hmm “Interesting” I smirked and began to walk away. 


(Jinwoon’s POV)


I came straight home right after the schedule; I couldn’t think of anything else beside my new revelation. I, I have special feeling for ____? I have feelings for ___! This is crazy! What should I do? Do these feelings mean love?! I looked up towards the clock and realize its almost midnight, “Why is she so late?” I said to myself. Is she still out with the girls? I grabbed my cell phone and called Riine  “Hello?” she answered.

“Riine! Is ____ there?” I asked getting straight to the point.

“Unnie? No why? Isn’t she with you?!” she said like it was obvious.

“No? Why would she be with me when she was spending the day with you guys?!” I asked confused and a bit worried.

“Omo! Y-you don’t think Gabby got to her?!” she said, Gabby?

“Who’s Gabby?” I asked, and why would she have _____?

“Ehh well it’s a long story but, Gabby hates Unnie a lot! She always tries to hurt Unnie. She does anything and everything to make sure Unnie isn’t happy. She's the main reason Unnie came to Korea because…” she stopped.

“Because what Riine?” I asked a bit panicked that a psycho was after _____.

I can hear the phone shuffling around and then another voice came on to the phone “Because she tried to permanently get rid of _____ after completely ruining her life one by one” Adri said.

“Permanently? Do you mean” I said dumbfounded with what I just heard.

“She hired people to kill _____.” She plainly said.

“WHAT?!” I said shocked

Then I heard laughing on the other side of the phone, how is any of this funny?!

“Jinwoon! I wish I could see your face! Seriously. Hire to kill her?! Do you think your life is some kind of drama?! Pfft!!” Adri said while laughing. Seriously… a joke…she's so lucky that she isn’t in front of me!!

“YAH! I'm serious. Who’s this Gabby person?” I asked a bit irritated.

“Sorry, I just couldn’t help it. Gabby is a bad person though; I wouldn’t be surprised if she ever went as far as trying to kill ____. She’s the reason why Jalon kept breaking up with _____. The reason why she's so scarred with love” she simply said. Gabby? Scarred… should I try to heal them?


“I think she's home, thank you for everything” I said before hanging up on the phone.


I walk towards the front door and see a fairly happy ____; I guess this Gabby person didn’t get to her after all. “Welcome home ____” I said. Her body suddenly froze and she slowly looked at me, “Uhh, Hi?” I said a bit confused with her actions. She just stared at me as tears slowly began to flow from her eyes “_____? Are you alright?” I asked worriedly. She didn’t say anything and began to head towards our room, I quickly held on to her arm and pulled her towards me “What’s wrong?!” I said with pure panic. She wouldn’t look at me as she pulled her arm away from my grasp “Jinwoon. Just…Just not tonight please” she said and walked into our room. I don’t know why but the tone of her voice made me feel so guilty, did I do something wrong?!




Keke Party time~  \(^o^\) Woot Woot~  (/^o^)/

I was supposed to post this up last night but I got sleepy!! >//<


Sorry you forgive me right?!

Your probably like…

And your probably like this... 

and i'm like ^ 

I shall teach myself a lesson!


You guys still love and support me right?!

Kekeke XD

I hope you liked my spam!!!

Its fun to spam!

Anywho! Seriously! Wth?! I've been way toooo lazy!!! and i promise to update more! SERIOUSLY! I MISS MY STORY! AND READING ALL YOUR COMMENTS!!! 

I hope i get more~ Kekek *hint hint*

Well Yeah~ love you all!!!!!  

BYE!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^

P.S Did you see the new layout?!

AND Poster?!?!1 ^.^


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gibbo2001 #1
can u plz write more its AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Chapter 32: i need more from this ff pls update soon...thisis os great
Cassiopeia501 #3
Chapter 32: o.O omona your majesty why didnt you send this earlier?
whateveryouthink #4
Chapter 33: Please update faster.. ^^
Chapter 33: OMG I NEED MORE!!!!?!??
I love this story so much. Please update, author. ^^ <3
exo1211 #7
thanks for the update XD
uchiayume #8
So im a new reader... I gotta say this sounds like the taiwanese drama drunken to love you or something like that with rainie yang. Butnim looking forward to it :)
littlemiss10 #9
AHHH YOU UPDATED!! Yay:) hehe awww jinwoon wants confess but hes to shy:( have some confidence! Thanks for the update!