When Kai Gets Sick

I Found You In My Closet

Sehun pouted. “It had been one week now. Goodbye, 50,000 won.”

“3 weeks~ next in line~” Chanyeol grinned at Chen.

“I’m confident in my bet.” Chen grinned back at Chanyeol.

“I wonder how they’re doing.” D.O. stared up at the ceiling.

“I found something!” Kris exclaimed and all of them dashed to the big screen.

“Car accident…” Luhan whispered.

“This is a lead.” Kris stared. “They killed a man and made it seem like a car accident.”

“How is this a lead?” Suho frowned.

Kris exhaled. “I don’t know. I can’t get access for other details but this has to be a lead. We’re going to find out how it connects to the big destruction. It’s going to take some time.”


You already finished eating and you glanced up at the wall clock. ~6:50AM. Isn’t Kai going to come down? Classes start at 7:30AM.~ Frowning, you made your way upstairs. You knocked on Kai’s door but he didn’t answer. “Kai.” You softly called out and knocked on the door once again but he didn’t answer like the first time. “Kai, I’m going in.” you twisted the doorknob and found Kai wrapped in a blanket from head to toe as if he’s in a protective cocoon. You made your way to his bed and sat beside him. You slowly pulled the covers to show his face. “How can someone look so good while sleeping?” You quietly mumbled and covered your mouth using your hands when you realized what you had just said. You glanced at Kai and he’s still asleep. You sighed in relief and began shaking him. “Kai, wake up.”

Kai had his eyes half-opened and stared at you. “Soomi?” He weakly called out.

“It’s time to go to school, Kai.” You said.

“It’s so cokd.” Kai shivered and gripped on the blanket.

You touched his forehead and your eyes widen when you feel him burning. “Wait up!” You said in panick and rushed downstairs. You got some tablets from the medicine cabinet and placed it on a tray. You then put the food you prepared on the same tray and put a glass of water. Then, you went back to Kai’s room. “Kai.” You called out as you sat on his bed. “Yah~ drink medicine and eat.”

Kai weakly sat up. “Feed me.” He pouted.

You sighed. ~No choice.~ “Open your mouth.” You placed the spoonful of soup in front of his mouth.

Kai shook his head. “It’s still hot.”

“Aish, Kai.” You rolled your eyes but then, you blew some air on it until it’s cool enough. “It’s not too hot anymore. Open your mouth.” You ordered and Kai obediently opened his mouth. You put the spoonful inside his mouth and took the spoon out when he got the soup in his mouth already. The cycle continued. “Why did you get sick?” You suddenly asked.

Kai shrugged. “Maybe it’s because of the ice cream I ate? My tonsils actually hurt. I think I have tonsillitis.”

“Exactly. Who would wake up at 2AM just to eat the ice cream in the fridge? It’s just you, Kai.” You slapped your own forehead. “You even woke me up. I can’t believe you.”

“You should have eaten the ice cream with me so I won’t eat enough amount of ice cream to cause tonsillitis.” Kai frowned.

“Just drink your medicine.” You mumbled and he did what you told him.

“I’m sorry. I can’t protect you today.” Kai guiltily said. “Well, I can but I won’t be able to go to school today.”

You gave him a reassuring smile. “It’s okay.”

“I’ll protect you.” Kai stood up and headed to the bathroom.

“Kai, you don’t need to.” You said through the closed door.

“I want to.” Kai stubbornly replied.

You shook your head. “You’re stubborn.” You huffed and got the tray on his bed. You made your way downstairs to watch the dishes. When you’re done, you sat on the couch and opened the television, flipping through random channels to find something interesting to watch. After some minutes, Kai appeared beside the staircase, already in school uniform.

“You know, you can leave school for today.” You said quietly, worried about Kai going to school while he is sick.

“Don’t you trust me? I’ll be fine.” Kai smiled. “I can always leave school but I can never leave you.”

~Sick people must rest, Kai.~ You bit on your lower lip while thinking.

Kai smirked. “Are you trying to seduce me? You look seductive while lip biting.”

“Are you sure that you’re sick?!” You shouted as your cheeks grew red. You threw a pillow at him standing  beside the staircase but he immediately caught it using his hand and sat beside you, still with the smirk that you want to wipe off.

“You couldn’t possibly hit me with a pillow. I’m a secret agent. I’m alert at all times.”

“Yeah? How about last week when EXO came here and you fell of the couch in surprise? Do you call that alert?” You mocked him.

Kai raised an eyebrow. “Are you challenging me? Well, I have an answer for that. That was one time I was surprised. I mean, like seriously, aren’t they that scary that you would fall from the couch when they pop out of nowhere?” He made a face.

“Of course, I’ll be surprised.” You nodded. “But it’s not because that they are scary. They are freaking gorgeous! EXO is just so asdfghjkl- I can’t even explain. But, yeah, I’ll say that EXO members are handsome.” You said truthfully and shrugged.

“I know you find me handsome~” Kai sang.

You stuck your tongue out at him. “You’re excluded.”

Kai stared at you in disbelief. “Many girls would kill just to be with me!”

“I’m not one of them. Do I look like I’m willing to kill just to be with you?” You sarcastically asked.

“Yes, you know you want me.” Kai snapped back.

“You’re so full of yourself.” You made a face.

“Yes, full of awesomeness.” Kai winked at you.

You rolled your eyes. “Why are you even more annoying when you’re sick? Are you sure that you didn’t take drugs? Aish, just stay here.”

“You’re not going anywhere without me.”

“How about we both stay home? Tests had just ended and we would just chill around in school today. Why not stay home?”

“That’ll be a whole new different story. I’m back to bed!” Kai rushed upstairs and went back to his room.

You rolled your eyes and followed Kai who is now lying back down on his bed. “Why don’t you change out of school uniform first?”

“Good idea. Why don’t you change it for me?” Kai smirked. “You know that sick people can’t move freely.”

“You were hyper awhile ago!” You growled.

“I’m not now.” Kai truthfully said as his eyes were drooping.

“Stop playing games.” You placed your hands on your hips.

Kai didn’t say anything but drifted to lalaland. You went to your room to change out of your school uniform and went back to Kai’s room. You sat on the couch and stared at Kai with arms crossed. Kai then started moving. Then, he was rolling from left to right. You stood up from the couch and went to Kai’s bed.

“Yah!” You shake him until he woke up.

Kai opened his eyes and jumped out of bed. He then started jumping around the room like crazy. “AAAAAHHHHH!!!!” Kai shrieked and started slapping his own forehead. He then made his way to the mirror and played and peek-a-boo with his own reflection.

You were still sitting on Kai’s bed with your jaw dropped open.

“Soomi!” Kai cheerfully called out. He then tackled you down on his bed, trapping you in his arms. “Soomi! Soomi! Soomi!”


“What?! What?! What?!” You tried to push him off you but failed.

“SOOMI!” Kai shouted in your ear.

“WHAAAAAAT?!!!!” You shouted ten times louder than him. ~What’s wrong with Kai when he’s sick?!~

Kai’s expression grew serious. “I…”

“You what, Kim Jong In?! YOU WHAT?!” You yelled in outrage, losing all your patience left.

Kai stared at you seriously. “I’m y and I know it.”

You pulled your hair in frustration. ~Kim Jong In, ASDFGHJKL!~

“Kai, seriously, what the hell?!”

Kai then released you from being trapped in his arms and pushed you to the other side of the bed while he took the other side and selpt.

You stood up and exhaled. ~That’s it.~ You made your way to the storage room and got a rope. Then, you went back to Kai’s room. You saw him still sleeping and you took that opportunity to tie his hands and feet on the corners of the bed.

Kai opened his eyes. “Yah~ Soomi, why did you tie me here?!”

“You’re crazy! That’s why!” You yelled.

Kai frowned. “I don’t remember doing anything to you. I’m sure I did nothing.”

“You call it nothing?!” You gaped at him. “You know what? I’m out of here.” You slammed the door as you walked out.

“What did I do?” Kai mumbled to himself and yawned. “I want to sleep.”


You just got home and it’s already 6:30PM. You took the morning shift in the café and said that Kai couldn’t make it since he’s sick. You went to the mall afterwards just to avoid going home. As for Kai, he’s asleep the whole day.

You took a deep breath before entering Kai’s room. You sighed in relief as you saw him asleep and still tied on the bed. ~Kai is all right now, right?~ You hesitantly sat beside Kai. “Kai.” You called out while shaking him. After a minute, his eyes darted open. You immediately stood up and you felt your heart racing in fright as Kai pulled his hands and feet off the rope. Kai stood up and you backed away.

Kai raised his arms up to his shoulder level. “The zombies are coming~ braaaaiiiiiiiinz~”

“Eottokke?!” You started to run around the room while Kai walked after you like a zombie.


“Kai, I’m sorry!” You grabbed the painting on the wall as soon as you reached the living room due to running away from Kai and smashed it on his head.

Kai fell on the ground. You sighed in relief, knowing that he passed out. You then started pulling him upstairs. “How can you be this heavy?!” You groaned as you finally managed to bring him back to his bed. You examined him to see what you have done and felt relieved that he just got a lump on his head.

“Kai will wake up sooner. I need to contact EXO. But, how?” You nervously whispered to yourself. Then, your attention turned to the cell phone-like gadget on the bedside table. “That’s it!” You exclaimed happily. “My instinct tells me that it’s the blue button I should choose. Blue button? Yes, I’ll follow my intuition…”

“What’s up, K- Oh, annyeong, Soomi!” Baekhyun beamed at you.

“Please help me!” You clasped your hands together.

“What?! Are the enemies there already?!” Lay asked in panick. “Where’s Kai?!”

“No!” You furiously shook your head. “Kai is the problem! He’s going crazy so I’m going crazier!”

EXO exchanged knowing glances.

“Kai is sick.” Sehun stated.

You nodded. “How did you know? Yes, he’s sick. He has tonsillitis.”

Suho sighed. “Kai is unusually crazy when he’s sick. Even if he just got a common cold, he’ll turn out to be crazy. Then, he’ll also turn gentle. Then, he’ll go back to being crazy again. It’s frustrating, we know.”

“Don’t worry though. It will just last for one day and he’ll get back to normal even if he’s still sick the following day. Just be strong, Soomi.” Kris gave you an encouraging smile.

“Plus, he doesn’t get sick often.” Chanyeol added.

“That’s not it!” Yo whined. “I can’t take him being crazy even for just another millisecond!”

~When Kai is sick, we just lock him in a room and release him the other day.~ Luhan thought. ~Well, you can make a change, Soomi.~ An evil grin made its way on Luhan’s face. “We have a solution for that.”

“Omo~ Luhan, you’re my angel!” You brightened up. “Aigoo~ what’s the solution, Luhan?”

“You need to hug Kai in his sleep. It makes him feel comfortable. You should do it now while he’s sleeping before he turns out into a crazy freak again.”

You crossed your arms and shook your head. “Nu-uh.”

“Kai tried to stab Chanyeol once when he was sick.” Luhan said in a creepy voice in horror movies to scare you. But then, what he said is true. You gulped and Luhan continued. “Kai also tried to throw Kris out of the window while singing ‘I believe Kris can fly~’. Kai then-”

“Stop!” You exclaimed before Luhan could continue. “I got it. Are you sure hugging him would work and won’t end up being stabbed or thrown out of the window?”

Luhan smiled. “Trust your angel Luhan.D.O. used to do the job.” He eyes D.O. and gave him the just-ride-in-what-I’m-saying-look.

“Yeah.” D.O. nodded.

“I guess I have to do it then.” You mumbled. “I’d be going now. Bye, EXO!” You wave at them.

“Bye, Soomi!” They waved back and the hologram of them disappeared from your sight.

Luhan smirked. “So?”

“Luhan is the jjang!” They all cheered and laughed evilly.

You, on the other hand, hesitated whether to lie beside Kai or not. ~Must. Obey. Luhan.~ You gulped before lying next to Kai and hugging him. ~This better work.~

After a couple of minutes, Kai’s eyes fluttered open. You gasped. ~Omo. I better not be thrown out of the window or stabbed or else,, I’m going to haunt Luhan even though I don’t know what time frame he is in!~

“Soomi?” Kai called out in a soft voice.

~At least, he’s not crazy.~ You thought. ~It works! Omo, Luhan is such a good person! He’s my angel!~

“Neh?” You smiled at Kai.

“Why are you hugging me?”

“I can’t let you go.”

“Is that so?”


“Okay then. Let’s sleep.” Kai smiled and closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer. Soon enough, both of you fell asleep in each other’s arms.


So, yeah. Updated! :DD Who loves Luhan? Lol. =)) Honestly, I don’t know anyone who gets crazy when sick. O_O Haha. Let’s just pretend. =))

Anyways, I have a question. When you dream of getting married, what does it mean? O_O I had a dream that I’m getting married. I think I dreamt about that over a year ago… The guy is tall. I mean, I’m 170 cm and I’m just below his chin and I’m probably wearing heels (I’m not sure if I’m wearing heels or not.) I don’t know, I was walking down the aisle and when I was finally with him, I was about to look up to see his face but then, I woke up. It . >.< Then, I had this dream again last night. This time, I saw his face. But, when I try to think about it now that I’m awake, all I can see in his face is a blur. Aaaah it that I can’t see his face. >.< All I remember is that he has such a nice smile… Aaaaaaaah what does that mean? Well, I’ll see in the future. ;) Hehe. :DD

Thanks for reading, subscribing, and commenting! :D

Love lots <3


@zfna_shawolsone: Haha, he sure is evil. >:) But as long as the result is positive, isn’t it all right? X) Ooh~ 5 months? We’ll see. ;) They are betting on when Kai will ask for help though. :D

@DarinAlia: Yep. He is! *insert evil laugh here* >:))]

@lina-chan: No problem. I love writing so I’ll keep updating. :D Thanks because you think the last update is awesome and you love the story. =)

@one-day_lover217: Haha. 22 thumbs up, yeah? Thanks. X) Lol. Luhan=Evil kyu XD No roblem~ thank you because you think the last update is jjang. :DD Haha. Updated! Oh, did you try imaging EXO being with you now? XD

@KpopFanGirl21: Thanks! Updated! :D

@sapphirelfame29: I’m glad that you like how I made Kai’s character in this fic. :D Oh, Luhan? Hmm… I honestly don’t know. :|He just seem to fit that job, I guess? X) Haha. Anyways, updated! :D

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Chapter 11: Awwwwwww in beautiful story!!! ♥ please update !!! I can't wait please update!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: Please update soon!!! I seriously love it!
Chapter 11: Demanding 4 an update...
Chapter 11: Oh my god... I love this story!! <3 Please update soon Author-nim!
amanda_ #5
Chapter 11: Update soon please!! I really love this story T_T
Chapter 11: sooooo sweeet n cutee..
Chapter 6: ahhhhh
more in love with Luhan n his ideas ;)
Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^
wonderkris #9
nice foreword!
Chapter 10: Yay!!! When you said that you would update, I never thought I would scream as much^^
<3 you unnie~~~