Going Clueless

Holding onto You

“Ah…so stressful…” He rubs his eye lids. “I am getting married to another girl…”


He pulls out their pictures and slowly shred it all. He watches it and thinks about it again.


“Goodbye…my love…”


“Hyung! Why are you staring at the shredder? We need to confirm the transaction!” Junsu popped in. “Hurry…”


“Araso…” He rushed behind.



“I have to give it to him…” She went into the office letting a deep breath out. “Okay…”


The room was empty with a dead silence. She went forward and heard a voice on the phone.


“Jae…it’s me, Shina…I just want to tell you that if you decided that you’ll get married to her…I can’t move on like you said…so please…can you just do something you like for once, huh? Why would let me go, if you said that your heart belongs to me? I love you so much… Just think about it, okay?”


She just couldn’t explain it, but she couldn’t keep in her tears. She had fallen in love too deep with him. Did she ruin his life because of this?


“Jin-Ah…why are you here?”


“Nothing…” She was surprised that Junsu met her at the door and swiftly wipe her tears. “Your new clothes…”


“Are you okay?” He puts his hand on her shoulder. “What happened?”


“It’s just…let’s go outside…” She weakly smiled back at him.





Jae had just finished the message and calls Shina. He tries to resist himself from calling her back and then picks up a picture that he refused to shred into view.



“Doesn‘t it hurt?” He sits down on the bench.


“Don‘t worry…” She hands him new clothes. “Here…I had to get you new clothes…hope you like it…”


“Thank you so much…I will…you shouldn’t have” He looks at her foot. “But you shouldn’t do this while you are still hurt…”


“Hey, I am strong enough…it’s okay…” She pats him on the back.


“Next time don’t do it anymore…I should drive you home…” He helps her to the car.



He sighs and takes a step back. “Damn, I really love her…why am I ignoring her?” He feels a little guilty and stares at the wall for awhile.


“Jae…they need you at the meeting, apparently…so please…we have to hurry” His assistance hands him the folders and returns to her desk.


“Aish…can’t I just get some time off?”


He leaves, and Junsu slips in the office. “I wonder why Jin-Ah was so upset…” He swiftly searches the room. “Nothing?” He hears a beeping sound on the phone. “Wow…Jae only has two messages…one saved and the other new…maybe it‘s about the transaction…” He subsequently presses the button to listen to the important message that Jae saved.

“One saved message: “Jae…it’s me, Shina…I just want to tell you that if you decided that you’ll get married to her…I can’t move on like you said…so please…can you just do something you like for once, huh? Why would let me go, if you said that your heart belongs to me? I love you so much…Just think about it, okay?”


“What? this doesn’t make sense…” He makes his way to the leather sofa. “He lied…”


“Ya…you scared me…what are you doing here?” Jae steps toward him.

“Just checking up on you…Ahpa…found out, huh?”


“Yes…we took such a big risk…but he was happy we succeeded by ourselves…so its fine”


“Do you want me to know something?”


“Nothing other than that…”




“Boh? You are acting weird…” He points at Junsu and starts to laugh. “I just can’t believe we pulled it off…”


“Jae…” His serious expression tensed. “You still joking around…just…stop it…it’s so kid dish”


“Boh? Don’t be a hardass…”


“Hyung…I will see you at your house…come home as soon as possible” Junsu leaves.



“Jin-Ah…” He pauses for awhile before ringing he door bell. “I can’t tell her…could I?” He proceeds to knock the door while taking a deep breath.


“Oh…Junsu…you are early…I was just on my way to pick the cake…did you tell Jae?”


“Not exactly…I wanted it to be a surprise…”


“Oh…you want to come to pick it up with me…”





“Jae…it’s been so long since I saw you…” She creeps closer to him.


“Shina…you are not suppose to be here…I told you already…”


“No…I can’t be without you…you are the only one I want to love…and be with…”


“I can’t be with you…even though I love you…you have to understand that…”


“Jae, I don’t care…let’s just not do this right now…” Her smile turned into a frown. “Are you going to really cut me off like that?”


“I have to tell you…” He turns away. “I just said for you to find another because my parents told me to…and you were right…I need to start thinking about us…”


“Really? I knew it…and I want nothing to separate us again…” She hugs him


“You know what…just forget about what I told you…I will find a way out of this marriage…don’t worry, I will never leave you behind…” He embraces her hair and thinks about what to do next.




“Jin-Ah…can I ask for your opinion?” He digs into a pile of red cherries with his hands.




“Do you like yellow, or red cherries?”


“Umm…yellow…they are more unusual and attractive…red cherries are more typical and predictable”


“Hmm…that’s a good explanation…” He smiles and puts the cherries in the bag..



“Aha...Fruit cake…typical…” He looks at her unraveling box that held it. “Mmm…smells good, too…”


“Ah…it was last minute…and call Jae, the food is getting cold…” She nudges him.


“Okay…”  He reaches for his cell phone and calls Jae, while looking straight into her eyes. “Umm…Jin-Ah…he’s not answering…”


“Hmm…it’s alright…he might be busy…” She sadly serves some meat to Junsu. “You eat first…I’ll eat later when he comes home…”


“I told him to come as soon as possible…aish…that guy…what is he doing so long?” He calls again. “Not answering me, huh?”


“It’s okay…”


“It’s not okay…he suppose to be here by now…” He sits up straight in his chair. “I’ll wait with you…”


“You must be hungry…eat…” She looks at him as he slides his chop sticks down.


“No…I can wait…” He wanted to eat, but he did not want her to be the only one not eating.


Hours past as they sat there. She kept sipping the wine from the glass. Junsu was still in his same position as he was in the beginning. All the time he was focusing on her, he didn’t realize how much time had pass, but he knew that he wanted to comfort her right now. Could he? Would that be right? He shook his head and notices that she was fast asleep already. He carefully reaches out to carry her to the bedroom. When he puts her to sleep, he creeps close to her and reaches to embrace her face, but could not. He then goes down stairs and warm up the food. He starts to eat. At least someone would appreciate the effort that she put in.


“Hyung is missing out…it’s good…Jin-Ah, sorry on behalf of Jae….and it was truly my fault also…” After that, he reaches into his inside suit pocket for the thank you card he had bought earlier placing it next to his plate. “You deserve more than this…if it was me…I would never have missed this meal for anything…”



Jae stumbles out of the car and Shina helps him up to the house.


“That’s your important reason…Hyung…why can’t you let her go?” He tightens his grip on the steering wheel and drives away. “Jin-Ah…”



He opens the door after dropping the keys several times. While finding his way, he accidentally trips and falls into the sofa nearby.



“Whaa…did…I do last night? Oh…my head hurts so much…” She gets up and her head. “Oh…must been drinking too much…”


She takes a shower and walks down stairs with a towel in her hand drying her hair. She spots that there was only empty plates on the table and goes to clean it up. She finds a card on next to the bowl of soup and reads it. “Jin-Ah…thanks a lot…you deserve this…look on the chair. Hope you like it! -Junsu” She opens the box and lifts up a pearl necklace. She smiles for a bit and puts it back.


“Who gave you that?” Jae looks steadily at her and rubs his face.


“Umm…someone I know…” She flashes back a stare.


“Where’s the maid…”


“She’s on vacation…go ahead and sit down…I’ll warm up stuff for you…” She hides the present in the back of her and runs upstairs to put it on her desk.


“Oh…” He proceeds to go take a shower.



“Jae, why didn’t come home earlier last night?” He grips Jae tightly on the shoulder. “You know we waited for you all night…”


“What do you mean?” He looks at Junsu confusingly.


“Ya…Jin-Ah didn’t tell you?”


“You, Junsu let me go…I don’t know what you talking about!”  He shoves Junsu hand off his shoulder.


“You are so cold-blooded! Huh! I thought that I really look up to you, but I guess not…” He leaves Jae alone. “Bye!”


“Junsu? Boh?!” Jae tries to chase after him, but Junsu was too fast. “Ya…”



He turns around once again and looks at her for an opinion.

“I…umm…think it’s better if you would turn around in it…” She instructs him to turn around. “Junsu…you’ll great as a best man at the wedding…”


“Jin-Ah, I am concerned about you…” He faces her after another turn.


“No need…I am fine…” She picks up the tie on the table and proceeds to fix on him. “It’s going to be great…don’t you think so? Jae is really busy so he couldn’t make it to try on his tuxedo…”


“You are not angry with him?” He steals a look at her while she fixes his tie. “So…”


“Why you keep asking questions? Is there something wrong?” She struggles to finish fixing the tie. “No…I know he’s probably busy…why bother him…”


“Jin-Ah…” He grabs both of her hands with his hands and clasps it together. “You’re not telling me the truth…”



“What if you start liking her? Or did she deceive you?” She crosses her arm and pouts. “Jae?”


“Impossible…you know that I can’t pull this off anymore…so I’m sorry…these three months are really important…”


“About the wedding, huh? I can’t believe you would choose this over me…”


“I am doing the best I can and  this to better the future…” He walks away from her. “You need to be by my side at the end…”


“Of course…Jae”


“Now, I have to go…okay?” He runs out of the café.



“What are you…” She could him breathing hard in the silence.


“Shh…” He tries to calm his nerves down. “I can’t…”


“Junsu! Don’t I look good?!” Jae pops in the room as they were in their same positions. “Jin-Ah? Why are you guys holding hands?”


“Hyung…I was trying to convince Jin-Ah that she doesn’t have to fix my tie for me…” He laughs it off, but thought that it was a close call. “Omma said you were a bad son for not coming to the dress rehearsal today…”


“Ya…why were you so angry with me this morning?” He punches his little brother on the arm.


“Oh…I just was really exhausted from last night’s meal”


“Sorry…I really made you tired…” She glances at Jae before exiting the room.


“Wanna go grab some dinner?” He pulls out a card and faces it toward Junsu. “This place…”


“How about Jin-Ah?” He chases after her.



“Ya! You! What are you thinking of doing?!” She grabs Jin-Ah and forcibly turns her around. “You think you are that smart…”


“Leave me alone…Shina, it’s not what you are thinking…I would never do anything…why are you still following Jae around, huh?”


“Boh? You boyfriend stealer!” Shina slaps her and pushes her away.


“I do not have time to argue with you…you have nothing on me…” She starts to walk away and catches a cab home.


Junsu couldn’t stop it from happening so he decides to follow the cab that Jin-Ah with his car.



Still confused, Jae undresses and starts to ponder about what just happened. His mind had repeating scenes about his brother and Jin-Ah. He did not like the fact that they were so close. Could they have a secret relationship?


“No, I am just crazy…haha…nothing like that could happen…”


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winterflowr #1
m0zarts0nata-- #2
update soon ^^
Please Update..... T.T
winterflowr #4
OMO! So she stayed with Yunho and his family??<br />
I wonder how long it's been...does Jin-ah not remember Jae and the past??<br />
And who's Yoora...?<br />
@Jinsajinsa--I think the last couple part were like teasers :D<br />
Update soon!
jinsajinsa #5
Honestly, I don't get this chapter... I don't get the dialogue/lines...<br />
but she's somewhere and I don't know...<br />
Anyway, thanks for the update..
pls update again :) <br />
<br />
Find HER~!
Omo~ I'm crying while reading this chapter. Poor Jinah~
pls update again :)
jinsajinsa #9
great... just great...<br />
update soon please..
What's up with Jaejoong? His personality changed back and forth.