Chapter 8 - Onew, Kasumi and Onew's Chicken!

A Love Story (Hiatus)

The title made me LOL!

At least part of chapter 7 got erased!

I can re-do it again! Woohoo!

The last part of chapter 7 that was erased was kind of stupiid! XD

Anyways! This chapter will be about Onew and Kasumi!

Oh by the way, here's the pairings, since they were requests from the actual people who's in my actual dance group!:

Kasumi x Onew

Niki x Gikwang

Ali x Minho

Rori x Key

Ji-Won x Jonghyun


Minyoung x Taemin!


On with the story!



(Shopping Mall in Seoul - 11:45am)

Kasumi's POV


The shopping malls in Seoul were so huge!

I looked around, before noticing Ji-Won, Ali and Rori weren't next to me any more.

I looked around frantically.

Aiyaa! Where are they?!?!

I took out my phone and turned it on, after a few minutes the screen was still blank.

Dammit...I forgot to charge it...Aiyaa! Where are they?


I felt my stomach rumble.

"Aish...I'm hungry..." I muttered looking around the mall.

I spotted the food court and walked towards it.

I looked around, maybe the guys will be here?

Wait! I forgot!

They already ate those hot dogs from earlier! Grr...


"Aish...maybe I should have bought those hot dogs earlier..." I muttered to myself, then headed towards a food booth with chicken, the booth was called 'Mexicana'.


I ordered some chicken, with the help of my translator.

I looked around, the food court seemed to be full of people eating lunch.

I spotted a table and rushed towards it before anyone got there.

I sat down and I noticed someone sitting down on the other side of the table.

I stared at the person, he was wearing a mask, which covered his face.

He looked up, and I swear I have seen his eyes before!

He stared back at me, shocked.

We must have rushed to the table at the same time.

He asked me something in Korean and I stared at him, then shook my head.

"I don't speak Korean..." I replied in English, he looked shocked then nodded.

"Oh...Sorry! Can I sit with you?" he asked again in English this time smiling at me, I nodded and smiled back.

"Let's eat!" He cried pulling down his mask, tucking in to his chicken immediately.

"Yes! Lets!" I replied also eating my chicken.

Omo! It's Onew!

I stopped chewing and stared at him and he stared back, then I blushed and continued eating.


(After Eating - 11:55pm)


"That was good~!" He said, rubbing his stomach.

"Yes! It was! By the way Onew-sunbae! Where are the others?" I asked him, he looked at me.

"Omo! Kasumi-ssi from yesterday? I didn't recognize you! You look so pretty today! Key went out with friends, Jonghyun is with Shin Se Kyung, You know Shin Se Kyung right? And Minho's at the gym!" he replied still smiling.

I blushed at his first comment.

"Oh...Onew-sunbae do you know how to get back to the dorm?" I asked him, he laughed.

"Yah! I live there too! Wait...Are you lost?" He asked me grinning like an idiot, I nodded looking away.

If I keep looking I might get a nosebleed because of his cuteness... (A/N: Ahahaha!)

"Hmmm! Let's go on a date! I'll take you home afterwards!" He cried grabbing my hand, then ran.

As we ran through the entrance, I could hear screaming from behind me.

"Onew Oppa! Saranghe! Come Back Oppa!" I heard the girls scream, Omo! They recognized Onew!


(After getting away from the fangirls, we arrived at a quiet park with a playground.)


"Aigoo! We cant go on our date now!" He cried, then looked around.

I blushed. He just said 'Date'!

Stop it Kasumi! He must have mistaken it!

"Date?" I asked him, he then looked back and grabbed my hand.

"Ne~! Date! Sumi...Do you believe in love at first sight?" He asked me seriously and stared into my eyes, I blushed and turned my head.

"N-n-n-n-n-ne...why?" I asked him, he then let go of my hands and walked to the side where my face was facing.

He leaned down and kissed my cheek. I looked up at him blushing harder.

"Because I fell in love with a girl, I saw her for the first time yesterday, when her maknae came home late, she got worried and blamed me..." He replied blushing, then he pushed me towards the playground.


*Flash Back of Yesterday*


(Super Girls Dorm - 8:13pm)


"You left her with WHO?! " Kasumi cried, after listening to Key's explanation about why Minyoung was late.

"Aish...We left her with Taemin! She was practising our 'Hello' dance! And Taemin stayed behind to take her home safely! Anyway! Taemin is not erted enough to try to do something to her! He's innocent too!" Key shouted back, getting irritated by the minute.


"Just chill Sumi! I trust Taemin to not do anything to Minyoung! Now just calm down, and chillax!" the leader Ali said calmly.

What a Good leader!

"Yes...Kasumi-ssi...if Taemin did do anything then I would punish him!" I cried staring up at the pretty girl, with her face scrunched up in frustration obviously thinking about her maknae.

"Yah! Onew-ssi! How can you be so calm?! What happens if Taemin does do something?! What's you're punishment?!" she cried, then she started pacing up and down the living room muttering to herself.

The rest of the Super Girls were pretty calm, trying not to laugh.

"You don't need to know Kasumi-ssi! " I laughed, she then sat down and started crying.

"Aaaargh! Her parents will kill me! I'm supposed to be looking after her!" she said sobbing.

I stared and hugged her, my heartbeat quickened.

Is this what they call Love?

I'll ask Key or Jonghyun later...

"Waah! Why did you leave her?! It's all you're fault! Irresponsible Leader" She cried pushing me away, I looked at her.

She must be really worried, My heart still beating rapidly.


*Knock Knock*


"It's them!" Key cried, running to the door.


*End of Flashback*


"...I'm Sorry..." she just stared at me, remembering what happened.

"It's Ok!" I cried, then sat her down on the swing, and pushed her.

"I'm Sorry! It wasn't you're fault! I was just worried about Minyoung! I'm Sorry Sunbae!" she cried smiling as I pushed the swing higher.

"Call me O-o-oppa!" I cried, then she looked back and smiled at me.


End of Onew's POV!




This chapter ish SOO SWEET!!!!!




Too much fluff! XD


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TheBochongPig #2
oh my gosh...minsung T^T such a cutie :3 nice story!! update when u can, no rush or anything ^___^
ShyMin #3
Hey Hey~! ^0^ Im putting the stories in Hiatus since I won't get to update as much T^T<br />
Im sorri for being such a failed author...
aww so mucg love :3
AegyoAeyoung #5
awwweee<br />
<br />
much luvv<br />
let it go around :3
hahah.. i love ya too ! XD
love you too!
Nichichan #8
yes yes yes i love you too~~<br />
but i would love you more if you updated~! <br />
with a chapter of the actual story~:D
Ahh niel hehe he so amazing :)
Hi I caught up with your fic it's so awesome i like it!