EXO's Revenge and Water Park Part 1

I Found You In My Closet

“Yah! Everyone, gather around here!” Luhan shouted furiously.

From the tone of Luhan’s voice, everyone knew that he is angry and no one needed to be told twice. No one would want to face Luhan’s wrath.

“What’s the matter?” Kris asked.

“We’ll go to SM High School to teach someone a lesson. Suho, did you bring your car?” Luhan asked.

“Neh.” Suho nodded and they all went outside. He pulled a car keychain from his pocket and pressed a button, the keychain car instantly becoming a real car.

“Full speed, please.” Luhan demanded.

They all reached your and Kai’s classroom.

Kai’s attention diverted towards the classroom door and Luhan signalled him to come out.

“Aish.” Kai ran a hand through his hair. “I told you to come over here so I wouldn’t have to work. Guess you want me there while torturing her, eh?”


“What should we do?” Tao whispered.

“Luhan and Kai brought us here.” Xiumin pointed out. “Ask them.”

Kai eyed Suho. “You’re EXO-K’s leader. You’re supposed to know what to do.”

“You’re EXO-M’s leader.” Luhan blinked at Kris.

“When you two brought us here, you acted like leaders.” Kris mumbled.

Suho nodded. “Now that it’s time for action, you’re admitting that we’re the leaders.”

“I couldn’t think of a way to torture her without actually killing her.” Luhan casually shrugged.

Chanyeol grinned. “That’s really simple. We just need to take everything lightly. For example, we can use Chen’s gadget to electrify her but we’ll do it lightly.”

“That’s actually right.” Kai turned to Luhan. “Why couldn’t we think of that?”

Sehun rolled his eyes. “You two just couldn’t think of something that isn’t sadistic. You’re both sadistic.”

“But Sehunnie loves me!” Luhan beamed.

Kai rolled his eyes. “Why does everyone need to love you?”

Luhan smirked. “I’m Xi Luhan. Everyone loves Xi Luhan. Everyone loves me. That’s why Soomi loves me.”

“Soomi loves you?” Kai gawked at Luhan.

“Uh-huh.” Luhan nodded. “Why wouldn’t she love me? I’m her angel.”

“She didn’t tell you that she loves you.” Kai scoffed.

“There are things in life that aren’t needed to be told for everyone else to know, Kai.” Luhan shook his head. ~In the first place, it wouldn’t require a genius to figure out that you’re falling for Soomi.~

“I think we should just get started.” Chen crossed his arms impatiently and they all nodded. Chen got a light stick from his pocket and pointed it towards Tiffany through the window, electrifying her, not enough to kill her or make her faint but enough to make her look like she’s out of her mind, moving crazily in her seat.

“She’s pretty. Too bad, she hurt Soomi. I would have asked her out if she’s not a .” Baekhyun mumbled and turned to Chen. “Yah~ zap her some more. Make her hair stand.” Baekhyun smirked evilly and Chen did what he was told.

After some time, Chen stopped electrifying Tiffany and Tiffany’s classmates are giving her weird looks.

Kai looked from the window and laugh. “Sehun, make your mechanical cat scratch her face.”

“They might take Meowth from me. Sehun shook his head. “Meowth is a mechanical cat from advanced time. They’ll surely take him.”

Luhan rolled his eyes. “No, they won’t because even though Meowth is a mechanical cat, it still looks like a genuine cat.

“Araseo.” Sehun nodded and sent his mechanical cat to scratch Tiffany’s face.

“Hyungs, don’t you think we’re being so harsh?” Tao frowned.

“Nah~” Kris waved his hands.

The mechanical cat came back to Sehun after doing its job and Sehun patted its head.

“But, we won’t kill, right?” Tao raised an eyebrow.

“What gave you the idea that we would kill?” Suho asked back. “Don’t worry. We wouldn’t.”

“Soomi have gone through a lot because of her.” Kai spoke. “I know we shouldn’t her girls but, yeah, this Tiffany deserves to be punished once in a while.”

“I’ll use fire.” Chanyeol grinned. “Where should I aim it?”

“Aim her hair.” Luhan said. “Make her bald, araseo? Oh, leave a scar on the side of her face.”

“That shouldn’t hurt her. I would put it out with water in case of emergency.” Suho reassured.

Chanyeol did what he was supposed to do, leaving Tiffany bald and a permanent scar on her face. Tiffany ran off to the clinic.

“Daebak!” They cheered.

Luhan then chewed a gum, making his voice different and scary.

“Fear not.” Luhan spoke. “The conniving was just being punished. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.”

Everyone in the room shuddered and they all went back to Suho’s car.

“Oh, I have t get back to class!” Kai exclaimed, remembering , and he dashed back to class.

“Tao, I have a story for you.” Luhan smiled evilly, his voice still scary due to the gum he chewed awhile ago. “Once, there was a man who rented an apartment. He looked inside the apartment next to his through the keyhole and found a very pale woman. Later, he-”

“He’s scaring me!” Tao tugged on Kris’s shirt, pointing at Luhan.

Xiumin sympathetically shook his head. “You made him cry.”

“That was my goal.” Luhan grinned.

“Yah~ you should at least treat as some food for dragging us here.” Lay demanded.

“I believe so.” D.O backed Lay up.

“How about treating you to a water park later?” Luhan offered. “It sounds like a great bonding, hmm?”



“Soomi!” Luhan attacked you into a bear hug as soon as you and Kai reached the house. Kai just had to roll his eyes at that one.

“Tell me,” You started. “It was your plan, right? It was you behind what happened to Tiffany.”

Luhan instinctively backed away from you and gave his best deer eyes. “Are you angry at me, Soomi? I’m sorry. I thought you would like it.”

“No, it was the jjang!” You beamed. “Thank you, Luhan!”

Kai’s jaw dropped open. “It was my idea for EXO to come over!”

“But, it was I who initiated it.” Luhan snapped back. “Anyways, Soomi and Kai, we’re going to a water park so, yeah, you better start packing.”


“Are your things all set?” Suho asked.

“Make sure that you have everything you need.” Kris reminded.

“Where are we going anyways?” Sehun asked.

“Busan.” Luhan replied.

“It’s already 5:30 p.m. now. Do you think we would make it for night swimming?” You asked.

“That’s why,” Luhan placed an arm on Kai’s shoulder. “We have Kai and his teleporting badge, don’t we?”


“Yah!” You shouted as Kai splashed you with water and he ran away. “Come back here!”

Kai poke his tongue out. “Run after me!”

You was about to run after Kai but Luhan caught you by the waist. “You’re with me.”

And with that, Luhan dragged you away from them.

“Watch where you are going!” D.O whined as Kai bumped to him. “Why are you running anyways?”

“Soomi is after me.”

“Funny, I see no Soomi.” Baekhyun shrugged. “She must be with her, you know, angel?”

Kai looked behind and sure enough, you weren’t there. He glared at D.O and Baekhyun in front of him.

“What?” Baekhyun raised an eyebrow. “It’s not like we were the one who took her.”

“Yah!” Chanyeol called out. “Baekhyun, come over here! Let’s play!”

“I’ll be there!” Baekhyun rushed to Chanyeol.

“Baekyeol, I guess.” D.O shrugged and turned to Kai. “So, want to tell me anything?”

“Like what?” Kai frowned and D.O shrugged again. “Don’t just shrug at me.”

“Here’s the thing.” D.O started. “Why are you so jealous of Luhan?”

“I’m not jealous!” Kai defensively shook his hands in front of D.O.

D.O chuckled and flicked Kai’s forehead. “I know you a lot, Jongin.”

Kai swatted D.O’s face as if to shoo him away. “Don’t talk to me.”

“C’mon, tell me the latest~” D.O whined. “You’re jealous of Luhan, aren’t you?”

Kai sighed. “Well, yeah, I guess I am jealous of Luhan.”

D.O raised an eyebrow, interested. ~Kai is actually opening up.~ “And why is that?”

“I don’t know.” It was Kai’s turn to shrug. “I feel like Luhan is taking Soomi away from me. I’m… scared of losing Soomi to Luhan.”

“Soomi was never yours in the first place.”

Kai cringed. ~D.O’s right.~

“I… I don’t know. It’s just been a while since I met Soomi but there’s something about her that gets me attached to her… And I… I never want to leave her… I want her to always be by my side… I don’t want to see her with someone else, specifically Luhan since it makes me so jealous… It’s crazy…” Kai sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

D.O smirked. “Sooner, you’ll know that specific reason why you’re jealous of Luhan. Find it out for yourself. It makes things more interesting.”

“Just tell me already! If you know, tell me!” Kai demanded.

“It would be better if you discover things surely. When one day, you would just wake up and think ‘So, this is what D.O was talking about…’. Yeah, it’s better. Alright, I’m just going to grill some food with Lay so… have fun there!” D.O waved and left Kai dumbfounded.

“Stupid D.O leaving me here all alone.” Kai muttered to himself and a pair of hands blocked his eyes. “Soomi… is that you?” He hopefully asked.

You giggled and removed your hands off his eyes and he faced you. “Sorry, Kai. Luhan dragged me so I kind of lost you…” You said apologetically and Kai sighed, hearing that what Baekhyun said about you being with Luhan was true. “But… I want you to know that… I didn’t mean to leave you. Honestly.”

Kai smiled, contented. “So, would you mind if I take you away for now?”

“Well,” You teased Kai and pretended to think hard. “Araseo. I kinda miss being alone with you.”

“Say it again.” Kai smirked.

“No!” You ran off, laughing. “I don’t want to say it again!”

“Yah! I would lose you again!” Kai called out and ran after you, catching you into a back hug and whispered in your ear. “I missed being alone with you too.”


“Kai! Do you actually know how to row a boat?” You frowned at Kai.

“Miss, if you didn’t notice, you’re actually the one doing it wrong.” Kai smirked at you.

You rolled your eyes. “Just do all the rowing since you’re smart like that.”

“How about I push you off the boat so that you’d scream my name to save you?”

“Tough luck. Please, I know how to swim.” You poke your tongue out at Kai.

Kai just dramatically rolled his eyes at you. “Where do you want to go?”

“Let’s go to the wave pool.” You said. “The others must be there.”

“Weren’t you the one who said you missed being alone with me?” Kai leaned towards you and you shooed him away.

“Now, I don’t.” You crossed your arms.

Kai pouted. “Are you sure?”

You just had to spazz inside your head. ~KAI IS SO CUTE!~

You cleared your throat. “I think we should check the jacuzzi first.”

Kai smiled widely in satisfaction. ~Aegyo does work.~


“Eh? This way? Or that way?” You blinked in confusion.

“Don’t do that.” Kai said quietly. ~It’s just so cute that when Luhan sees you blinking like that, he’ll take you away from me even more.~

“Do what?”

“Nothing.” Kai shook his head.


Kai raised an eyebrow. ~That voice doesn’t belong to anyone in EXO.~

Your eyes widen in shock and you ran from Kai’s side to hug the guy who had just called you and you squealed happily in his arms. “Oppa!”


Quick update before going to Chinese restaurant with relatives! (Chinese restaurant and everything Chinese reminds me of EXO-M) So, sorry for not updating. I'm busy. T.T

Waaaaaah~ EXO bring me back my life! EXO. EXO. EXO. EVRYTHING IN ME IS EXO!

Thanks for reading, subscribing, and commenting! :D

Love lots <3

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Chapter 11: Awwwwwww in beautiful story!!! ♥ please update !!! I can't wait please update!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: Please update soon!!! I seriously love it!
Chapter 11: Demanding 4 an update...
Chapter 11: Oh my god... I love this story!! <3 Please update soon Author-nim!
amanda_ #5
Chapter 11: Update soon please!! I really love this story T_T
Chapter 11: sooooo sweeet n cutee..
Chapter 6: ahhhhh
more in love with Luhan n his ideas ;)
Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^
wonderkris #9
nice foreword!
Chapter 10: Yay!!! When you said that you would update, I never thought I would scream as much^^
<3 you unnie~~~