Water Park Part 2

I Found You In My Closet

~Oppa?~ Kai  frowned in displeasure. Seeing you with Luhan was more than enough of what he could take and seeing you right now, hugging a guy you call oppa made him utterly crazy.

“Excuse me. I believe you’re hugging my girlfriend.” Kai pulled you from the guy and put an arm around your waist, showing his signature smirk.

“What are you doing?” You hissed at Kai.

“I’m Himchan.” The guy, namely Himchan, smiled as he held his hand out.

“Kai.” Kai said and shook hands with Himchan.

“Why didn’t you tell oppa that you have a boyfriend?” Himchan playfully glared at you.

“Oppa~” You whined. “Kai is not my boyfriend!”

“Don’t be shy, Soomi.” Himchan laughed. “It’s just me.”

“Fine. Don’t believe me then.” You crossed your arms. “So, would you join us?”

“Sadly, no.” Himchan shook his head. “I have 5 friends waiting for me outside. We’re supposed to go home now, actually.”

“I see.” You nodded and waved. “Bye, oppa!”

“Bye, hyung!” Kai also waved at Himchan. ~Yeah, hyung, I hope never to see you again, you Soomi-stealing guy.~

“Bye, Soomi! Bye, Kai! Take care of my cousin for me!”

Kai froze as he stared at Himchan’s disappearing figure. ~That Himchan guy is Soomi’s cousin all along?!~

“So, what was that all about?” You crossed your arms.

Kai blinked a couple of times, still in shock, before answering. “I didn’t know it was your cousin.”

“Yeah right. I would just go, calling a random stranger oppa and hug him.” You rolled your eyes. “Himchan oppa is my cousin living here in Busan. You know what? Let’s just go to the Jacuzzi.”


“It’s relaxing here.” You closed your eyes.

Kai smirked. “I’m with you, that’s why.”

“Even if I have my eyes closed, I know that you’re smirking right now.”

“You know what I’m doing without actually looking at me? You do know that obsession is bad for you, right? But, hey, who wouldn’t be obsessed with kkamjong?”

“Just what is that kkamjong nickname?” You opened your right eye to find Kai staring at you.

“EXO members gave me that nickname. You see, my skin is quite tanned and it makes me ier than how y a person can be.”

This time, you got both of your eyes opened just so you could roll them.

“You? y?”

“You spell y as K-A-I.” Kai smirked at you even more. “Watch me.”

“Yah! Where are you going?” You asked Kai who came out of the jacuzzi.”

“Once I dance, I’ll have you under my spell and you’ll never, ever, find a way out.” Kai winked at you and began to dance, earning the stares of everyone.

You stared at Kai in shock. ~Kai dances amazingly! He moves his body perfectly that it’s surreal. He has this certain body language that… I don’t know. Words cannot even express. Is that even human?! Is he actually the main dancer in EXO-K?! I cannot… I cannot… Is that actually Kai?!~

As Kai finished, everyone clapped their hands. Even your lips were parted. You went out of the jacuzzi and went to Kai.

“EXO… EXO planet… You must be an alien… Kai, you’re an alien… To be able to dance like that isn’t human…” You mumbled, too incoherent for Kai to hear.

“I did great.” Kai smirked.

“You’re an alien, aren’t you?” You narrowed your eyes at Kai. “It’s impossible to dance like you do.”

“I’m honoured that you think so highly of the way I dance. I’m a time traveller, alright. But, alien, nu-uh.” Kai chuckled and ruffled your hair. “Your imagination is wild, you know that? C’mon, let’s go back to them and eat something.”


As you and Kai came back, Chen and Luhan are singing on the noraebang Luhan rented.

You clapped your hands. “Truly from EXO planet.”

Lay stared at you weirdly. “What drugs did Kai made you take?”

“Never mind.” You shook your head.

“You know, we made a song!” Chanyeol beamed. “It’s called History! EXO-K is going to perform History and EXO-M is going to perform Mama, another song we made. EXO-M is going to perform in Chinese though. You’ll still love it!”

“Say something when we finish performing, araseo? And tell us honestly.” Baekhyun smiled and you nodded.

EXO-K performed History and EXO-M performed Mama. Everyone passing by your cottage stop to watch them and some took videos of them. That’s the magic of EXO- getting fanboys and fangirls and they’re not even idols.

“EXO is the jjang!” You gave them a standing ovation. “You guys, aren’t you idols? With talents like that, you’re supposed to be! EXO shall be an idol group! Daebak!”

“Thank you, Soomi!” They all said in unison.

“See? The 12 of you even speak in unison.”

“We are EXO. We are one.” They all, yet again, said at the same time.

“EXO from EXO planet.” You mumbled to yourself. “The fans will call themselves EXOtics and Kris would be like ‘Roll like a buffalo!’ and he’ll say that he’s actually saying roar like a buffalo when buffalos don’t even roar in the first place.”

“Why are you talking to yourself?” Luhan poke your cheek.

“I was just imagining what it’ll be like when EXO is an idol group and not a group of secret agents.”

Luhan grinned. “I’ll be the most paired, I bet.”

“You’d be in the maknae line too.” You added.

Luhan laughed. “I’m the second oldest. Xiumin is the oldest.”

You stared at Luhan in disbelief. Then, you turned to look at Xiumin. “Vampires.”

“Who knows?” Luhan chuckled. “Oh, they’d be making fanfics about us too if we’re idols.”

“What are you two talking about?”

You looked up and saw Suho with food with him.

Luhan beamed. “EXO as idols.”

Suho shook his head. “Eat first. You’re just hungry.”


“I’m so full.” Tao stretched his arms.

“You eat way too much.” Xiumin rolled his eyes.

“Says the one whose face already looks like buns.” Tao poke his tongue out at Xiumin.

“Let’s go to the wave pool now!” Sehun whined.

“Waves will be out in 10 minutes.” Lay said.

“We shall go!” Sehun dragged Luhan.

You watched Sehun and Luhan and smiled. “They’ll be one of the OTPs.” You tapped your lips in thought.

“Now, what are you thinking?” Kai asked, copying your gesture.

“Nothing much.” You shrugged and stood up. “I guess we shall follow them. Oh, would it be okay if we just leave our things here with no one to keep an eye?”

“Don’t worry. We applied special security on it.” Chen reassured and you all went to the wave pool.

“Can you handle this?” Kris asked you. “You know that it’s deep here. You might get cramps.”

You glared at Kris. “Well, you’re like, super, duper, over, over, over tall!”

Kris pinched your cheeks. “And you’re short.”

“I am not short, mister. Having a height of 162 centimeters is tall for a girl. Well, not exactly so tall, but still, it’s tall, okay? You’re just so tall that I look short when I’m beside you!”

“Stop flirting with her and all that.” Kai rolled his eyes at Kris.

Kris just smirked and shook his head and made his way to Tao.

“You! I’m not short, okay? 162 centimeters, definitely not short. It just so happens that you’re 20 centimeters taller than me!”

“Right.” Kai smirked and you felt the water starting to wave. “Well, I’ll be expecting you to call me when the waves are too high for you to handle and don’t you tell me that you know how to swim because you’ll probably get cramps like what Kris said.”

You crossed your arms. “I don’t need you.”

“You would say that you don’t need someone but you’ll be desperately crying when you realize that you actually need him and he isn’t there anymore.”

“Good luck to your drama auditions and thank you very much for that quote you wonderfully made.” You sarcastically replied.

“What would you do if I leave you then? They’re all playing freezebee in the deepest part.”

A big wave splashed over you and Kai and you jumped just to get back to the surface.

“Stupid wave.” You muttered.

Kai laughed at you and intertwined your fingers together and you swear you felt an addicting electric shock in his touch.

“Hold my hand since I’m afraid to lose you.”


“Playing freezebee while the water is waving like this as if there’s a storm in the sea isn’t actually easy.” Luhan pouted.

Sehun nodded in agreement. “So, tell me. Why aren’t you making Kai jealous at the moment?”

“D.O reported to me that Kai admitted that he was jealous of me.” Luhan replied. “He finally admitted it and well, he seems really jealous of me. I’ll let him have his moment then we’ll just see when I’ll strike back again.”

Sehun just shook his head.


“It hurts.” You whimpered as Kai pulled your left foot.

Kai clucked his tongue and shook his head. “See? Didn’t Kris tell you that it’s too deep for you? You keep on jumping up and down so you got cramps.”

The 11 of others soon came at the shallow part where the water just reaches your feet where you and Kai are in.

“What happened?” Luhan asked in concern and pulled your foot like Kai did. “You should stretch it.”

“Soomi here feels like she’s so tall.” Kai rolled his eyes.

Kris shook his head. “Be careful. I warned you, didn’t I? Are you alright now?”

You nodded and got up. “Neh. Let’s go to the other places here in the water park. They already turned off the waves now anyways.”

They all nodded in agreement and the 13 of you began to walk around. Then, a couple contest just had to catch Tao’s attention.

“I want that panda bear stuffed toy prize!” Tao wildly pointed at one of the prizes displayed. “Gege, I want to join!” Tao whined, trying to drag Kris is the process.

Kris shook his head. “It’s a couple contest.”

“It says that they accept pairings!” Tao cried.

Kris’s eyes widened. “I’m too straight for you!”

Baekhyun smirked. “Tell me about your BB creams.”

“Yeah, how about your eyeliner?” Kris scoffed.

“We wouldn’t be a couple!” Tao shook his head. “We’ll just do it for the prizes! I desperately want that panda stuffed toy and you know you want the dragon one! You can have it! Kris! Kris gege! I’ll do anything!”

“No.” Kris stated firmly.

~I going to pull out my best gun.~ Tao stared at Kris, determined. “Bbuing~ Bbuing~”


“Bbuing~ bbuing~”

“…Maybe next time.”


Kris raised his hands up in defeat. “Stop it! I give up!”

Tao pumped his fist in the air, proud of his success and dragged Kris to the registration line.

~Should I make Kai jealous by joining the competition with Soomi?~ Luhan thought but he instantly knew that he isn’t going to be partnered with you as Sehun had dragged him to the registration line.

“If they’re going to join, we’re going to.” Sehun did that smile he rarely uses. “Bbuing~ bbuing~”

Luhan sighed. ~I guess I’m with Sehun then.”

“We should join too, girlfriend.” Kai leaned towards your face and your foreheads touched.

“Stop that.” You backed away from Kai, blushing. “And no, I wouldn’t be joining. Go with one of the guys.”

“Too bad.” Kai smirked and pulled you along with him. “No one says no to Kim Jong In.”

You shook your head. ~Kim Jong In, you never fail to drive me crazy.~


Here's an update! :D I don't know why my last update is marked rated M. Its not. XD Oh, remember, in my last update, I said that I'm going to a Chinese restaurant with relatives? I was hoping to see someone who looks like Kris XD But, he's one in a billion and I can't find someone like him. XD

Let's spazz! :D

Our dear main character Kai<3 Omo~ just look at him. I cannot... I cannot... OTL OTL OTL

How do you spell y? That's right! K-A-I!


Okay, so originally, cutie maknae Sehun is my bias.


But, in EXO, you simply cannot choose only one bias. >//<

My seatmate saw me scribbling lots and lots of Kris at the back of my noteback with hearts on it and he was like "Who's Kris?" and I was like "He's my husband." And my seatmate was like "You're not even legal yet!" So, I raised up my hand, showing my seatmate the ring on my finger and I was like "You know, we're just kind of engaged, something like that. We'll marry each other by the time I'm legal." And my seatmate actually nodded, believing me. XD

Ayo waddup Krease :"> OTL D___O

My effing feels... I cannot... I cannot...

Then, look at Lulu... asdfghjkl... he's a living doll... *__* SKJHADHSAIHFOISAJKLASJDSAJSDLJASLKSAJDLSAJDSAL

Waaaaaah~ forever sobbing ~~ EXO truly from EXO planet. ASDFGHJKL D________O

Well, yeah, I can't choose between those 4. Since we're fangirls, it's our duty to have many husbands OTL

But, I still love each and every member and they're all my biases and I'm rambling like here... I cannot... I cannot... Let's continue spazzing about all of them but I'll post them in any order since I can't choose one... I cannot... I cannot...


So, here's baozi. Omo Xiumin's just so cute I can't take it! He's the oldest but look at him... Spazzing forever D____O

Ohmiiiigooosh. Baozi *___*

Waaaah~ Chen Chen's time! Look at his jawline. It's perfect. Waaah Chen Chen so handsome D____O

Aodhisahhsadjds. *SPAZZING* *SPAZZING*


Now, Chanyeol! Waaah Happy Virus :D OTL ~~ We all know that Chanyeol is just so ASDFGHJKL but please, when you see EXO and you take pictures of them, lease don't use flash since our Happy Virus is still recovering from his eye surgery. It will hurt our dear Happy Virus :( So, yeah. Happy Virus Chanyeol ~~ spazz >.>

Our gucci-loving selca maknae Tao! :D I cannot... I cannot... So handsome *____*

OTL OTL now EXO-K's umma D.O! His eyes are just so adorable~~ I want to take him home! I cannot... I cannot...

D.O's spazzing >.> my poor fangirl heart can't take it >.>

And EXO-M's umma Lay! OTL He never fails to melt me~~ and his dimples OTL *__* I cannot...

Suho's time! Waaah OTL OTL his smile D____O I cannot... I cannot...

Forever spazzing! ASHFKJHSAKSDHSAK











Haha. Did I irritate you with my fangirling? Sorry but I can't help but RLAB XD







Thanks for reading, subscribing, and commenting! :D

Love lots<3

[Credits to the rightful photo ownes. Please do tell me if they're yours so that I could credit you :D]

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Chapter 11: Awwwwwww in beautiful story!!! ♥ please update !!! I can't wait please update!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: Please update soon!!! I seriously love it!
Chapter 11: Demanding 4 an update...
Chapter 11: Oh my god... I love this story!! <3 Please update soon Author-nim!
amanda_ #5
Chapter 11: Update soon please!! I really love this story T_T
Chapter 11: sooooo sweeet n cutee..
Chapter 6: ahhhhh
more in love with Luhan n his ideas ;)
Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^
wonderkris #9
nice foreword!
Chapter 10: Yay!!! When you said that you would update, I never thought I would scream as much^^
<3 you unnie~~~