Kai In My Closet

I Found You In My Closet

“You can place it here. Thank you.” You thanked the worker a he placed your newly-bought closet in your bedroom and you escorted him downstairs. Then, you went back to your room upstairs. You opened your closet and smiled. ~I guess I’ll start arranging my clothes.~ You thought. Just then, your phone rang and you closed your closet first before answering your phone.

“Yoboseyo? Neh… Bye.” You ended the call. It was just your partner in your Science partner asking if you did your part. Suddenly, you heard some noises in your closet.

“Aish.” You heard someone groaned in pain.

Startled, you made your way closer to your closet as curiousness and tension washed all over you. You gulped and opened your closet and your eyes immediately widen.

“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!” You let out the loudest and longest scream in your entire life as you saw an injured guy in your closet.

“Geez, don’t you know how to turn your volume down?” He rolled his eyes, irritated.

“I-I’ll call the police!” You exclaimed in panick.

“Technically, I did nothing to you.” He rolled his eyes once again. “By the way, don’t you know some manners? How about we introduce ourselves first? I’m Kim Jong In. Call me Kai. I’m from the future. So, what about you?” That guy namely Kai smirked at you as he held his hand out.

“Fututre?! Do you think I would believe such nonsense?!”

“Woah there. You’re so rude. I was introducing myself. By the way, you don’t really need to introduce yourself. You’re Ahn Soomi.”

“Stalker!” You pointed an accusing finger at him.

“I’m not a stalker. I just pretty much know you. You are 16 years old, turning 17 in October. You’re studying at SM High School. You’re leaving alone since you moved away from your stepmom ever since your father died.” You lowered your gaze and Kai noticed it so he cleared his throat. “Well, the point is, I just know things about you but I’m not a stalker. Did you really think that someone as handsome and hot like me looks like a stalker?”

“No, I didn’t.” You sarcastically answered and rolled your eyes. ~But, I have to admit that he really is hot and handsome. Aish, Soomi! What are you thinking?!~ You did a mental facepalm.

“Yah~ Soomi, aren’t you at least going to invite me out of your closet? Hello, I’m injured here. Aren’t you going to stop staring at me and treat my wounds?” Kai smirked.

“Oh.” Your face turned into a light shade of pink and you helped him get out of the closet but he refused.

“I’m fine.” Kai said as he swiftly got out of your closet and sat on your bed. “My left arm is the one that is injured. You can bandage it.”

“How bossy.” You huffed as you made your way to the first-aid kit. Then, you went back to Kai and sat beside him. You cleaned his wound, applied medicine on his arm, and bandaged it. “There. Now, can you go back to where you came from?” You narrowed your eyes at him.

“I can’t.” Kai said seriously. “I came here specifically for you.”

“Me?!” You pointed at yourself and Kai nodded. “But… But why?!”

“I guess I shall explain.” Kai sighed. “As I told you earlier, I came from the future. I’m part of an association of secret agents named EXO. It’s divided into two- EXO-K and EXO-M. I’m part of EXO-K. In the future, there are some crazy mofos who want to destroy the whole earth and make it vanish in the universe including mankind. And you, Soomi, hold the key to their success.”

Your lips were parted slightly as you couldn’t believe each and every word that Kai said. “I do? What is this thing that I have then?”

“We have no idea either. EXO-M is still trying to find it out. But, we got information that you destroyed whatever that thing is in the future. That’s why, they’ll be after you in this time. You’re in serious danger.”

“I can’t believe this.” You uttered.

“Don’t worry though. Don’t you know why I’m here?”

“To know what that thing they need is?”

“No, that’s for EXO-M to know. It would actually be better if they will just get what they want from you. We can get it from them and stop them but that’s not the situation. They will definitely kill you. That’s why I came all the way from the future. My royal duty is to protect you.”

“Mwoh?!” You still can’t believe what’s happening.

“That’s why…” Kai smirked as he scooted closer to you sitting on bed. “You can’t get me out of here. So, where’s my room?”

You slapped your own forehead. ~What did I do to deserve this?~

You led Kai to the room beside yours. “There. That will be your room. Ugh~ why did I even agree in letting you stay here?”

Kai coolly shrugged. “Maybe you find my looks hard to resist?”

“Aish! Just go inside!” You shoved him inside the room beside yours which is now his room and closed it.

Kai chuckled as he shook his head in amusement. Then, he pulled out a high-tech gadget from his pocket which kind of resembles today’s cell phones and placed it on his bed. Then, he pushed the blue button and instantly, a hologram floated.

“I made it.” Kai gave the 5 people in front of him in the form of hologram 2 thumbs up sign.

“Great job, Kai.” Suho praised. “But, why do you have a bandaged arm?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just that Sehun’s mechanical cat was in front of the time capsule. I kicked it out of the way and it attacked my arm first before I was able to get inside the time capsule.” Kai said, expressionless.

“Yah! You kicked Meowth?! How dare you?! You know that I love Meowth…” Sehun faked sobs.

“Did you see her?” Chanyeol cheerfully asked.

“Did she believe that you came from the future?” D.O. asked too.

“Yes, I saw her and yes, she did.”

“Don’t do anything naughty.” Baekhyun warned.

Kai smirked. “Yeah, yeah.”

“Yah~ Kai.” You suddenly knocked on his door and he opened it. You gasped as you saw 5 persons in hologram.

“Annyeong! I’m Sehun! Bbuing~ bbuing~” Sehun cheerfully greeted you with aegyo. “You’re so pretty~” He cooed.

You froze. ~That floating guy in hologram is talking to me. And he said I’m pretty.~

“You weren’t supposed to scare her.” Baekhyun whacked Sehun’s head and smiled at you. “I’m sorry about that, Soomi. I’m really nice. I wouldn’t whack you in the head like that.”

You were still frozen. ~He knows my name~

“Don’t scare her.” Kai scowled at them and turned to you. “They wouldn’t harm you.”

You uncertainly stood beside Kai and stared at them. They introduced themselves one by one. They even joked around.

“Why is it that Kai is here and you, other members of EXO-k, are there?” You suddenly asked with a frown.

“We’re also protecting lots of innocent people here.” Suho smiled at you. “Kai shall protect you.”

“But, why does it have to be Kai?” You pouted. “You five look nicer than him.” You uncertainly glanced at Kai and he smirked at you.

“Like what I’ve said,” Kai continued to smirk as he leaned closer to your face. “I have the royal job of protecting you.” He whispered and you could feel his hot breath.

You could feel your face heat up as it turned into a dark shade of red. ~What is he doing to me?~

“I guess we have to go~” D.O. sang and they suddenly disappeared.

You cleared your throat as you backed away from Kai.

“I think we should do some shopping for you. You need clothes beside the one you’re wearing.” You said just to avoid the awkwardness.

“No need. I have everything with me.” Kai said as he pulled out a little marble from his pocket and threw it on the floor. A luggage suddenly appeared before the two of you.

“That’s cool.” Your eyes sparkled.

Kai smirked. “That’s nothing in the future. Well, you’ll see more since I’m around.”

“Jinjja?” You beamed. “Can I see more stuff from the future?”

“You can but they’re mostly weapons.” Kai shrugged as he began rummaging through his luggage and showed you futuristic things that made you awe.

“What is this?” You asked Kai as you handed up a ball pen-like thingy and pointed it at him.

“Yah~ Keep t away from my handsome face.” He got the gadget from you and sighed in relief. “You could have used laser on me.”

You continued on looking at his weapons and gadgets in fascination. “Kai, I’m wondering~” You tilted your head to the side. “This weapons and gadgets are really for an advanced civilization. What time are you in? Is it something like 10 years later or more?”

“No. I’m just from the near future. Actually, my weapons and gadgets can’t be seen with normal people. I’m a secret agent. That’s why I have those things but I’m not from the far future.” Kai explained.

“Oh.” You nodded slightly. “What is your true age then?”

Kai smirked as he placed a finger in front of his lips. “Top secret.”

You pouted as you asked another question. “Where is the Kai in this time frame?”

“He’s in USA.”

“How old is he?”

“My age is a top secret.” Kai smirked once again.

You frowned. “Is it in the rules of EXO?”

“No, but it’s in my rules.”

“You’re probably old.” You muttered.

“I’m just from the near future!” Kai defended himself.

You stuck your tongue out at him. “Ahjussi!”

“It’s oppa for you!” Kai exclaimed and began ticking you until you two collapsed on his bed.

“Hahaha… Kai… Hahaha… Oppa! Oppa!” You exclaimed in between laughs.

Kai smiled as he sat and ruffled your hair. “Good girl.”

You sat up too and gasped. “K-Kai, you smiled!”

Kai laughed. “What’s the big deal?”

“I thought you only know how to smirk! Omo~ I can’t believe it!” Your eyes widen. “You’re even laughing!”

Kai laughed even more. “You’re so cute.”

“Cute?” You whispered and you began blushing.

“You’re blushing.” Kai did his infamous smirk again.

“Whatever, ahjussi!” You stuck his tongue out at him before running downstairs.

“Yah!” Shaking his head, Kai made his way downstairs to chase you.


First chapter is up! So, how was it? =) Thank you to my first subscribers and commenters. :)

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@zfna_shawolsone: Thank you for being the first commenter! <3 I hope the first chapter didn't disappoint you. :)

@one-day_lover217: Here it is! :D I hope I didn't disappoint you. :)

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Chapter 11: Awwwwwww in beautiful story!!! ♥ please update !!! I can't wait please update!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: Please update soon!!! I seriously love it!
Chapter 11: Demanding 4 an update...
Chapter 11: Oh my god... I love this story!! <3 Please update soon Author-nim!
amanda_ #5
Chapter 11: Update soon please!! I really love this story T_T
Chapter 11: sooooo sweeet n cutee..
Chapter 6: ahhhhh
more in love with Luhan n his ideas ;)
Hey there, I was wondering if you were ever going to update this fic again? Because I'm clearing up my subscribed list, and I'd really look forward to another update for this story. ^^
wonderkris #9
nice foreword!
Chapter 10: Yay!!! When you said that you would update, I never thought I would scream as much^^
<3 you unnie~~~