Visitors From Another Time

I Found You In My Closet

“Is that the proper way to  greet us, Kai?” Suho raised an eyebrow at Kai and turned to you with a smile. “Hey there, Soomi.”

“Suho! Chanyeol! D.O.! Sehun! Baekhyun! EXO-K!” You exclaimed cheerfully and looked at the other 6 guys that popped out of nowhere in your living room.

“EXO-M.” They said in unison and started introducing themselves one by one.

“Ahn Soomi.” You smiled.

“We know.” EXO-M all said as they smiled back to you.

“Aish. I fell off the couch because of the 11 of you.” Kai rolled his eyes as he sat on the couch again.

“That’s a lesson for you to be alert at all times.” Chanyeol laughed and high-fived with Baekhyun.

“Shut up.” Kai glared at the two of them. “Tell me why you’re here.”

“We wanted to drop by.” Kris shrud.

“You can all sit.” You offered. “Snacks, anyone?”

“Me!” They all raised their hands up like kids.

You chuckled at their childishness and went to cook for them. When you’re done, you called them to the dining room. It’s a good thing that you have a large table and they just had to get chairs from your storage.

They immediately dug in.

“This is great!” Sehun exclaimed.

“Waaah~ this is Italian! You know how to cook carbonara and it’s daebak! You’ll make a world-class chef!” Xiumin exclaimed as he stuffed his mouth with more pasta.

“I wouldn’t mind living here!” Tao cheerfully pumped his fist in the air.

“You’re cooking is really great, Soomi!” D.O. exclaimed.

“Neh!” They all agreed.

“And it has bacon! Omo~” Baekhyun ate sloppily as he focused on finding the bacons on the pasta.

You laughed at this. “Baekhyun, you’re really cute.”

Baekhyun smiled sheepishly. “I know, thank you.”

“Yah! I’m EXO-K’s maknae so I’m cuter!” Sehun protested.

“No!” Tao disagreed. “I’m EXO-M’s maknae so I’m cuter!”

“I’ll be the cutest then, Tao!”

“I’ll be the cutest of the cutest then, Sehun!”

The two maknae’s glared at each other.

“Cut it out.” Kai rolled his eyes. ~Pfft. I’m telling you all. Why be cute if you can be hot and handsome like me?~ “So, tell me what exactly are the 11 of you doing in here.” Kai glared at EXO.

You smiled. “It’s not bad for them to visit. Don’t be that mean, Kai.”

“They wouldn’t just visit.” Kai shook his head, unconvinced. “I know that there is a reason why they’re here.”

The 11 exchanged knowing glances and tried to stifle their laughter.

“Kai, what are you talking about?” Suho innocently smiled. ~Haha. Actually, we’re checking how you’re doing with Soomi.~

“Don’t act innocent.” Kai mumbled.

“Yah, Soomi~” Baekhyun smiled at you.

“Neh?” You asked.

“Be careful of Kai.” Baekhyun warned.

“Yes, I’m being extra careful of Kai.” You nodded furiously to tease Kai. “I know that he’s a monster.”

“I am.” Kai smirked evilly at you and you shuddered.

“Hey, who wants to replace Kai?” You jokingly asked.

“Me!” The 11 other EXO members raised their hands.

Kai scowled. “It’s my mission.”

“Originally, it was supposed to be me.” Chanyeol frowned. “Then, it became Kai.”

“Chanyeol should have been with me then. He looks nicer.” You gave Kai a mocking smile.

“But, you’re with me.” Kai smirked as he leaned closer to your face since he’s just sitting beside you. “We aren’t meant to be together but in the end, we’re together.”

EXO burst into laughter.

“I can’t believe how cheesy you are!” D.O. clutched on his stomach.

“Man, you’re just scaring Soomi.” Luhan commented.

“I agree.” Lay and Chen nodded furiously.

Kai rolled his eyes. ~Whatever.~ Then, his eyes met yours and you backed away and ended up falling from the chair.

“Omo~ she fell! Panick!” Sehun shouted like crazy.

Kai helped you sit back. “Too much for staring at me, Soomi.”

“I wasn’t staring. I was looking sharply.”

Kai smirked. “Right.”

The 11 other EXO members exchanged glances once again and grinned while they all thought the same. ~We knew that visiting here was a great idea.~

“Omo~ I need to go to work at 6PM.” You glanced at the clock that reads 5:25. “I’m going to my room. Please excuse me.”

“We’ll just take care of the dishes.” Sehun offered.

“Gomawo.” You smiled at them before going upstairs.

Kai stood up. “I’m going to.” Kai announced to EXO. “I’m going to work with her.”

Kris grinned evilly as soon as Kai went upstairs. “Who’s thinking what I’m thinking?”

They all laughed evilly. “Us!”


You ended up with all the 12 EXO members, 11 of them being customers and Kai being your new workmate. You’re wearing a Hatsune Miku costume and Kai is wearing a San Goku costume since you’re working in a cosplay café.

“Lucky Kai.” Kris mumbled as he looked at you.

“I believe so.” Suho nodded.

“I’ve got an idea.” Luhan smirked as he rubbed his palms together.

Sehun frowned. “Is it great or what?”

“It’s great. We’ll just have a bet.” Luhan stated.

“Bet?” D.O. raised an eyebrow.

“Neh. 50,000 won each. In that way, the winner will get a total of 500,000 won from the 10 losing members since the 11 of us will have a bet. Kai is excluded.”

“What is it about then?” Lay questioned.

“I believe that Kai will fall for Soomi.” Luhan said confidently. “Kai is a great secret agent but I doubt that he can handle such situation. Now, we’ll bet on when he will go like: ‘EXO! Help me! I’m in love with Soomi!’ That, in other words, is when he will ask help from us.”

“I believe in him.” Sehun nodded. “Kai will fall for Soomi and he’ll be asking our help in one week. Yes, one week is my bet.”

“Sehun, I think that would just be infatuation.” Kris frowned. “I’ll bet for one month.”

Chen raised 3 fingers. “3 weeks.”

“It’ll one and a half month!” D.O. exclaimed. “500,000 won will be mine!”

Baekhyun smiled. “I’ll bet it’s 3 months.”

“No, no, no.” Xiumin shook his head. “7 months.”

Lay sighed. “I’ll join. 5 months.”

“One and a half year.” Tao grinned.

“9 months!” Chanyeol pumped his fist in the air. “What’s your bet, game master?” He eyed Luhan.

Luhan blinked a couple of times and smiled. “It’s by the end of the mission.”

“What?!” Sehun huffed. “That’s invalid!”

“I didn’t say anything about that~” Luhan sang.

“No, that’s not fair!” Sehun whined while shaking Luhan.

“We agree in Sehun.” They chorused.

Luhan let out a defeated sigh. “By the end of the mission was more accurate.” He mumbled. “I’ll just go for 4 months.” He announced.

“Can I change my bet?” Chanyeol hopefully asked.

“Last chance.” Luhan pointed a finger to Chanyeol.

“Yay!” Chanyeol beamed. “Okay~ I’ll go for never. Kai will fall for Soomi but he’ll never ask for our help. He’s that stubborn that he wouldn’t do that.”

Being the game master, Luhan turned to the other members. “Chanyeol bet for never. Any other changes?” Luhan asked and they shook their heads. “It’s settled then.”

Kai suspiciously raised an eyebrow as he passed by EXO’s table to serve the table in front of them. ~What are they up to?~ Kai immediately shrugged the thought off when he saw a customer trying to flirt with you and dashed there.

“What’s your number? Give it to me so we can get to know each other better.” The customer winked at you.

You awkwardly smiled. “I’m sorry, sir. I can’t.”

Kai then came and gently pulled you behind him. “Pick something else since her number and hitting on her is not on the menu. Let’s go, Soomi.” Kai said and the two of you walked away with you trailing behind him. When you two are far from that customer, Kai turned to look at you. “Did he hurt you before I came? Did he do anything to you?” Kai asked and you shook your head. “Good then. I’m now wearing a costume and all I have to do is to act like the real San Goku if anyone hurts you.” Kai said seriously and sighed in relief.

You burst out into a laughing as you imagined Kai. “Hahaha! Kai! It suits you! Haha!”

“You!” Kai pointed an accusing finger at you. “You’re imagining me in the last stage which is a giant gorilla!”

You laughed even harder. “You look like one right now!”

“Ungrateful brat.” Kai huffed as he narrowed his eyes on you. He then made his way to go back to his job.

“Kai~ are you angry?” You pouted and he just turned his back on you.

Kai smiled on the inside. ~Let’s just pretend that I’m angry and see what she’ll do or how long I can resist her.~

You made your way to EXO’s table and sat with them as you rested your arms on the table. You tilted your head to the sighed and pouted. “Oppas~” ~Are they even my oppas? Never mind. I must act cute for help.~

~Cuteness overload. Lucky Kai.~ They thought. “Neh?”

“Kai’s angry at me.” You pouted even more.

“He won’t be angry at you.” D.O. shrugged.

“He is!” You protested. “It was something about me teasing him about the last stage of San Goku’s, erm~ is that evolution? Well, the gorilla, the giant one?” You sheepishly ribbed the back of your head.

Luhan stifled the evil smile forming on his face and replaced it with an innocent one. “Since you look so adorable in that Miku costume, I’ll tell you how Kai will not get angry at you anymore. It’s quite simple. Say you’re sorry and kiss him.”

10 pairs of eyes twinkled at Luhan’s excellent tactic. There’s no wonder why he’s assigned for excellent ideas when planning tactics.

“You’re evil ideas are jjang.” Sehun whispered to Luhan with a smirk.

Luhan nodded. “I know, right?”

You stared at Luhan in horror. “No way!”

“Yes way.” You got 22 thumbs up.

“I’m going back to work.” You mumbled and left the table.

All of them praised Luhan and high-fived with him.


The 13 of you are already back to your home at 11PM aftera had work for you and Kai and EXO ordering almost half of all the foods and drinks. Kai is still pretending to be mad at you.

“We have to go now.” Suho announced.

“I’m just wondering why did Kai came out of my closet when he can just pop out of nowhere like the 11 of you.”

“Maybe he wanted to be unique?” Chen shrugged.

Kai thought about it. ~I just wanted to ride the time capsule. I have no idea that it will just throw me somewhere.~

“I guess we have to go. Don’t mind Kai, Soomi. He’s PMSing.” Baekhyun grinned and Kai rolled his eyes. “Gotta go~”

Luhan gave you a wink that tells you to follow what he said awhile ago before they all suddenly disappeared.

~There’s no way I would do that, Luhan.~ You thought. ~I know that I can do something else.~ You turned to Kai.

“Kai~” You whispered and pouted. He didn’t budge. “Kai, I’m sorry.” You touched his arm. “You’ll forgive me right?” You pouted even more and touched his arms. “I’m sorry for making you mad.”

“Aish, I can’t resist you.” Kai ran a hand through his hair. “I was just pretending. I wasn’t mad, okay?”

“I don’t have to do what Luhan told me to do then!” You blurted out as your face brightened up.

Kai furrowed his eyebrows. “What exactly did Luhan make you do?”

“I-” ~I have to kiss you.~ “I need to go to the bathroom!” You rushed upstairs before Kai could even say anything.

“Luhan probably told her to do something crazy.” Kai made a blowfish face as he tried to figure out what Luhan said. Then, he smirked. “Evil Luhan probably told her to kiss me. I should have known earlier.” Kai shook his head in amusement and went upstairs to pester you.


Yay! Updated! =) Teehee. How was it? :D

Yah~ I just want to check if me and my friends are normal--- WHO IMAGINES THAT EXO IS WITH THEM AND YOU ACTUALLY TALK TO THEM, IMAGINING THAT YOU'RE WITH THEM?! Haha, if you don't do that, try it! I just went to school yesterday to enroll then, me and a friend is waiting for another friend (who happens to be a birthday celebrant). We got bored so we started imagining that EXO is with us. Like, "Yah~, would you like some of my ice cream?" I asked while pretending to talk with Sehun. XD Me and my friend were actually talking out loud to imaginary EXO with us. XD But it's actually fun so I recommend that you all should try it! Don't get insane though. Haha. XD

Thanks for reading, subscribing, and commenting!

Love lots <3


@BangYongE: I'm glad you love it! :D Well, who wouldn't fall for EXO? =)

@one-day_lover217: Haha, glad you loveit. :)) Yes, who wouldn;t fal in love with Kai? :) Updated! :D Now, you know they are. :)

@lina-chan: I'm glad you love it. :D Now, you know those gorgeous guys. ;)

@ZzatuELF1803: :D (I reall don't know what to say. Lol. XD)

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Chapter 11: Awwwwwww in beautiful story!!! ♥ please update !!! I can't wait please update!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: Please update soon!!! I seriously love it!
Chapter 11: Demanding 4 an update...
Chapter 11: Oh my god... I love this story!! <3 Please update soon Author-nim!
amanda_ #5
Chapter 11: Update soon please!! I really love this story T_T
Chapter 11: sooooo sweeet n cutee..
Chapter 6: ahhhhh
more in love with Luhan n his ideas ;)
Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^
wonderkris #9
nice foreword!
Chapter 10: Yay!!! When you said that you would update, I never thought I would scream as much^^
<3 you unnie~~~