Chapter 3

Holding onto You

“Unni, what do I do?” She held the phone near her ear and starts to tear up when it automatically goes into the voice mail. “I miss you so much…” She looks at the playground and watches the little ones leave as it was going to get dark soon. It starts to rain hard and she then decides to walk.

He watches her exit the park and grabs an umbrella as he shuts the door of his car. He follows her closely, but quietly. She notices that something was shielding her from the rain and turns around.

“Junsu?” She looks up at him and he starts to wipe away the water off your face. “Ya…” She raises her hand to stop him, but he abruptly hugs her.

“I know you are hurting inside…”


“Let me take you home…” He pulls away quickly and walks her to the car.

He had followed his brother and spied for a bit witnessing the hug. He then drives away.

“Here you go…” He hands her a cup of tea and she shakes her head. “No tea?” He sets it down the table.

“I’m okay…you should go home…it’s late…”

“Okay, I will see you tomorrow…” He did not want to leave, but he had to. He grabs his jacket and looks at her once before he went.

*What am I doing?* She rubs her forehead and lays back on the sofa. She fell asleep on it.

“Shina, I call you back…” He enters the house and sees that the light was still on in the living room. He spots her on the sofa as she tosses and turns. Sweat droplets had formed on her forehead and he proceeds to feel her face. “Ay…she’s so hot” *Aish, make me have work to do…* He carries her upstairs and puts her on the bed. He dries her forehead and then her neck with a hot towel. At the moment, he was face-to-face with her. He feels an awkward, but interesting feeling inside of him. He gazes at her chin up to her silky hair. He never thought that she would look so beautiful. She caught his eyes without even trying. She moves her head up trying to face the other way, but her lips touch his. He quickly pulls himself back. *What was I thinking?*

“Aish, Jin-Ah…” He flicks the light off and looks back at her again before closing the door.

The sunlight reaches her eyes and she wakes up.

“Ay…” She raises her hands up to stretch and suddenly feels a slight headache. “Time to take a shower…” Her eyees widen. * Was I on the bed when I fell asleep? I was…and then how do I get up here then?* She exits her room and closes the door behind her before heading out to the bathroom.

*Damn…how can I face her?* “Just act normal…” He sits up in his bed. *Oh, right…I have no work for three months…ah, I wonder how Junsu will handle the job for three months…* He goes to freshen up in the bathroom and heads downstairs to the kitchen here she was sitting on the table.

“Did you sleep well?” She looks at him and then on the plate in front of her.

“Yeah…” He tries to avoid a deeper conversation.

“I was just wondering…how did I get upstairs?” She looks at him again.

“I carried you upstairs when I saw you sleeping on the sofa…” He quickly made his way to the chair to sit.

“Oh…” She feels her forehead again. “So…what happened?”

“What do you mean ‘what happened’?” He starts to get nervous and stuffs food in his mouth.

“Huh?” She looks at him confusingly and raises her eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“Oh…ummm, nothing…just…” He mumbles  as he chew the food and had a quick flashback before leaving the table. “Forget about it, okay?” He goes on chewing to fast to swallow.

“Jae…ya…ya…Jae” She sees him choking.

“Mmm…” He starts to hit his chest.

“Aish! Drink some of this…” She raises the glass in front of his mouth and pours it into his mouth. “Jae…”

He coughs for a bit and sighs. “Boh, I did not do anything to you…okay?”

“Who said you did?” She stares at him. “Ya, you got to be careful…”

“Aish…forget it…” He walks off to the bathroom to clean up.

Meanwhile, she was gone making sure that her parents was satisfied with everything that was planned for the wedding. Jae sighs and looks at the mirror. His face looked tired because he could not stop thinking about last night. “Ah…a kiss…aish, I am going crazy…”

“Junsu…hurry, we got a meeting to go to…” His assistance informs him and waits for him outside the door.

He looks at his watch and then heads over to the meeting. She bumps into him and he looks at her.

“Is Jae here?” She folds her arms.

“Hyung is not here…Shina, it is best if you just leave…” He starts to walk off.

“Why are you telling me this?!” She was offended and turned around to look at him as he stopped .

He walks back to her. “ I have nothing against you…but please leave hyung alone…don’t you know he has a wedding in three months…” He quickly turns back and starts to walk the opposite way. “Just be glad that he is going to get married to Jin-Ah…”

“Ya! You, Junsu!” She stomps her feet and pouts. “Aish!!!”

She enters the house and looks at Jae. *This person…* She sets a blanket on top of him and he grabs her hand. She quickly responded with a hit to the chest with her other hand. “Ya!”

“Ow…” He wakes up and looks up. “Jin-Ah?”

“Are you okay?”

“What are talking about?” He got off the sofa and feels a little tug from his hand. “Ya, what do you want?”

“Nothing…it’s just that you are holding my hand…” She pauses as he looks her. “I saw you sleeping…and I put a blanket on you and suddenly, you know what happen after that…”

He was embarrassed and starts to rant about it. “Ya…I just have a reaction to that …what’s your deal hitting me…you know that is rude…I can’t believe you did that…aigoo, I can feel the pain right now…” He rubs his stomach. “See?”

“I didn’t know it hurt that much….sorry and damn, you can be a jerk sometimes…” She whips his hand off and goes upstairs. “And I didn’t hit your stomach…babo!”

“Ya…jerk? What do you mean by that?” He follows her to her bedroom.

When he reaches her room, he peeks in and hears her talking to someone.
“Junsu, sorry…I can’t…I got to go to the meeting right now for the wedding cake…but you can go with Jae…” She pauses for him to talk. “Okay…at the coffee shop…yeah, I’ll see you there”

He makes a loud coughing noise. “Umm…if you are going to that meeting and I have nothing to do…” He stares at her. “I will go there with you”

“Oh, okay…” She grabs her purse. She could not understand why he wanted to come along.

“Omma…I think this one is better…huh?” She pointed at the baby blue cake.

“Yes…very well…we are going to have that one then…” She gives the book back to the planner and stares at Jae. “It’s been awhile since we seen you…Jae Joong, you know that we wanted grandchildren as soon as possible…”

“Omma…” She nudges her mother. “Shh…we are not thinking about that…”

“It’s never too late to start, right?” Her father commented.


“Omma and Ahpa wants you to bring us joy by having a child to our home in Japan…” Her mother holds her hand.

“Ya…say something…” She whispers to him.

“Do not worry…we will see what we can do…” He winks at her, but she frowns at him.

“Ya!” She stops him. “What were thinking?”

“I just wanted to them to think that way…”

“Don’t lie to my parents like that …you are giving them false hope!” She looks at him for a few seconds and storms away.

“Ya! Watch out!” He runs to save her from a car passing by. They fell facing each other. The moment was silent, but sweet as their eyes met. He could not resist to touch her and reaches for her face. He embraces her and slowly helps her up from the ground. “Jin-Ah, are you okay?”

“Yeah…” She did not want the moment to end. This was the first time he show any affection to her and maybe the last time because he has someone else.

He grabs the door handle and pulls it open. She did not say anything and continues to walk to the house. *I mess up this time…damn, it’s only been two weeks together all the time…why is this happening?* He messes up his hair in frustration. He takes out the two tickets to a play that her parents gave to him. *What am I going to do with these?*

He puts two tickets in front of his brother.

“Hyung, what is this?”

“Aish, just take it already…”

“Why?” Junsu looks at it.

“Well, I think you need a break so…just take somebody important to see it, okay?” He pushes it toward Junsu.

“Alright…” He smirks.

She sips her tea. He pushes a ticket over to her.

“Would you like to go?” He smiles at her. “Just for fun…huh?”

“Boh? Your so funny…” She grabs the ticket and examines it. “Well, of course…”

He puts his head down on the counter.

“Who are you going with?” He looks at her.

“Why do you need to know?” She flashes a stare at him and grabs  her purse. “Huh? Don’t you have something else to do?”

“Like what?”

“Watch a movie or something?”

“Fine!” He charges upstairs.

“Aigoo…” She leaves with a guilty conscious. *Whatever, let him figure out what to do…*

He grabs his  cell phone to call Shina, but he decided not to since he knew that he would make a big deal about the wedding again. He couldn’t stand to be alone these days. He seemed empty inside.

While at the play, she keeps on thinking about Jae. She wasn’t even paying attention to the play and looked at the time on her cell phone.


“…hmm…” He felt a nudge and looks at her.

“Let’s go…”


“Sorry…I ruined it for you…” She sighs. “I just felt bad for leaving Jae at home…”

“Oh…” He was a little bit disappointed that she mentioned him. “So…I’ll see you whenever”


She unlocks the door and walks into the kitchen to find him cooking something.

“Fail!” Jae tosses another burned piece of pastry into the garbage. “Oh, you are here…” He stands up straight.

“Yeah…what are you doing?” She looks at the messy kitchen. “Aish! It’s so dirty!!!”

“What? I was bored and wanted some baked pastry…”

“Babo! Why can’t you just make a trip to the store?!” She bends down to  pick up the trash on the floor.

“I was bored, okay?!” He opened the oven door and black smoke spewed out. “If you would of stayed with me, then it wouldn’t be this way…”

“Sorry…” She holds up a towel for him. “You missed me, huh?”

“Ya…whatever…just help me clean up…” He snatch the towel and gives her a stare. “Why are you here early?”

“Because…maybe I was bored…” She chokes out. “Never mind about that…”  

“Ya…you miss me, too…huh?” He nudges her.

“No…shut up!” She grins for awhile and starts to work on a new dough. “Okay, I’ll teach you how…gosh, don’t you take bakery class for fun? You company people have no time for anything, huh?”

“Ya, don’t make fun of me…I never had a chance to, okay?!” He smiles and helps her roll the dough into the pan.

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winterflowr #1
m0zarts0nata-- #2
update soon ^^
Please Update..... T.T
winterflowr #4
OMO! So she stayed with Yunho and his family??<br />
I wonder how long it's been...does Jin-ah not remember Jae and the past??<br />
And who's Yoora...?<br />
@Jinsajinsa--I think the last couple part were like teasers :D<br />
Update soon!
jinsajinsa #5
Honestly, I don't get this chapter... I don't get the dialogue/lines...<br />
but she's somewhere and I don't know...<br />
Anyway, thanks for the update..
pls update again :) <br />
<br />
Find HER~!
Omo~ I'm crying while reading this chapter. Poor Jinah~
pls update again :)
jinsajinsa #9
great... just great...<br />
update soon please..
What's up with Jaejoong? His personality changed back and forth.