Why Jackie Chan Is the Only Drunken Master

7 Is Not a Lucky Number

A/N: Just to clarify, Jess only uses honorifics when she's speaking Korean or Chinese. In Korean she tries to use honorifics with everyone older than her, but sometimes forgets whenit comes to Jackson. In Chinese she only uses honorifics with people who are more than a year older than her cause that's how it works according to what I've read.


School had been going well for the past few weeks. I guess. For some reason Jackson, Jaebum, Mark, and Jinyoung decided to go drinking and didn't tell anyone. Or decide on a designated driver. Of course I didn't know this until I got a call at three AM from my brother's cell phone.


"YAH JESS", a way too loud Jackson screamed through the phone, "YOU NEED TO COME PICK US UP"


*"Stop screaming. Why can't you come home on your own? Where are you anyways? Are you drunk?"*


*"Okay, 'cuz I'm drunk, out clubbin', yes."*


"What the hell?"


*"I answered your questions, and you learned how to swear in Korean good for you."*


*"What club are you at?"*


*"I don't know, ask JB."*,and then he hung up. .


I dialed JB oppa's number and started waking up the others (Youngjae, BamBam, and Yugeom. All minors.)


"Yesh?", he slurred.


"What club are you guys at?"


"How did you know we were at a club?"



"Oh we're at the one with the lights.", then he hung up. I groaned in frustration and accidentally threw my phone at Youngjae which, thankfully, woke him up.


"Noona, what are you doing?"


I sighed, "We have to to save the oppas from themselves."


"They're drunk?"




"I'll go wake the maknaes."


After everyone was awake and dressed we started trying to figure out where in the hell the old s were.

"He said the club with the lights. Didn't even give me a neighborhood. Just lights." Yugeom facepalmed, BamBam slammed his head on the table, and Youngjae groaned. We spent a good ten minutes trying to find out where out stupid elders were when BamBam's phone started ringing.







"Hyung? Jackson hyung?"


"I miss yooooooooooou."


"Where are you, hyung?"


"I'm at - Where am I?"


We all groaned. Then I had an idea.


"Ask him if his GPS is ." BamBam asked and Jackson said yes. I did my happy dance while turning on the computer. I found the website I was looking for and typed in Jackson's phone number. After a few minutes it had finished locating him and gave us a result.  Itaewon. Those s are in Itaewon. We live in Myeong-dong. That's a half hour away on the subway and the subway doesn't run this late. Driving it's about an hour. s. BamBam started screaming at Jackson about his lost sleep.


We piled into the van, being careful not to wake the manager, and set off. An hour later we were in Itaewon ready to murder the four idiots who were responsible for us being here. Finding parking was a pain in the , but we found it. Now we just have to find the bar. I called Jackson. He didn't pick up. I called Jaebum; he didn't pick up either. So I called Jinyoung. He picked up, but he wouldn't singing Got7 songs in dialect. I finally called Mark and he picked up, but didn't say anything. I'm starting to hate these people. Finally Yugeom had the idea to check social media to see if anyone's see them. It turns out that they did. In a bar six blocks away.


We walked as quickly as we could to the bar, avoiding dark alleys and stepping over puddles of puke. A guy was sleeping in one. When we got to the bar we realized that we had a huge problem; everyone was underaged except for me. Now, Yugeom and Youngjae could probably pass for twenty, BamBam most certainly could not. We couldn't leave BamBam outside alone or else he would probably be kidnapped. So we split up. Youngjae and I would go into the club and get the guys, and Yugeom and BamBam would wait outside. Thankfully the bouncer at the door wasn't checking ID's so the only problem would be if someone recognized Youngjae and took a picture.


We found the guys all the way in the back, piled in a booth. Jackson was pouting in a corner, Mark was swaying back and forth in place, Jinyoung was singing loudly, and Jaebum was facedown on the table out cold. They all were clearly too drunk to walk straight. In order to get them out of the club we each dragged two people.


Once we were outside their true drunkeness began to show. Jackson straight up glomped BamBam, Jaebum started scaring Youngjae with his aegyo, Mark grabbed on to the nearest thing (Me) and would not let go, and Jinyoung whined until Yugeom agreed to give him a piggyback ride. The originally ten minute walk back to the car was lengthened by the fact that we were four people supporting the weight of eight. The worse part is that they couldn't be quiet. Jaebum kept trying to use aegyo to charm Youngjae into buying him icecream, Jackson kept petting BamBam's hair and loudly exclaiming about how soft it was and how cute BamBam was, Jinyoung was now singing Got7 songs at the top of his lungs, and was accompanied by Mark shouting his english rap from Follow Me over and over again. The only reason that none of them are dead is because there was 60kg of weight attached to my waist.


We got to the car and immediately Jackson jumped into the back and yanked Bam Bam onto his lap. After fighting with him to let BamBam sit in a seat, we had to get Jr. the koala off of Yugeom's back. He also forced his chosen victim to sit with him. Jaebum refused to let go of Youngjae, and I was beginning to think that they planned this. I let Mark sit in the passenger seat with his head sticking out of the window and then started the drive home.


The walk back to the dorm was more of the same. The drunken bastards hanging onto their chosen victims while we trudged along. The only interesting thing was when Jackson tried to karate chop a lamppost, which I filmed for blackmail. We got into the dorm, dumped the idiots in the living room and looked up recipes for hangover cures, we also filmed them trying to stand up and walk to their rooms. It was hilarious. It was even more fun to watch them try to drink water. We filmed that too. Jackson would not stop petting BamBam though. I think he has a problem.




The next morning was great. We forced them to listen to Jinyoung's loud singing/screaming before giving them the hangover cures. Best part was that they had dance practice all day. Which meant loud music and lots of movement. I made sure I had snacks to watch.


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Chapter 23: Please update author-nim!!!! It's hard to find a comedy that is genuinely funny like yours!!!!!!
anniedrei #2
This is funny. I hope this can be revived :)
annyeongjy #3
Author-nim this is really, really funny. I read the whole thing in one sitting. Lol. Can we have longer chapters please? XD
Chapter 23: yayyyyy i love this story it's absolutely hilarious!
Chapter 15: Yes! You're back, that's awesome hehe this story is just too cute
Sehunnieee94 #6
Chapter 13: Update soon author nim ! Hwaiting ! C:
Kittycatploy #7
Chapter 13: update soon ~~
Chapter 10: I really love this, this is amazing, and I just really like the chillness and comedy of it, so maybe more of that before the romance, but I noticed a pretty significant typo, in Chapter 8 in the last paragraph you said but I think you meant shift.... haha I just thought you might want to check that
minstah #9
Chapter 10: oh my god i love this story so much HAHAHA
and omg yes romance wiTH MARK OR YOUNGJAE YAS (sry my biases) LOL but i rly like the crack thing so if u do end up adding romance i think u should keep the focus on the humor yes???
anyways ily and this story ok i'm sry for rambling byE <3