Chapter 3




Luhan hyung likes me? Images of Luhan hugging and smiling at me kept flashing before my eyes. Oh, how I wish the days where we could cuddle and kiss would come by. Him liking me back? That’s dream come true.

“Well at least that’s what Suho hyung told me.”

Images of Luhan hyung kissing me shattered to pieces. Kkamjong you . And, Suho hyung? Again? He’s been hanging around too much with that hyung. I approached him and our eyes locked. He was raising his eyebrows and I flicked his damn forehead.

“AHHH WHATCHU DID THAT FOR? YOU INSECURE HOMO!!” Jongin screeched. God, he’s loud.

“Guys…what are up to? Why’d Jongin screamed?” Suho hyung kept knocking the door.

“Joonmyun hyunggggg~ Sehunie, he’s being a…”

“Nothing hyung. We’re just playing a game. Jongin lost and he’s just being a sorta loser.” Cutting him off, I glared at him. Signaling him to shut it.

“Ok, play nice guys. Dinner will be ready in a sec.” “Yess hyung~”

“I don’t get why our fans or girls fall for you. Saying your chic and blab la blab la. You big baby.”

He just stuck his tongue out and kept making weird faces at me. My GOD! I’m so slapping him.

“Yahh! KIM…” “What? Gonna flick me again? Huh?”

There was a silence.

“Whatchu did that for anyway? Huh? Why? I didn’t even said some…oh, wait, were you already imagining yourself with Luhan hyung? HAHAHAHAHAHA” he roared. “You’re easy you know Sehun?” he chortled with delights.

I could feel my cheeks burning of embarrassment. “Whatever, and why are you always hanging with Suho hyung? You’ve been clinging to him lately.”

“So? So? You’ve always been clinging around Luhan hyung. I’ve never said anything about that.”

I was taken aback by his remarks. Was it that obvious? I cleared my throat to break the awkwardness. When is dinner ready anyway?

“I like hanging with him okay? He treats me lunch and goes shopping with me. Unlike that someone who always broke his promises just to see Luhan hyung’s broadcast on China.”

“Ehh, correction. Exo M’s broadcast.”

End of POV

“Yerr right. If that’s so, then what did Yixing hyung said during the Yinyuetai interview?”

Sehun was dumbstruck and kept scratching the back of his head.

“Emm , well you know, he sang and well…” “Guyyssss! Stop playing! Dinner’s ready!”

“Phewww. Saved by the bell.” Sehun said lowly but loud enough for Jongin to heard.

During dinner.

“Kyungsoo hyung! Your dish is stupendous. It’s friggin delicious!” Jongin exclaimed as he puts the food to his mouth. “It’s the most delicious…hukk…hukk..hukk…”

“Yahh chew your food and don’t talk when you’re mouth’s full you dummie.” Baekhyun nagged while Suho pats Jongin’s back and gave him a glass of water.

“Typical Jongin.” Chanyeol sneered and the others laughed. “Ohh, you two, the M’s called just now. They said they missed you guys and Luhan were asking for you two.” Kyungsoo informed them. Jongin glanced at Sehun and grin formed.

“Luhan hyung probably misses hugging Sehun. Isn’t that right Suho hyung?”

“Hmm I guess so.” Suho wasn’t really listening to Jongin. He was busy eating.

“Ahh hyung! Were you listening to me?!” Jongin retorted. “Hmmmmmmm~~”

After dinner, Kyungsoo, Chanyeol and Sehun coldly rejected Suho and Baekhyun’s suggestion for movie nights. So, the two forced Jongin to watch it with them. Poor Jongin bb.

Sehun was contemplating to call Luhan. He was going back and forth in his room. He was anxious for some reason.

“Ok, that’s it. I’m gonna call him.”

“Hello! Sehunnie?” “Oh, hyung! Anyeong!”

Luhan chuckled. He had always thought that Sehun was like a nervous puppy. And he loved that. Heck, he loves everything about the boy.

“So, why’d you call?” Luhan asked. “Emm cause Kyungsoo hyung said that you were looking for me.”

“Ahh, I thought you’re calling cause you missed me. I guess I was imagining things. Haha.” Luhan gave an awkward laugh.

“Aishh hyung. Of course I miss you. Always had. Even when I’m sleeping I thought of y…emm never mind hyung. The point is…”

“I get it. You missed me. I was joking.” [ the two talked for hours and sometimes laughter could be heard]

“Hyung, it’s getting late. And my ears are burning right now. Haha.”

“Yeahh I guess so.” Luhan laughed.

“Emm hyung, when you get back to Korea I have something to tell you.”

“Ohh, what a coincidence, me too. Haha I guess we’re meant for each other then.” Both of them broke out a laugh.

“We should get married if we’re this compatible.” Luhan remarked. Sehun was speechless. He was blushing hard. And before he was about to say something back

“I’m kidding Sehun. But you know, If you want it, I can arrange it.” They both laughed again.

“Hyung, your funny.” “Yeahh I know.”



updatedddd~ i ran out of ideas. and well i guess it turned ok. i was rushing this. and just found out that i've got less than 3 weeks before entering my uni. i'll be studying again. so, i'll try to update really fast.

hope you guys enjoy. and comments and subribes are much loved :3

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Chapter 12:'s been a long time T.T
update soon? pls...
Chapter 12: What the EFF!!!
Is happening here?!!
Please update soon~
Oh Baozi
Poor Suho LMAO XDD
Please update soon ! ^^
i am so sorryyyyyyy for making you guys confuse ;A;
i'm not sure about the pairings, but the main pairings and main is HUNHANNNNNN
again i'll bow for the confusing plot ;______;
SuHo n Kai (?)
So the pairings are just so confusing....
So HunHan, BaekYeol, SuKai, KriLay?
Kekeke . I LOL-ed at the last part xD
BaekYeol is shooooooooooo cute X3
Please update soon ! ^^
Haha. Suho kissed kai? Oh my 0.0
Luhan is so freakin cute ^_^
bluegroove10 #10
LOL at Luhan..