Always a Troublemaker

I Found You In My Closet


Long author's note first! (This is also the author's note in my other stories so if you already read it, you can skip to the chapter. :D)

Author’s back! Author’s back! Author’s back! Back! Back! Back!

(Did anyone sing it in tune to SHINee’s back? It would be fun if you did. Haha.)

So, to be honest, I don’t really know on where to start. I mean, I’ve been gone from the face of AFF for a long time. I’ve been gone for months and now I’m suddenly back, maybe freaking out whoever is reading this author’s note in this chapter. Maybe you’ll be like ‘Author’s back!’ or ‘Author is still alive?!’ or something. Well, friends, readers, yes I’m still here- alive and fangirling. Haha.

Firstly, I’m really, really, really, really sorry to you guys. I’m sorry more than how many really’s are there in the previous sentence. I haven’t updated my fanfics in a long time. Things simply happened. Blame the bad internet connection; me being busy; me running out of ideas (Well, this pretty much doesn’t apply to ‘My Plan Was To Hate Him But I Ended Up Loving Him… Again.’ since I already finished that and I’m just going to type the chapters but it applies to ‘I Found You In My Closet’ and ‘That Bastard’) as to having writer block really and also the fact that I couldn’t type a chapter that at least seem presentable. I admit that at times, I’m just being lazy. There are times that I would be full of loads to do or things to attend to. There are lots of people to meet; places to see and such. Sometimes, I would just want to write in Filipino language as it’s my mother tongue and not write stories here in AFF. Then, at times, I feel like updating but when I’m about to type, I feel like something isn’t right. Sometimes, I want to type but I go over to social networking sites instead; chatting, liking, and commenting. Oh, and of course, spazzing. Really, I know that I don’t have a huge reason as to why I haven’t been updating my fanfics and I haven’t been online in AFF. I didn’t know that it had been months now since I last opened my AFF account. It was last year and I can’t believe it.

Due to the fact that I haven’t been opening my account, a part of me feels like I had just registered my account. Lots of things changed in the settings. It’s a good thing that I can cope up. Well, another thing that I regret is not being able to read my subscriptions. I remember the thrill of waiting for the stories I subscribed on to update; joining the characters in their laughter and tears. It was really fun and I miss it. I also miss commenting and I’m not updated to new fics now.

From the bottom of my heart- no, I’m not singing a Christmas song but, seriously- I would like to thank you all. I would like to thank all of you who are waiting for my updates even though I don’t update. I would like to thank you all for subscribing still. I would like to thank you all for patiently waiting. You’re my inspiration as to why I’m back again.

Well, I’m saying thank you but I’m not sure if you still want to continue reading my story after the long hiatus I’ve been without even giving a fair warning. I can’t blame you.

But then, to whoever continues on reading my story, thank you so much.

Just so you know, I’m not permanently leaving AFF. Let’s just think of it that I had a vacation and I’m back now. Really, I don’t know what had gotten into me. I suddenly realized that my SHINee fanfic has been going on for more than two years now. I suddenly realized that I haven’t updated all of my ongoing fanfics for a long time. I suddenly realized that it’s already Jjong’s birthday and EXO’s first anniversary and to top that, I’m already turning 15 the day after- and it was a real slap on my face to know that time flew by real fast and I haven’t been updating.

So, this is pretty much a long author’s note already. Did anyone actually read this?

To each and every one of you, my hubby Kris’ eyebrows don’t lie and they say I love you and I always will until Kai my love isn’t hot anymore- which is something that is not bound to happen.

Saranghae, chingus. <3


Wow, what a long author's note from me, huh? xD This is the chapter now. :)

11 - Always a Troublemaker
You went downstairs and blinked in surprise. *They’re still sleeping?* You shrugged and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. It’s a Saturday and the 11 other members of EXO have been staying for with you for almost a week now. They said that they would be gone by Monday.

“Breakfast is ready!” You cheerfully said while knocking on the bedroom’s door but no one answered. “I’m coming in.” You announced and opened the door but you didn’t see them. Their things are also missing. You frantically searched the whole house but you didn’t find a single EXO member.

You collapsed back on your bed and saw the picture of you together with EXO taken at the Water Park. Your eyes then travelled to the picture beside it which is a photo of you and Kai together that he insisted on placing there. Your eyes then turned to look at the digital clock that reads 9:45 AM and displays the date today- 27th of October. You sadly smiled to yourself.

*Of all days, decided to go back to their time frame today. Why am I so pitiful? Well, I’m used to being alone…*

You went out of bed and dressed nicely. Before you went out of your house, your stepmother came to drop by, giving you a new signature bag as a present but she left too soon because she has a business meeting to attend to, leaving you alone once again. You just decided to go out and wander by yourself.

“Happy birthday to me.” You whispered to yourself as you stared at the piece of cake you ordered. You wanted to buy a while cake but you decided not to since you couldn’t eat it by yourself anyways.

You replied to those who remembered your birthday and greeted you through text. You just had to see your wallpaper- another picture of you and Kai that he, once again, insisted you on putting as wallpaper of your cell phone.

*They said that they will be gone by Monday but it’s only a Saturday today. And you, Kai? Why?* You glared at the smirking Kai on your wallpaper. He was pinching your left cheek at the picture and smirking while you’re looking at the camera with a pout. *Don’t you have your so-called royal duty? You said that you shall protect me. Where are you now? Will you be here?* You sighed and placed your phone on the table. *I guess I got too attached to EXO… especially to that annoying smirking Kim Jong In…*

You strolled around until it’s already night time, unaware of the person following you all day. He watches your every move and takes a step whenever you do.

*It’s time for fun.* He thought to himself before putting a hand over your mouth to prevent you from speaking. He then put a blindfold on you so that you wouldn’t be able to see a thing. With that, he put you inside a car.

“Where are you taking me?!” You shouted at him, your eyes still blocked with a blindfold but your mouth isn’t taped or anything. “EXO will haunt you down! Kim Jong In… don’t you know him?! He’s annoying; always smirking, always teasing me… but he’s always there for me. Kai… he will protect me from you. Kai will save me. I know that he isn’t here but he will come.”

The guy said nothing but continue on driving.

You two soon arrived in front of a house. You struggled from his hold but failed. He then led you inside and made you sit on a chair.

“Where’s your EXO now?” The guy laughed. “You mentioned a guy’s name. Was it Kim Jong In? Kai? You said the he’s always there for you but where is he now?”

“I don’t know.” You whispered. “I don’t know why he left me. I don’t know why he isn’t here to protect me now. I don’t know if it’s right to continue on hoping that he will be here but I can’t help but hope that he’ll come because… I want him to be here.”

The guy’s gaze in you softened and he smiled as he whispered in your ears. “Didn’t I say that I will be by your side always?”

All you could do was gasp in shock and he removed your blindfold, revealing his face.

You stood up and pointed an accusing finger at him. “You... why… why are you like this?” You ran a hand through your hair and started hitting his chest. “Why must you drive me crazy?” You looked up to meet his eyes.

“It’s my job- my royal duty is to protect you. Driving you crazy comes in the package.” He chuckled and poked your cheek. “It was really nice to hear that you want me by your side… that you want me to protect and save you.”

“Kai you’re…” You exhaled deeply. “You’re very unbelievable. You really are a troublemaker.”

Kai laughed. “Didn’t I say that when I’m with you, I’m a troublemaker? You want me to be always by your side so I guess…” He pauses and pats your head. “I will always be a troublemaker.”

You denied to yourself that your heart skipped a beat when he said those words and you shook your head. “For scaring me like that, you really are a troublemaker.”

“I’m sorry for scaring you. I just wanted to have a little fun, I guess.” Kai shyly rubbed the back of his neck. “I was assigned to protect and follow you while they prepare everything at the back of this curtain. Then, I decided to keep a little thrill. I decided to use some of Luhan’s voice changing gum awhile ago. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” You gave Kai a reassuring smile and stared at the curtain in curiosity. “What’s behind this?”

“Happy birthday, Soomi!” EXO greeted you as the twin towers, Chanyeol and Kris, dropped the curtain.

You covered your mouth as your eyes became teary. They prepared all sorts of foods, banners, balloons- just everything for your birthday.

“I don’t know what to say.” A tear trickled down your face. “I mean… this was really unexpected… I don’t know how to thank all of you…” You began sobbing. “I taught crying due to happiness is nonsense but now that you made me experience it, I do believe in tears of joy.”

“You’re welcome, Soomi.” They all smiled at you and pulled you into a tight group hug.


“Baekhyun, why do you have a band aid on your thumb?” You worriedly asked.

“Nothing; just cut my hand while chopping.” Baekhyun shrugged.

“Eh? You cut yourself because of preparing for my birthday?” Your face fell. “I’m sorry.”

“What a careless secret agent.” Chanyeol shook his head.

“I heard that!” Baekhyun snapped and playfully whacked Chanyeol in the head and turned to you with a smile. “It’s okay, really. I’ve been through worse.”

“Don’t be sorry.” Luhan smiled at you too. “We’re happy that you’re happy on your birthday. Don’t worry about Baekhyun since bad people don’t die easily.”

You laughed and Baekhyun shot Luhan a death glare.

Kai smirked. “You have eternal life then.”

Luhan rolled his eyes but laughed along.

“No, seriously!” Chen nodded furiously. “Luhan was thrown out of a window in a high building when he was on a mission before. He landed on top of a car which broke due to the great impact. He stayed in the hospital for a week and was discharged- still alive and in one piece. Talk about bad people who don’t die easily.”

Your lips were parted at the story Chen told. “That was amazing.”

“The point is that Luhan is such a bad person.” Sehun shook his head.

“Say what, maknae?” Luhan threw daggers at Sehun.

“What? I said you’re great.” Sehun nervously laughed.

You tapped your lips in thought and smiled. “I don’t think so. Luhan is my angel.”

Luhan stuck his tongue out at them childlishly.

“Let’s just play games.” Suho suggested.

“Jjang! Gramps wants to play!” Tao smiled wildly.

“Any prizes?” Lay asked, poking Suho’s cheeks.

“I’ll just give a dollar for each winner.” Suho replied.

Kris shrugged. “Better than nothing.”

“It’s leader’s money so I’m in!” D.O pumped his fist in the air.

“If I’m the winner, just give me steamed buns!” Xiumin whined.

“Why don’t you just buy steamed buns using the money?” Luhan shook his head at him.

“Hey, let’s play already!” Tao complained.

“Let’s play longest greeting! We’ll all be like ‘Happy birthday Soomiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~’ oh wait. I forgot that I’m not a vocalist.” Sehun pouted.

“A dance battle sounds great!” Kai suggested.

“Too cocky about your dancing skills, are we?” Lay smiled, showing his dimples.

“Well, yeah.” Kai smirked. “But, don’t worry. We’re both great.”

“Let’s have an eating contest!”

“Steamed buns eating contest would be nice!”

“I’d say that we should have a contest of derp faces!”

“Singing contest!”

“I agree with Chen!”

“Hey, how about rapping?!”

“Let’s just go with the longest greeting!”

“That’s what I suggested!”

“Musical chairs!”

“Baekhyun, that game… is played on a children’s party, right?”

“Age doesn’t matter as long as I look young forever!”

“True that for you, Luhan.”

Suho and Kris looked at their members having a commotion over which they shall play and sighed.

“Having members like this sure is a pain, huh?” Kris shook his head.

Suho nodded. “It is.”

“But then…” Kris smiled, his cold exterior disappearing. “All of the chaos…”

“It is what makes everything fun.” Suho continued, smiling like his fellow leader.

You look at the 12 guys in front of you and shook your head, a smile also forming on your lips.


“And for the finale…” Luhan smiled.  “This is everyone’s gift for you, Soomi!”

They handed you a white teddy bear with the same size as you are with the word EXO embroidered on its shirt.

“Thank you. This is the best birthday I’ve ever had.”

“Yah~ you’re near to tears again.” Kai shook his head. “Don’t cry.”

“I’m just really happy.” You smiled. “Thank you everyone. Goodnight.”

“You’re welcome, Soomi. Goodnight.”

You entered your room and EXO entered the other room. You took a quick shower before plopping down on your bed. Then, there was a sudden knock by the door. You opened it and found Kai.

“I have my own personal gift for you.” Kai said, pulling out a box from his pocket. He opened it and a beautiful necklace was revealed. He then put it on your neck and smiled. “It suits you perfectly.”

You touched the white gold necklace that reads Troublemaker; attached in a cursive writing. “This is you.”

“Yes, it’s me who is always there for you.” Kai softly whispered, brushing the few strands of your hair that fell in your face and tucking them behind your ear. “You should carry it always so that I’ll always be with you. Like, for example, you don’t let me sleep beside you. Oh, you don’t allow me to accompany you inside the comfort ro-”

You lightly punched Kai’s shoulder. “You’re crazy.”

 “I know.” Kai chuckles, shoving his hands inside his pocket. “Well, I better get going. Goodnight!” He waved and started walking towards the other room.

“Wait!” You called out and Kai turned to face you again. “Thank you.” You whispered and gave Kai a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for your gift… for staying with me… for everything…”

Once you finished saying that, you hurriedly went inside your room and closed it.

Kai touched his left cheek that you kissed and didn’t dare stop the goofy smile playing on his lips.

“That was nice.”

“Luhan, is popping out of nowhere your new habit?” Kai stared at Luhan in horror.

“Maybe?” Luhan chuckled and shook his head. “Well, at least I’m not the one holding his cheek that had been kissed like a girl in her teenage years.”

“Shut up.” Kai glared at Luhan. “You don’t know anything.”

“Oh, I know everything I need to know, babe.” Luhan playfully smiled.

“Babe?!” Kai gaped at him. “Yah~ Xi Luhan, don’t tell me that you have the hots for me.”

“Stupid.” Luhan rolled his eyes heavenwards, flicking Kai’s forehead as he did so. “It was supposed to make the script dramatic, okay? I’m too straight for you, please.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Kai waved a hand and scoffed.

“So anyway, Kai, I knew from the start that I’m right.”

“Right about what?”

“Well… about a certain thing.”

“Luhan, you’re weird.”

“Yes sir, I’m one of a kind.”

Kai shook his head. “And you just had to sing GD’s song? Aish, Luhan. I’m just going to sleep. Night!”

Luhan smiled secretly. *I was right about you falling for Soomi.*


You hugged the teddy bear in pure bliss. *I’m glad that EXO came to my life.* Your fingers then travelled to the necklace that Kai gave you awhile ago and you looked out the window, watching the stars shining brightly. *I’m glad I’ve met Kai. I’m happy that he’s protecting me. I’m happy that he’s with me.* You smiled.

“If you’re a troublemaker when you’re with me, then… please always be one.”

You close your eyes with the hope of your wish coming true.




Thanks for reading! :D

From now on, updates will keep on coming since I'm no longer on hiatus. :)

Love lots<3


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Chapter 11: Awwwwwww in beautiful story!!! ♥ please update !!! I can't wait please update!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: Please update soon!!! I seriously love it!
Chapter 11: Demanding 4 an update...
Chapter 11: Oh my god... I love this story!! <3 Please update soon Author-nim!
amanda_ #5
Chapter 11: Update soon please!! I really love this story T_T
Chapter 11: sooooo sweeet n cutee..
Chapter 6: ahhhhh
more in love with Luhan n his ideas ;)
Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^
wonderkris #9
nice foreword!
Chapter 10: Yay!!! When you said that you would update, I never thought I would scream as much^^
<3 you unnie~~~