Growing Closer?!

One Night Can Change It All




“Is it morning already?!” I said as I barely opened my eyes, I stayed lying in bed remembering how practically perfect the night had been and how the ending could’ve been…. BUT NOOOO! SOMEONE! I mean my dear sister missed me so I had to cuddle with her… instead…T.T Not that I blame her… or anything!! “Unnie…. We’re gonna get married…. He just doesn’t know it…. Will you approve?” I turn my head and see my dongsaeng sleep talking, aishh this girl is crazy WHICH REMINDS ME! I need to do a little something special for her! I slowly roll off the bed to try and not wake her up but of course I have to FALL on the floor. I get up and creep over the edge of the bed to see if she's still dead asleep and YES! Muahaha and they say I can’t be a ninja!! I tippy toe with my newfound ninja skills to my cell phone to make the arrangements, then I see a text message….


** Hiii~**


Who is this? I check the number, but I don’t recognize it?! Hmm probably a weirdo..... I put the phone down and I look at my sister and remembered that I still had to make a call. Then the same message popped up again…I decided to write back.


** Hey, Who is this?**


What can I say?! Curiosity really gets to me sometimes!! I wait for a text but I didn’t get anything so I left the room to eat something before making my calls. Gahh breakfast is so good! I decided to make myself a sandwich! Buzz buzz I hear vibrations from the counter by the kitchen, they wrote back! I run to the phone and open the message..


**Hey, it’s Jalon :) **


WHAT?! Why is HE texting me?! I looked at the text for a bit longer and put my phone back down… I'm not gonna answer him. I have no idea how he got my number but I DO know I'm gonna change it! Uggh just reading his name makes me feel ill, I run to the bathroom before I spill my once yummy breakfast all over the living room floor….



(Jinwoon’s POV)


I walk out of the bathroom and get pushed out of the way by ______!! Well good morning to her too! Pfft and I thought we were on good terms?! I walked towards the kitchen and noticed a sandwich! I sat by the counter and decided to not let it go to waste, it was pretty good. I saw __­­____’s cell phone on the counter? “Was this her sandwich?!” i said… do you think she’ll get mad if she finds out I ate it?! I decide to walk away from the situation when I realized I still had her phone in my hand.. “Is it working again?” I said since its usually broken all the time. I press a button and the light gets bright, ohh yeah its alive ahah I said as I put it down, then I see


**Hey, it’s Jalon :) **


Jalon?.... “Who is Jalon?!” I said while staring at the phone blankly.. “Jalon?  That’s Unnie’s first love” said a half asleep dongsaeng as she walked into the kitchen got a glass of water and went back into the room.. Her first love?! She's talking to her first love?! Why?! Agghhh this really annoys me! How can she act the way she did last night but still talk to another guy?! And what kind of name is Jalon?! Pfft I don’t even wanna see this anymore I try to place the phone down “What are you doing!” I hear someone yell.. I look up and see a really mad _______.





“Were you looking through my phone?!” I said with an agitated tone, he just looked at me blankly “Uggh seriously, can’t I have a little privacy?! “ I yelled. “Ohh you want privacy so you can cheat on your husband?!!” he suddenly yelled. Cheat? “What are you talking about?!” I yelled looked at him with a confused face. “You know exactly what I'm talking about. Not only are you talking to a GUY, but he's your first love!” he yelled “I can’t believe you’d do this to me, even after the nice night we had last night!” he continued to yell, “I didn’t think you were this type of person” he said. WHAT?! Type of person?! Do this to you?! Is he in his right mind?!  “Excuse me? Don’t going talking about being a good person! At least I didn't forget about our 100th day anniversary plans and ditch you up to go be with my first love!!” I yelled at him, his face went pale in shock. “H-How did you know?” he asked, how did I know?! How did I find out?! Well I can’t tell him I saw one of his texts too cause this argument wont go anywhere?! “It doesn't matter! You lied to me and now you’re accusing me of cheating, you’re the one all over the news with another girl. Have I even told you one thing about any of this?!” I yelled at him, I know it not right to throw this all in his face but he is accusing me of something I didn’t do, invaded my privacy and HE'S the one that was talking to that what’s her face! I look towards Jinwoon and he looks like he's about to blow up “I TOLD YOU! I didn’t do anything with that girl!” he yelled, well more like blew up! “I never said you did…” I simply said. He widened his eyes and began to storm off I quickly grabbed his arm “Why are you so mad anyways?” I asked, I attempted to look into his eyes but he averted my eyes.. he yanked his arm away from me and left without saying a word.


“WHAT IS ALL THAT NOISE!” screamed out Jokwon as he came out with his messy hair and the rest of the guys following right behind me. Aishhh SEE WHAT YOU DID! You woke everyone up! “I'm sorry” I said. “What happened? Did you guys have a fight?” asked Seulong I looked up at them “Yeah…” I simply said. I don’t know how it got like this? Last night seems like a dream now! I don’t like this feeling.. “_______, what happened?” asked Changmin. I explained everything to them and their reactions were kinda weird… “THAT’S GREAT!” screamed out Jokwon “I know right?! I'm so proud of these two!!” said Seulong… Well they ARE JYP’s children… why am I surprised?! “I'm gonna call the guys! I have to tell them!” said Changmin as he began to dial… what are they talking about?! I didn’t know a fight was a good thing?!


“_____________!” I heard, when I turn around I see 2PM and Gain… oh god! What a day this is gonna be. “Sooo I heard..” said Taec… what exactly did he hear? “What? That we fought?” I asked really confused! “No that there is LOVE in the air~” screamed Junho RIGHT IN MY EAR! As he hung his arm over my shoulders.. did these guys drink before coming here?! “You know… drink so early in the morning is BAD!” I told him as I pulled away from him.. “We’re no drunks! We’re happy for you!” said Kuhn. Sighhhh even poor innocent looking Kuhn has gone insane… “Look guys.. fighting isn’t good, there is no love in the air and you guys are being way too loud! Your gonna wake up my sister!” I said. They all froze… “What?” I asked did I say something bad?! “You have a sister?!” asked Wooyoung I looked at him confused… Didn’t they know this already?! “Yesss…” They all put creepy faces on…. “WHERE IS SHE?!”.. I don’t think I want them to know now… I started to try and hide my rooms door from their sight but I was too late “Unnie….. why is it so loud?” I turn around and see my little sister rubbing her eyes in her pj’s.. “No go hide!” I said as I tried to push her back in, “Awwww~! How cute!”they all yelled. I was too late…



(Jinwoon’s POV)


I left the apartment with a HUGE slam, I don’t usually get this way but I just had to get out of there. How did she know about Bi Laya?! Has she known this whole time? Is she using that Jerklon to get back at me?! I don’t know what to think?! It just gets me so mad that I'm getting mad and I don’t even know why?! The anger begins to engulf me and I just felt like running, so I did. I felt like Forest Gump running without a reason nor a destination.. I just wanted to let out some steam. Soon after I was so far away that I didn’t know where I was, but I felt better. I laid my back on a wall and laid my head back and closed my eyes “Why was I so mad anyways?!” I said to myself?! These are those times where I wished I were in a movie. That way I knew that life would get easier before the credits hit or I could just blame the writers for making me confused and not being able to understand myself (A/N Heheh sorry! Blame me if you’d like)

I opened my eyes again and the sun had already gone down “Did I fall asleep standing up? And in the middle of the street?!” I said as I started walking back from the opposite direction I ran hoping that it would lead me home.


I finally make it home completely exhausted; I see a note on the table.


**Riine has her own room, so sleep in YOUR ROOM TONIGHT!  

                               -   Love Jokwon**


Aishh hyung I'm guessing you know about the fight… I decided to take a quick shower then slowly walked into the room I look to my left and I see ______ sleeping under the covers. I quickly change and lay in bed. I turn my head to face ______ I can’t tell if she's awake or asleep… I wanted to apologize for earlier, I shouldn’t have screamed at her…. “______, I'm sorry about earlier” I whispered. Then _____ turned her body towards me and began to stare at me.





He apologized? I wanted to say sorry because I was wrong for throwing everything in his face, that was wrong of me... but more importantly I really don’t want him to misunderstand my relationship with THAT guy… “Jinwoon, I'm sorry” I said, his face became more attentive waiting for me to continue “It’s just that…There’s a reason why he was my first love cause that meant that there was a second, third, and maybe fourth love. I never said he was my only love……” I told him with a shaky voice. Gahhh I feel like I'm confessing to him! I closed my eyes waiting for him to laugh or something to change the mood, but he never did. I opened my eyes again and I see him smiling at me, O.o why is he smiling?!  “Does that mean your looking for your only love?” he asked. My eyes widened and my cheeks flushed. I quickly covered my head with the covers, “Why do you care!” I said trying to hide my embarrassment. He then went under the covers too! “Why CAN’T I care?” he asked staring at me with sleepy eyes. He stayed close to me and then laid his head on me. “YAH! Get off of me!” I yelled, you’ll be able to hear my heart going crazy if you stay there! But instead he decided to cuddle closer!.. Aishhh this pabo! I look at his sleeping face, my only love? I think I might have found him.. even if he's a bit clueless….




It’s been a while guys!!!!

I hope you guys like it! :p

Remember to comment lots!

I love reading them as much as I love writing each chapter!!! ^.^



P.S Sorry for typos! I'm trying to reduce them as much a possible!

And Gahhh have you heard B1A4- O.K it’s good! :D

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gibbo2001 #1
can u plz write more its AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Chapter 32: i need more from this ff pls update soon...thisis os great
Cassiopeia501 #3
Chapter 32: o.O omona your majesty why didnt you send this earlier?
whateveryouthink #4
Chapter 33: Please update faster.. ^^
Chapter 33: OMG I NEED MORE!!!!?!??
I love this story so much. Please update, author. ^^ <3
exo1211 #7
thanks for the update XD
uchiayume #8
So im a new reader... I gotta say this sounds like the taiwanese drama drunken to love you or something like that with rainie yang. Butnim looking forward to it :)
littlemiss10 #9
AHHH YOU UPDATED!! Yay:) hehe awww jinwoon wants confess but hes to shy:( have some confidence! Thanks for the update!