Makeup Mishaps

7 Is Not a Lucky Number

So. I apparently have this problem. I don't seem to ask enough questions. I didn't ask enough questions when my parents said they were going on vaction, I didn't ask enough questions when a crazy girl broke into the dorm, and I sure as hell did not ask enough questions when Taesoon asked to do my makeup. 

She was at the dorm early to do the maknae's makeup before school so that they would be ready for a photoshoot right after. She asked me if I would mind her practicing female make up on me so that she could expand her porfolio, and I, being the kind person I am, said yes. She didn't mention that she would be practicing y makeup. I didn't even look in the mirror when she was done. I sat still long enough for her to take a picture and then I ran out the door shoving my shoes on as I went. If only I had known.


I somehow managed to get to school early and I had only two seconds to breath before Hayeon turned around in her seat and started giving me the third degree. Hayeon is one my friends at school she and I are more alike than not so of course her reaction was as tactful as a hooker in the rain. 

"So, are you going for a new look or did JYP finally convince you to join their cult?", she's convinced that the big three entertainment companies are secretly giant cults. She might be right.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the fact that you are channeling Lee Hyori hardcore right now.", she handed a mirror to me muttering, "How can this girl not know what her face looks like?"

I cautiously take the mirror and look. Thick black cat eyeliner, matte red lips, and everything carefully smudged so it looked like I woke up like that. God dammit! I groaned and slammed my head on the desk.

"You really shouldn't be making noises like that with the state your in. Your hair's in no better shape." I lifted my head just enough to see out of one eye and tilted the mirror towards my head. Somehow for the first time in my life my bedhead managed to turn out like those fake victoria-secret-good-roll-in-the-hay-wink-wink hairstyles. If only it would do that when I actually wanted it to. Even my hair follicles are working against me.

Of course then Joohee, who sits behind me, had to in. "So who was it? Mark, right? Or JB? Or maybe you pulled someone from 2PM. It wouldn't be hard for you, especially like this. Was it hot?" For some reason Joohee thinks about more than anyone else in the world. She has managed to hit on every guy she's been in contact with, yet she is still a . Although her v-card might just remain unpunched because she has decided to wait for Yugeom to turn legal. She apparently likes his hands, or something.

I whipped around and glared at her, "Yah, it wasn't anything like that-"

"What was it like then? Sweet?"

"Taesoon- the stylist you ert!- asked to do my makeup this morning so she could expand her portfolio. I didn't know that she was going to this! I woke up late already so I had to rush to school and didn't bother looking in the mirror."

"What about the hair?"

"I ran!"

"Likely story."

I lunged at her, but was stopped by the last of my friends, Soeun. She's a year younger, but she skipped a grade. She's the cutest little thing. EVER. But she's so tall...

"Unnie, she didn't mean it. She's just being funny. You look really nice today."

"Thank you Soeun. You're such a nice girl; I don't understand how you're friends with these people."

Hayeon in, "You're just as bad as the rest of us. Don't think we don't know what ** means you troll." I glared.

"Yeah, but I'm only a ert in english.", and I stuck my tongue out.

"Oh", said Joohee, "So it was Mark."

I turned back around and was about to smack her, but the teacher walked in. For some reason he didn't yell at me despite the fact that I look hella inapropriate for school. I'm keeping an eye on him.


 Lunch was normal for the two seconds before Yugeom sat down with us. He glared at the table and muttered, "The hyungs made me sit with Joohee noona." Now it's not like he doesn't like Joohee (trust me, boy's head over heels); he's just embarassed by the things she says. Like this.

"I don't know whay your so upset; most guys would love to have a y noona like me waiting for them." See? I think it might be because she has no filter. Hayeon and I don't have filters, but we say things like "Wow, you're really stupid", to a teacher. Even Soeun slips up sometimes, but she usually has the sense to say things under her breath. Joohee says things like, "I can feel your abs through your shirt". You see the difference, right?

I looked over to where Youngjae and BamBam were laughing, and unconciously said, "She's right. Any other guy would pass out from sheer excitement in your position." Yugeom glared at me like I betrayed him and put his head down on the table.

"Oh, that reminds me", Joohee said, "Geomie, do you know who Jess spent the night with last night?" This . She just can't let go of her delusions. As Yugeom turned to look at her in horror, she continued rambling on. "Hayeon thinks that Jess is dating JB because she always forgets to use formal speech with him, but I think it was Mark or someone from 2PM. She's the type to go for an older guy, don't you think?" Hayeon and Soeun were staring at Joohee in disbelief while I sadly looked at my soda and wished it were soju. "What?", she said looking around at us, "It's not like you guys aren't curious too."

Yugeom was the first one to break out of his stupor, "Noona, you shouldn't talk about these things where other people can hear. And if Jess noona is dating anyone, it's Jaebum hyung." Maknaes must be inherently evil. It's the only explanation I can think of. 

"Traitor", I muttered, "I try my hardest to be a nice noona, I convince Joohee to not seduce you before you're legal, and this is how I'm repayed." Upon reflection, I can see how Yugeom might be upset instead of grateful.

"Oh I've seduced him, we just haven't had yet." Cue triple spit-take. It can't be healthy to be friends with a person like this. I don't even know how to react to these words. So as a defense mechanism I shoved a huge mouthful of food in my mouth in order to avoid talking. Hayeon looked torn between laughing at Yugeom's face and screaming in horror, and Soeun looked lost. She was probably wondering why she hangs out with people like us. It's probably because she's just as crazy.


After school I managed to beg my way out of having to go to Got7's photoshoot and since it was a school night, I was headed straight home. If only my friends had the same resolve. Hayeon had an excuse she was tutoring me in Korean history, which I at. Joohee started complaining about how I never let her visit my house (which makes since considering my living situation) and that I don't have an excuse now because everyone is out at a schedule. Poor Soeun was just dragged along.

We got to the dorm and by then I was screaming at Joohee to stop following me while dragging Hayeon around by her arm. 

"Stop following me! You can't come over because you're going to do something weird! You always do!"

"No I don't!"

"I came to school with messy hair and you accused me of having with one of my brother's friends!"

"That's a reasonable assumption! You do live with six guys you're not related to!" She had to scream that out in front of some elementary school kids. Because I just haven't been punished enough. To those poor kids we probably looked insane. Two high school girls screaming in the street about and living with guys. It's now official, I'm going to hell.



A/N: Jess has friends! Who knew? I wanted to introduce other characters in the story in order to give me a broader range of situations to work with. Since Jess isn't in the same year as any of GOT7 it wouldn't make sense to include school scenes, but she spends most of her time at school so I gave her friends. Also, Joohee's character is not meant to seem like a creepy cradle robbing noona. I got the idea for the character from a classmate of mine who was dating someone two years younger. She was nothing like this, but I had other classmates who though that she was a little creepy for dating a younger guy. I added that with the idea that all of Jess's friends shoud have brain to mouth filter problems like her and I got Joohee! I don't know why I made her latch onto Yugeom though. That just happened. As far as possible romance goes it'll be easier for me to write it into the story if I have other characters that can relate to Jess's situation. Also I have decided that she will not under any circumstances end up with BamBam (too young), Yugeom (obviously taken), or Jackson (I don't like ). I'm sort of thinking Mark or JB. 


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Chapter 23: Please update author-nim!!!! It's hard to find a comedy that is genuinely funny like yours!!!!!!
anniedrei #2
This is funny. I hope this can be revived :)
annyeongjy #3
Author-nim this is really, really funny. I read the whole thing in one sitting. Lol. Can we have longer chapters please? XD
Chapter 23: yayyyyy i love this story it's absolutely hilarious!
Chapter 15: Yes! You're back, that's awesome hehe this story is just too cute
Sehunnieee94 #6
Chapter 13: Update soon author nim ! Hwaiting ! C:
Kittycatploy #7
Chapter 13: update soon ~~
Chapter 10: I really love this, this is amazing, and I just really like the chillness and comedy of it, so maybe more of that before the romance, but I noticed a pretty significant typo, in Chapter 8 in the last paragraph you said but I think you meant shift.... haha I just thought you might want to check that
minstah #9
Chapter 10: oh my god i love this story so much HAHAHA
and omg yes romance wiTH MARK OR YOUNGJAE YAS (sry my biases) LOL but i rly like the crack thing so if u do end up adding romance i think u should keep the focus on the humor yes???
anyways ily and this story ok i'm sry for rambling byE <3