chapter 8




Sehun’s and Luhan’s days were spent with them cuddling, eating and playing with each other. And the constant small kisses that Luhan would sneak to Sehun. But Sehun never stayed long enough to sleep with Luhan. There was that one time, but that doesn’t count to Luhan.

The two learnt that whenever they wanted to go on a date, the other members would insist in following them. For safety precaution they said. So, they decided that it was better to stay home and watch movies or just cuddle.

That night the two were in Luhan’s room. Kris was out on a date with his panda and Xiumin was, well, Luhan kicked him out the room. Luhan slung his arm around Sehun’s shoulder casually in a quick half-hug. The younger’s cinnamon eyes sparkled as he laughed at the older’s joking comment, leaning into his shoulder. His breath escaped scarlet parted lips, visible due to the cool night air. Leaving Luhan’s embrace, he walked over to the edge of the bed and smiled to his boyfriend.

“Hyung, it’s getting late, and I’m getting sleepy. I should get back to my room.”

“Can’t you stay longer? Or you know, you could always sleep her.” Luhan motioned his bed and gave the most adorable puppy eyes look. He even pouted.

Sehun felt guilty. But still, he didn’t want his back or to get hurt again. So he was making up excuses. Luhan wasn’t having any of those.

“You, Mr.Oh, are sleeping with me tonight!” he pulled Sehun back to his bed and stared at him with those doe eyes. Sehun thought his boyfriend was so cute. “Hyung, you won’t kick me out of the bed right?”

“NO! Why would I do that to my precious stoned-faced bunny?” Luhan giggled and pinched the younger’s cheek. “Yeahh, but, still, I think it’s better if I sleep in my own room. I won’t risk my getting hurt like before.” Sehun tried getting off the bed and the result was, he was pinned down by Luhan. He had him pinned under his body, his hands wrapped around his wrists. He stared down at Sehun and gave Sehun his most serious face. Sehun laughed. “Hyung, that face. It doesn’t suit you.” Luhan puffed his cheek and pouted.

“YOU ARE SLEEPING WITH ME! Okay?” He was still on top of Sehun. “Fine, just get off me okay?” Luhan smiled and kissed his boyfriend. “No! I’m making your body as my pillow tonight.” He beamed at Sehun and Sehun pushed him away. “You’re so weird sometimes.” They giggled.


Luhan was woken up by the sound of the drizzle outside his window. A smile crept on his face, but the smile faded when he realised his bunny was missing. He then saw the boy sleeping on the floor, shivering and curling into a ball.

“OH GOD! I did not just kick him off the bed again!” Luhan facepalmed himself. He felt guilty.

“Sehunnie~” he poked his bunny. “Sehun ahh~” he cooed again.

“Uhmm,” Sehun groaned in his sleep, his eyebrows knitted together. Luhan stopped his actions.

“Hunnie, get up. You’ll catch a cold sleeping on the floor.” He tried to lift Sehun.

“Ahh hyung! I’m still sleepy. And it’s not my fault I’m sleeping on the floor.” Sehun sighed.

“Mianhe. Next time, I promised I’d try to control myse...”

“I think I’m gonna continue my sleep in my room.” Sehun got up and went back to his room. Suho wasn’t in their room and he saw Jongin sleeping on Suho’s bed. He didn’t bother asking cause, he was too sleepy.

“I’ll ask him later I guess.” He mumbled to himself and went back to his dreamland.

Luhan felt a pang of guilt. “Is he mad at me?”



updated ~ euhehehehhe



i'm so sorryyyyyyyy for the very late update. i was having a writter's block and well i was super busy. FORGIVE MEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ;A; 

and also sorry if the story . i'm so bad at this. and i'm not sure if i'm gonna update this frequently.

I'll be entering my university this Saturday and i think it'll be hard for me to update. THANK YOUUUUUUUUU GUYS FOR STILL STICKING WITH MY STORY. ;___________;


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Chapter 12:'s been a long time T.T
update soon? pls...
Chapter 12: What the EFF!!!
Is happening here?!!
Please update soon~
Oh Baozi
Poor Suho LMAO XDD
Please update soon ! ^^
i am so sorryyyyyyy for making you guys confuse ;A;
i'm not sure about the pairings, but the main pairings and main is HUNHANNNNNN
again i'll bow for the confusing plot ;______;
SuHo n Kai (?)
So the pairings are just so confusing....
So HunHan, BaekYeol, SuKai, KriLay?
Kekeke . I LOL-ed at the last part xD
BaekYeol is shooooooooooo cute X3
Please update soon ! ^^
Haha. Suho kissed kai? Oh my 0.0
Luhan is so freakin cute ^_^
bluegroove10 #10
LOL at Luhan..