Smile Mr.Moon, Smile

Where's My Silver Lining ?

After a few more shocked glances are exchanged between the 5 of them, everything went back to normal. Sort of.

" Umm.... Let's move on to other matters. We'll discuss about this later."

And they went back into discussing other details on the event. Totally skipping any talks on B.A.P.


Why do they dislike B.A.P so much ? Is it just because they are not involved in the student council like Sunggyu, not as creative as Woohyun, not Sportsman of the Year like my brother, can't paint like Dongwoo or play the violin like Sungjong ? Or because they don't own a coffee shop like Yeol or take breath-taking photos like Myungsoo ? I just don't get it.

I threw the dirty rag on the counter and stomped off to the storeroom. 


" Hey Ho-eun, let me take you home. " I tilted my head up and saw Myungsoo's silhouette leaning against the door of the storeroom. The skies have turned into a dark purplish colour. How long have I been sitting here ? I stood up, almost losing my balance but Myungsoo helped steadied me. I couldn't feel my legs anymore. I grabbed my haversack and headed out the door. I didn't even bother saying goodbye to the rest. I was feeling too irritated to care.

I heard Myungsoo saying something to Sunggyu that sounded like , " I'm taking her home. Think about what she suggested ...... the B.A.P guys ........ I hate seeing her sad like this. " I'm not sure.

I climbed into Myungsoo's red Mazda and leaned my head against the leather dashboard. His car smells of tea. Earl Grey tea. I closed my eyes and let my body drift along with the fragrant tea aroma. 


I woke up. I'm in a car. The car is not moving. Earl Grey. Myungsoo. I looked out of the window and realised that I was in front of my house. I turned my head towards the driver's seat and saw him laying there, listening to his iPod. ' He looks so beautiful in the moonlight. '


" Why didn't' you wake me up ? You must have waited for so long , " I scrambled to grab my bag from the backseat. 

" I just wanted to watch you sleep." 

I was taken aback. Weird.


He cleared his throat and continued, " Are you close with the B.A.P guys ? " 

" No, I watched them performed once and thought that they are good. If they can perform during the ceremony, wouldn't that solve Sunggyu's problems ? "

" I see. " he replied. He looks relieved. 

" Goodnight then. See you. " I exited the car and closed the door behind me. 

He waved at me, smiled and drove off.  




Weird things don't stop.  

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Is it too long ? HAHAAHAHAHA
Coma for two months?! WOW.
Hey chingu^^ really enjoyed your fanfic! Especially Himchan!! Hope you'll update soon!
Yo, eonnie is here again. Quickly update! :D Finish it so we can start on the sequel~ Ppali ppali :D
thank youu :)
KpopAndMe #6
Update soon ^^ sooooo cute !!
thank you for reading my fanfic ! sorry for not updating , i was having my exams. but i'm back now :D
KpopAndMe #8
Update soon :D awesome chaper ^^
oh you're himchan-biased too ? HEHEHE ;D glad you're enjoying this ! come back on monday for new chapters :)
Omg, please update real soon! Himchan <3 GGAHAHHHH!!!