Did I Just Hear Right?!?!?!

One Night Can Change It All


JUST SO YOU KNOW! Chapter 23 had more to it!! I'm reminding you just in case you only read the teaser!!! ^.^




Did I faint last night?! Why can’t I remember anything? “Mmmm” I hear Jinwoon groan a little. Huh?! Why does Jinwoon sound closer than usual? I look and I'm on top of a shirtless, vulnerable, tempting looking Jinwoon. I bite my bottom lip, Goshhh why do I feel like a ert all of the sudden?! I get pulled closer into his embrace… Gahh Jinwoon why do you do this to me?! I get up slowly, hoping that Jinwoon won’t wake up finding me in this position. Who knows how he’d use this against me?! I attempt to move both my legs towards the right side of the bed “Yesss” I whispered in victory. As I tried to get out of the bed something suddenly pulls my right hand, I look down and our hands are intertwined, suddenly I remembered the night before “Can I hold your hand, tonight?”. D-did we hold hands through out the WHOLE night?! My body suddenly began to get hotter; Gahhh I hate it when I blush! My whole body gets hot!! I quickly run out of the room “I need to take a shower to cool down” I whispered to myself. Gahhh I sound like a guy!!!


(Jinwoon’s POV)


Last night… last nighttt OMG! LAST NIGHT! Did I ask ____ if I could hold her hand? Did I tell her I wanted to?!  My eyes suddenly snap open. Am I crazy? I look towards my left “_____?” how come she isn’t her? OH NO? Did she wake up and freak out?! Who knows what she thinks now?! I get up from the bed “Aishhh if I keep acting that way she’s gonna think I have feelings for her…” I walk out of the room and head to the bathroom, feelings? Me? For her? OF COURSE NOT! I open the door to the bathroom and freeze. I-I-Is that ____? Is she showering?! I tried to close the door and leave but my body won’t listen to me!! I watch _____’ssilhouette in the shower…. It’s memorizing.. almost like its hypnotizing me.. My feet begin to move forward, NOO! Feet your moving the WRONG way!! My arms begin to reach out towards the shower door, NOOOOO BAD ARM! You can’t do this?! Noo yo- The shower door slides opens along with a scream.


 “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” loud enough to bring me back to my senses “U-ughh, sorry I didn’t know you were showering” I said. “YAH! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU!!!” she screamed out as she ran towards our room in a towel. “Pffft and you said you weren’t a perevt?!” Riine said as she walked into the bathroom locking the door. “YAH! I'M NO-“ I stopped myself. But why was I staring?! AM I ONE?! Aishh I should apologize…


I walk towards our room and knock on the door “Uuhh ______? C-can I come in?” I asked cautiously rubbing the back of my head . I hear sudden movements and then the door quickly opens revealing a fully clothed ____ with packed bags?!?! “Why do you have those?” I asked her she looked up at me and then simply said, “I'm leaving”. WAIT WHAT?! “Why? Is it because of earlier?! I really didn’t mean to! I'm sorry!” I said. She looked up at me and chuckled a bit, ehhh chuckled? “Aishh your such a pabo! Don’t you remember today I'm having a girls day?!” she said. I looked at her feeling like a pabo. “Oh” was all I could say. “But I still can’t believe your such a ert” she said. HEY! “I'm not!! I already told you it was an accident!! And why didn’t you lock the door?! What if someone else would have walked in and seen my- your- ehh” I stuttered.


“Ohh someone wants to keep my Unnie to himself~” Riine sang. “YAH! Little girl! I have no clue what you talking about!” I said trying to avoid their eyes. “Uhh Riine, lets go. We need to meet up with the others” ____ said. My ears suddenly perked up. OTHERS? “______!” I yelled causing her to jumped “What? You scared me” she said. Uggh dang how do I say this without making Riine right… “Umm did your friend leave already?” I said. She looked at me confused “Friend? Adri?” she asked. I shook my head “No. The guy? Did he leave to the other side of the world already?!” I asked again. She nodded “He left early morning, why?”. Pfft good! I hope I don’t have to run into HIM again. What ever his name was “Oh no reason~” I said. She looked at me confused and said “Bye Jinwoon. I’ll be back tomorrow! Don’t forget to eat! And don’t overwork yourself! Take a nap whenever you can!” before heading out with Riine.


I sat on the living room floor eating with a smile on my face “Aishh hyung this looks serious” someone whispered behind me. “I know~ Could it be that he caught a disease?!” someone else whispered even closer. “Hyung, what do you think it could be?!” the whispering got closer. “No clue~” the whispering continued. “I KNOW~! It’s L-O-V-E~” Jokwon hyung whispered in my ear. L-O-V-E? what does that spell? LO-VE…LOVE?! “YAH! What nonsense are you guys spewing?!  “Ohh don’t forget to eat~!” Seulong hyung mimicked grabbing Changmin hyungs face. “Yesss yeobo! And don’t overwork yourself, make sure to take a nap~!” Changmin hyung mimicked as well. “Yah! Stop it! She was just being…..nice” I said with a smile.


“♪♫♪♫ LOVE IS IN TH AIR~ La la la Ohhh LOVE IS IN THE AIR~ ♪♫♪♫” They began to sing. Pfft and I'm the maknae?! “There is NO love in this air ok! So please drop it” I told them as i headed towards the kitchen. “Denial. Sigh~ How I miss falling in love. Yah! Seulong lets go fall in love too~!” Changmin hyung said clinging on Seulong hyungs arm. “Don’t you have somewhere to go?!” I asked them with a slightly irritated voice. They looked up at me with bright faces, “YOUR RIGHT! Bye~!!” They yelled as they ran out of the dorm. “I have to go too~ Gain and I are having a date!!!” Jokwon hyung yelled in glee. “I hope your okay being all ALONE~ today!! Bye!!” He sang as he slammed the door. “FINALLY! Some peace~!” I sang.


I sat on the couch and stared at the ceiling. Sooo what shall I do today?! Hmmm shall I call Key?! Or Dongwoon?! I quickly dialed their numbers but…. They were busy =.=. Hmm so what shall I do now?! ____’s voice suddenly came to my mind; ‘Take a nap whenever you can’ a smile automatically was placed on my face, YAH! Why am I like this?!  Pffft I'm gonna take a nap! But not because she told me to! I'm tired! “Yeah! That’s right!”…




Jinwoon was acting weird? Was it because he saw me in the shower? OMG! Remembering that makes me want to die! How could I forget to lock the door?! But.. if that affected him then.. PFFT! And he said I wasn’t attractive! “HA! Eat your heart out!” I yelled in victory. “____! Are you talking to yourself again?!” Adri scolded. I looked at her surprised “ADRI!!! When did you get here?!” I asked her running towards her to give her a hug, WHICH SHE REJECTED! Sigh~ this love hate relationship is confusing at times “I’ve been here! I think it’s been a good 30 minutes! Where have YOU been?!” she asked a bit annoyed. Hmm she might be mad that she has to repeat everything she said in the past 30 minutes and she hates repeating herself “She’s probably thinking of this morning incident” Riine suddenly informed causing Adri to smirk. “Incident you say? Tell me more~” she sang. Riine and Adri huddled to themselves. OH SHISUS!! Knowing Riine! She's gonna twist the truth!! I try to interrupt “WHAT! THEY SHOWERED TOGETHER?!?!?!” Adri yelled.


She looked at me with disapproving eyes “Whyy, oh why?! Where did I go wrong?!” she said shaking he head. “N-no! It’s not like that!!” I tried to defend. “I just can’t believe you!! HAVE I TAUGHT YOU NOTHING?!!?!?” She yelled. “B-but i-“ I tried to defend “I mean I know your suppose to be my innocent daughter/sister but if your have a hot guy in the bathroom with you LOCK THE DOOR! DON’T RUN OUT! Those are the times where its an exception!! You can go crazy! I APPROVE!!” she continued. I stare at her in disbelief.. Really?! I think I'm more surprised that I'm surprised with what she said. I should be use to this…


“ADRI!” I yelled at her while pushing her a bit, “I-It wasn’t like that…” I paused for a bit. Why does everyone like to get my hopes up?! If I continue to hear this enough I might become delusion and actually believe it.. Of course not the physical contact stuff! I mean the emotional! “Sigh~ _____? Do you wanna talk about it?” Adri asked me worry clearly seen in her eyes. I shook my head, now wasn’t the right time to talk about this sort of things. Today was about IT! “Let’s start!” I said. With those two simple words Adri and Riine began to inform me. “Through special sources it seems that the enemy has been up to something for a while now” Adri began. “Yes, it is believed that she was the one behind that incident not too long ago..” Riine continued. “What incident?” I asked. Heheh I feel like a spy! And a boss xD


Riine began to avert her eyes “Uhh you know.. the one with Brother-in-law… and that.. uhh” she stuttered, “The female !” Adri finished. Seohyun? Gabby was behind that?! “How do you know?!” I asked. “She paid someone to drug Seohyun with something that would make her… lets just say go crazy” Riine said. “Drugs? Adri… there is no denying its Gabby… this isn’t the first time she uses this sort of tactic.. the sad thing is that’s not even the worst of it all..” I said lowering my voice towards the end. “Adri… Why does she always have to hurt me? What did I ever do?!” I said with sad eyes “YAH! Don’t being to get weak on me! You know you’ve done nothing to her! She's just cynical like that!! She likes to see you broken, don’t let her! I won’t let you get that way again!” Adri yelled while shaking my shoulders.


Broken? I guess that’s true… She's always tried to take my smile away. First it started off with my “friends”; one by one they began to ignore me and then rumors began to circulate. Then even strangers looked at me with disgust. At that time it hurt a lot, not because the words were painful or because I had become a loner. It was because at one point, I had heard it enough to believe all the lies myself. If Adri wouldn’t have been there.. I might have really lost myself. I can’t let her do this again! She thinks that I'm the same ______! Heh she has no idea who she's messing with. I began to laugh, “Chill Adri, she’ll never get the chance. Back then those weren’t true friends! I have you and my sis! Two things I will never lose!” I stated.


They both smiled “GOOD! I thought you were getting all emo on me! Thought I had to slap you or something” she said with an evil smile… you think she's just saying that?! Nahhh I think she was seriously hoping that she had to slap me. “So is that all!?” I asked. “It also believed that she was the one that took the picture that created the scandal and…” Riine said. “And what?” I asked, “She’s planning on approaching Jinwoon herself now” Adri continued. Ehh? “How do you know?!” I almost demanded.


“Special sources said and I quote ‘Uggh if you want something done right I guess you have to do it yourself!. I mean its not my fault not everyone can be as perfect as me!’ is what she said. Pffft what a conceited bitc-“ Adri said, “Adri! Don’t curse in front of Riine!” I interrupted. “Whatever I know we all were thinking it!” she defended herself. "Gabby. You can attack me all you want because I know I’m confident in my feelings. But…. With your dirty tactics… Jinwoon is a guy after all…. And he doesn’t feel anything for me… so how can I defend a love I don’t even have?!" i said maily to myself. “Don’t worry! Jinwoon wouldn’t fall for a tramp like that! And how do you know he doesn’t have feeling for you?! Have you ever told him your feelings?! Maybe he’s just shy!” she tried to reason. “Should I tell him?!” I said, my voice filled with nervousness and confusion. She nodded eagerly “You should. I have a good feeling about it!” she said with Riine agreeing in the background.. Should I?


(Jinwoon’s POV)


“Jinwoon!” ugghh who’s yelling? “Jinwoon!” please stop yelling I want to sleep! “Come on Jinwoon! Get up please!” This voice.. I know it. “Jinwoon!” I slowly open my eyes to be welcomed with ______’s face no more that 2cm from my face. Whoaa that’s too close~ But oddly enough I don’t feel uncomfortable.. hmm maybe it’s because we wake up a lot like that in bed.. “___? What time is it? Did I sleep an entire day?” she laughed. How cute, “No~ I came back early!” she said. Early? Really?! For me! Suddenly my heart begins to beat abnormally. “Ohh really? Did you miss me that much?” I said jokingly but with sincerity deep inside. Her face suddenly gets serious “No.” she said, huh? Did the joke get her mad? “___? Are you mad? I was just kidding.” I said. “I don’t care if your kidding. I don’t care anymore! I'm leaving!” she said almost yelled. What is wrong with her? “Where are you going?!” I asked, her face turned emotionless “With Jalon…” she said. Jalon? WHAT? WHY? “____! Why with him?! All of the sudden why?!” I eagerly asked. She just turned away opening the door revealing the jerk himself!!! “_____! Wait! You can’t leave me!” I demanded as I held onto her arm. She harshly pulled her arm away from me and yelled “WHY!!”. “Because! I LOVE YOU!!” I yelled with all my might hoping to reach her heart.


(Changmin’s POV)

Today was such a fun day! Seulong, Taec, Khun and I decided to go back to the dorm since Jinwoon is probably all-lonely. Hehe I wonder if he's still mad because we were teasing him~ He’s so easy and oblivious! Its obvious they’re fireworks between them! The fireworks are so loud that I might lose my hearing one of these days!! We step in to the dorm to find a sleeping Jinwoon

“Aww our maknae is so cute” Said Taec. We all started to laugh, “_____! Don’t leave!” Jinwoon suddenly yelled. “He’s talking in his sleep?” I said aloud, “And he’s dreaming about ____~” Seulong added. We began to giggle like little schoolgirls, “Because! I LOVE YOU!!” Jinwoon yelled. We all froze; we slowly looked at each other… “Did I just hear right?!”



Why hello there~!

Was I missed?!?!? xD

Sorry for being gone for a month!

Heheh time flew by so fast! I didn’t even notice =.=


The old age is getting to me now! ^.^


I hope you enjoyeddd my bipolar chapter!!!

Heheh I hope to read many comments!!! 

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gibbo2001 #1
can u plz write more its AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Chapter 32: i need more from this ff pls update soon...thisis os great
Cassiopeia501 #3
Chapter 32: o.O omona your majesty why didnt you send this earlier?
whateveryouthink #4
Chapter 33: Please update faster.. ^^
Chapter 33: OMG I NEED MORE!!!!?!??
I love this story so much. Please update, author. ^^ <3
exo1211 #7
thanks for the update XD
uchiayume #8
So im a new reader... I gotta say this sounds like the taiwanese drama drunken to love you or something like that with rainie yang. Butnim looking forward to it :)
littlemiss10 #9
AHHH YOU UPDATED!! Yay:) hehe awww jinwoon wants confess but hes to shy:( have some confidence! Thanks for the update!