The Scandal?! And Surprise?!

One Night Can Change It All




“______, Jinwoon isn’t like that. You don’t have to worry about that, I'm sure he has a good reason for everything that happened that night” said Changmin oppa. I sighed, the oppas noticed I wasn’t in a good mood this morning so I just told them what happened. “HE BETTER HAVE A GOOD REASON!” yelled Gain, ohh yeah Gain is here too. Aha I love how she defends me, “You guys don’t have to worry, we’ve known Jinwoon for many years. That kid isn’t that type” said Seulong as he sat on the couch turning on the tv. I nodded my head, I'm sure it was a misunderstanding I mean he IS  a bit of a meanie at times but to go that far… I don’t think so.


“This just in: Well known 2AM member Jung Jinwoon”


We all heard and walked to the tv while Seulong raised the volume.  “It seems that Jinwoon is in a romantic getaway with a mysterious woman, we have evidence of him and an unknown female around 3:45 a.m. Isn’t that too late?”  said the announcer. 3:45? Then that means that, SHE'S the one that was with him over the phone… it was real? “These are the pictures that was sent to us”she said as they showed pictures of Jinwoon holding a girl way too close, then carrying her into the hotel bridal style… “Jinwoon?! Does he want to die! Here we were defending him!” screamed out Jokwon. I looked at the 2am members and Gain, “Hmm they seem to be REALLY close, I wonder what wifey at home thinks?!” said the reporter. She wants to know what I think?! Do you really?! I don’t think my thoughts can be aired!! So lets not even ask ok!!! They all began staring back at me “____ are you ok?” asked Gain, I smiled at her and everyone “Yeah I'm fine. I just need some air.” I said. As I started walking my phone began to ring, Seulong handed me my phone “____, its Jinwoon..” I looked at the i.d and just ignored it and continued to walk out. I can’t talk to him right now..


Its been hours since the report, but it just doesn’t seem to go away. Everywhere I go he’s on the news, the radio I see the pictures all over the place.. its like its taunting me!! “Why did I have to fall for you” as I said as I stared at the picture in the newspaper. Rinng rinnng~ Siggh he’s calling again.. I ignored it and opened the back of my phone “I can’t take the ringing” I said as I pulled out the battery. I continued to walk around in almost a daze, I knew people were looking at me and whispering.. but I just don’t care. You may think I'm depressed because my husband is cheating on me but that’s not the reason at all..I know that I can be over thinking everything, the reports can be exaggerated and maybe if he explained it I would believe him.. but I also know that I’d forgive him with a simple sorry… no explanation needed, and that’s what scares me. I love him so much that I'm willing to forgive anything already… I don’t wanna be like that, not again.. I don’t wanna be that person again..


It was getting late so I decided to finally go back to the dorms “____________! Where have you been?” screamed out Gain as she attacked me into a hug. “I was getting air” I said, she looked at me like she understood. “_____, JYP wants to see you in his office tomorrow. He's been trying to contact you all day today, he’s worried sick” said Jokwon. I nodded and walked into the room, I wonder if JYP is gonna kill Jinwoon? Should I just let him? Was the last thing I thought as I laid on the bed and closed my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.



~~~The Next Day At JYP’s Office~~~


I walk into the office trying to wear the happiest face that I know “___________! My poor baby! How are you?! I can’t believe you have to go through this pain” JYP sobbed as he held on to me “This is all my fault, I'm so sorry” he continued. I began patting his back, “It’s ok, don’t blame yourself. Its not your fault at all” I tell him trying to comfort him, this is kinda weird.. I thought he was gonna comfort me ahaha I should have known things always go a different route with JYP “Yes it is” he said. “Aishh father in law, you’re not to blame. Please don’t cry, you’ll make my cry” said with pleading eyes. He looked up at me “Ohh your too nice! And to think that you just realized your feelings for him” he said wiping away his tears. “Yeah I know I just.. WAIT what?! D-did you j-just say that I I have feelings for him?” I asked him. He looked at me and smiled “Did you think I didn’t know?” he said, I nodded “B-but how? How did you find out?” I asked him. He begins to laugh a bit hysterical “I , I AM JYP! I know all” he said with a very proud face and serious face that he has. “Soooo tell me how it happened?! I’ve been dying to know Hehehe “ He giggled as he placed both of his hands under his chin to keep his head up to listen to my love story, aishh this president is really an emotional roller coaster but he if fun! “Where do I start?” I asked him, “From the beginning!” he said a little too excited.


I told him the story, ahaha I feel like we’re two teenage girls talking about my crush. If only I could show people what he looked like right now, I don’t think anyone would believe me. We’re both wearing comfortable clothing; like sweats, and have a buch of junk food and ice cream around us. This is so much fun “Father in law, thank you. I really do feel better about all of this, but can you do me a favor?” I asked him, he looked at me as he stuffed a HUGE amount of ice cream in his mouth “Hmm weat wes wet” he mumbled. Ahaha this guy is an adult? Ahah “Can you please not do anything to Jinwoon. Don’t punish him or anything” I told him “WEAT!” He said almost spitting the remaining ice cream in his mouth, eww ahah. He grabbed a napkin and wiped his face a bit “Why not? He deserves to get punished!” he said with a revengeful face, “ Please father in law, I  want him to learn on his own. Not cause he was punished” I said with begging eyes. “Fine fine, but if you change your mind I'm just a phone call away. I already have a plan on what to do, all I have to do I push a button ok!” he said. I smiled at him “k!”


~~~Hours Later~~~

I spent the whole day with JYP ahah it was fun! After a while we even stopped talking about Jinwoon, he told me stories about his past loves. This guy is a real romantic, I wish Jinwoon could treat me like that… but I guess love is needed in order to treat the girl that way.


I walked into the house anticipating my sweet bed; the day has been so long that all you want right now is pure sleep. I walk straight into my room and jump on the bed on my belly with my eyes closed. “______ your finally home!” someone said I opened my eyes and look up to find Jinwoon sitting on the bed. What is he doing here?! “Ah yeah” I said as I went to my side “____ please don’t be mad at me! Please believe me! I really didn’t do anything with that girl! I was just..” he was trying to explain but I interrupted “I believe you” I plainly said. “No you don’t get it, I really didn’t.. wait what?! You believe me?” he asked. “Yeah, I believe you. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.” I told him. He looked at me with relief all over his face “So I'm forgiven?” he asked, “Not yet” I said as I got up and walked to your night stand, you pull out your desire book. You rip out a page “It may say day, but how about a night with Jinwoon instead?” I asked him. He widened his eyes, “W-what do you have I mind?” he stuttered a bit, “Lets have a date” I told him. “Ohh now?” he asked souding confused, “Yes” I said. He smiled “Ok! Lets go right now!” he yelled as he grabbed my hand and we headed out of the dorm.


We’re in Jinwoon’s car and we’re just driving around “Its pretty late, what do you want to do?” he asked me, “Why don’t you surprise me?” I told him. He thought for a while then began to smile “Ok, I know what to do.” He said and he accelerated a bit, we drove for a bit then he stopped. I looked around “Where are we?” I asked him. He just stayed quiet and grabbed my arm pulling me to the MOVIES?! “We’re gonna watch a movie?” I asked him. He nodded “You said you wanted a date right?” I nodded as I watch him buy the tickets. This guy is really weird sometimes, but why should I complain?!  We walked into the theater that was playing the movie he choose, we sat next to each other. It was a sappy movie, but luckily there wasn’t any couples around us making out cause I’d feel so awkward…


The movie was pretty long, you’d think we’d have those cute moments where he’d reach out for popcorn and so would I and out hands would touch or our hand touch accidently on the armrest… Noppppe nothing like that, he just kept facing forward the whole time.. Aishh why can’t we have movie moments L “So did you like the movie?” he asked, I nodded though the action between us could have made it better… “So what now?” I asked him sounding curious “How about dinner?” he asked me.. ughh dinner? I'm so full of junk food from earlier that if I have anymore food I’ll puke.. and I doubt that will be romantic.. “Umm I'm..kinda already full, I had ummm had dinner with JYP” I told him Ahahah dinner, we’re so healthy! He stared at me for a bit “Oh umm how about dessert then?!” he asked, I smiled who says no to dessert! “Sure! Lets have ice cream!” I practically yelled as I grabbed his arm towards the car, he pulled back “No lets walk” he said. I turned back? Walk? Hmm “Sure” I said and let him guide me to an ice cream store.


~~~What Felt Like Hours Later~~~


“Are we lost?” I asked him, “noo of course not. Its just a little bit further away” he said not looking to sure of what he just said. “You said that 20 minutes ago, why don’t we ask someone” i told me. He stared at me then shook his head “No, we don’t need to ask. Just follow me” he said and kept walking a head of me. Aishh why are guys always so stubborn when it comes to directions?! Does it hurt their pride? Well their pride is killing my feet! “Jinwoon..” I said “We’re here!?” he screamed sounding amazed himself. I looked up and he was right! There was an ice cream polar in front of us!! YAY!! ICE CREAM! I grabbed Jinwoon’s arm and ran inside!


We began ordering our ice cream “OMO! Isn’t that Jinwoon?!” I heard someone say.. I turned around and saw a bunch of people staring at us “Isn’t he cheating on his wife? She's too forgiving” I heard someone else say. I looked up at Jinwoon and he looked saddened, this situation has really made him seem like a bad guy. Well it DID look bad.. but still why do people have to whisper behind peoples backs… “Jinwoon? do you want to go out for a walk?” I asked him. I think its best to get away from all these judgmental eyes, he looked down on me and smiled “After we get ice cream” he said. I wanted to say more but he seemed to be blocking everything, I watched him order the ice cream and the moment that the girl handed him the ice cream I grab his arm and I pulled him out of the shop! “______, what are you doing?” he said as I held on to him and ran! I ignored to him and just kept running until I just couldn’t anymore. I begin to try and catch my breath “What…were…you…” he said also trying to catch his breath. I smiled at him “…a..way….with…you…”I told him. He looked up and just started to laugh “Yah! You made the ice cream melt” he scolded, I looked at his hands and they were both covered in ice cream aahaa “Nahh its ice cream soup now! And you can just the ice cream off your hands!” I told him. He watched get the small bowls and begin mixing the ice creams “Ice cream soup? That sounds kinda nasty?” he said. Its not here try! And I fed him a mix of the two ice creams together, his eyes widened but my sudden action AHH WHAT AM I DOING?! “Sorry” I said as I pulled back the spoon, “It is good! Here try!” he said as he fed me with the other spoon, he shocked me so much that I accidentally dropped the spoon in my hand. We both looked at the spoon on the concrete floor, “what do we do now?” I said. He grabbed a bit spoon full of ice cream and stuck it in his mouth then he grabbed another spoonful and fed me!!!! OMG! “We share” he said with a big smile on. I stared at him “You don’t mind, do you?” he asked. I shook my head and he fed me another spoonful of ice cream. >///<


We finally finished the ice cream! It was sooo good! It was a bit embarrassing but it was fun “____ you have ice cream all over your face” he said as he pointed at the spots, “That’s cause someone was messy feeding me, and your face isn’t so clean either” I said. Ahah he looks like a little kid, he's trying to the ice cream around his face. “You still missing a bunch of spots” I tell him while poking the spots that have ice cream on his face, he kept trying to whip it off but then he realized that I was laughing “YAH! Your lying aren’t you?!” he yelled, “Buwahahaha maybe!” I yelled back as I started running away “Yah! “ he screamed as he started chasing me, I ran towards a fountain that caught my eye. I jumped up on the edge of the fountain where people could sit and started jumping “Ahaah are you mad?” I asked him, he stopped running and jumped up on the edge too “Nope, but I will have my revenge!” He said. I stared laughing “You can’t cause that’s my pay back!” I said, he just stared at me with bright eyes and started smiling. I turn to hide my blushing face and accidently slip, Jinwoon grabs my hand to prevent me from falling in the water and I just drag him in with me.




We landed in the water, I looked at Jinwoon that was over me and he was drenched. We stayed in that position for a while and then I started laughing “Ahahahaah now we’re both clean!” I told him, he looked down on me and started laughing too “Yah ______ I didn’t know you wanted to bathe with me” he said. I looked at him with widened eyes and pushed him “Ahah nah thanks for the offer” I said as I stood up. He also stood up and jumped out of the fountain then helped me get out, we looked at each other and couldn’t help but continue laughing “____, should we go home? We’re drenched” he said. I shook my head “Noooo~ the night has JUST started” I whined a bit, when did I start being so bold? I have no clue but its fun like this! “Fine, shall we walk around in the park then?” he asked me and I agreed. He reached for my hand and we started walking, as we were walking I started thinking of the song Why can’t I - Liz Phair ( ) I really felt like that.

I looked down and he hadn’t let go of my hand. His hand was so much bigger compared to mine, it felt so protected… “_____, I'm really sorry about the scandal” he said I knew he was sincere. “Its alright” I said as I sat on a nearby bench, “Jinwoon can you do me a favor?” I asked he sat next to me and nodded “Never lie to me ok..” I said and he nodded his head with a guilty expression. I knew why he looked that way but that made me think that he felt bad for lying, so he had to care a little..right?


We stayed in silence for a while, I was lost in my thoughts and Jinwoon seemed to be lost in his. I began staring at him, how is it that this guy made me fall for him? After all this time? Then Jinwoon turned his head and began staring at me, I quickly try to turn my head to another direction but Jinwoon grabs my chin “Why are you staring at me?” he asks me. I tried to avert my eyes but his eyes are too hypnotizing, we kept staring at each other. Then he started leaning in and I closed my eyes..


“Awwwww~! Oppa and Unnie are so cute~”


I open my eyes to see a group of girls giggling and staring at us…. Thank you… FOR RUINING THE MOMENT! T.T …. I looked at Jinwoon and he seemed to be embarrassed, he grabbed my hand “Lets head home, its getting late” he said. I nodded my head and followed along… Aishhh damn girls if it was so cute then take a picture and aww at it at HOME! Or in your mind~ I looked up at Jinwoon and couldn’t help but smile, even though the night didn’t end with a kiss. It was pretty perfect to me andI think I learned something important today, I can’t be afraid to love. Even if it scares me that the scandal didn’t really bother me and that I had already forgiven him from the moment he said “Hello?” that night…..


We finally arrive home, NOW I’ve beyond tired. I open the door and.. “UNNIEEE~~~” I hear someone scream and a small thing attacks me!  “I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!” the little things screams in my ear! I pry it off and take a good look at it…. Well her….”RIINE?!” I said confused, dumfounded, shocked….i have no idea how I reacted?!!?! “What are you doing here?!” I asked. “Aishh Unnie, you should be like OMG! MY BABY SISTER! I HAVEN’T SEEN YOU IN LIKE 167151281298 YEARS! COME GIVE ME A HUG!” she yelled at me. “YAH! Don’t scream! Look at the time! And respect your unnie!” I scolded her. “Sorry Unnie~ I'm just so happy to see you” she said. I looked at her and couldn’t help but smile, “Don’t try acting cute and changing the topic. Tell why and how you are here?!” I tell her. “Aishh, I wanted to see how you were. I saw the scandal and I got worried. And JYP helped me get here!” she said. Aishhhh father in law! You get too soft with my family and friends =.= “Where are you staying” I asked her… She looked around and then started to put a sad puppy face “Umm Unnie can’t I stay here with chuu? I wanna be close to my Unnie~” she said, I stared at her…..”Fine, I guess you can sleep with me tonight. But tomorrow we have to fix think ok!” I said.. what can I say I'm a softy for my dongsaeng! “She nodded and gave me a huge hug, I looked at Jinwoon and kinda pleaded with my eyes. He smiled in approval. He walked into the room and grabbed a few blankets and a pillow. I then went into the room with Riine, I laid on Jinwoon’s side and I let her have my side.. sigh I feel like a creepy stalker.. this side smells like him… Riineeee~ tonight was so niceeeee~ I missed you and all BUT! Mw wanted to sleepy with Jinwooooon! “Unnie, is everything ok with Jinwoon?” she asked breaking me from my thoughts, I looked at her and just smiled. “Go to sleep. We’ll talk tomorrow k”



Heheh so here is the OTHER update! ^.^

What do you think?!

So yay! I triple updated this weekend!

I have soo much ideass~

I just get distracted when I'm putting it all together ahaha

But yess~ I  hope you guys can support my A.D.Dness

And be patient for many updates to come!

Love you guyss~


P.S Dongsaeng! Did you see?! Your in the story noww~ ^.^

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gibbo2001 #1
can u plz write more its AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Chapter 32: i need more from this ff pls update soon...thisis os great
Cassiopeia501 #3
Chapter 32: o.O omona your majesty why didnt you send this earlier?
whateveryouthink #4
Chapter 33: Please update faster.. ^^
Chapter 33: OMG I NEED MORE!!!!?!??
I love this story so much. Please update, author. ^^ <3
exo1211 #7
thanks for the update XD
uchiayume #8
So im a new reader... I gotta say this sounds like the taiwanese drama drunken to love you or something like that with rainie yang. Butnim looking forward to it :)
littlemiss10 #9
AHHH YOU UPDATED!! Yay:) hehe awww jinwoon wants confess but hes to shy:( have some confidence! Thanks for the update!