Idol Hair Magic and Odd Jobs

7 Is Not a Lucky Number

A/N: This chapter was inspired by the fact that I probably dye my hair as much as any kpop artist. My hair is not falling out thanks to chemistry and some tips and tricks that I'm pretty sure all kpop stylists and artist know about.

So. In the time I'd been living with Got7 I'd noticed some strange things. Well, stranger than usual. Firstly, their hair wasn't falling out. If I were talking about normal people that wouldn't be strange, but I'm talking about people who dye their hair a new color every month. I mean, BamBam's hair should be falling out in chunks;  the boy went from black hair to white blond and he never has roots! The other thing I noticed is that they all dissapear once a week for about an hour. What were they doing? Were they in some sort of black magic idol cult that stops your hair from falling out? Well my questions were answered.

I don't know how, but for some reason I had never needed to use the bathroom during the Magical Dissappearance Hour (yes it needs capitalization). If I had I would have known what was up way before now. I opened the door to the itty bitty bathroom to see seven guys crammed in there fully dressed and with shower caps on their heads. Needless to say I was confused. 

"What drugs have you guys been taking and why did you expose the maknaes to it?"

Jackson scoffed, "We're not taking drugs, we're deep conditioning. Duh." Because I'm totally supposed to know that. "We have to every week because we dye our hair so much.

"You don't dye your hair. Neither does Youngjae or Jinyoung oppa."

"They're doing it for solidarity.", BamBam said.

"Um, this is a protein based conditioner" 

"So?", Jackson siad.

"So too much protein can jack up your hair just as bad as not enough protein."

"Your lying." 

"Nope, if your using this same treatment every week then its a miracle your hair hasn't turned all dry and tangly yet. Your hair only looses protein through chemical processes and heat styling. And as much heat styling you guys go through, if you don't dye your hair its not enough to be using this every week. you should only be using this once a month." After I dropped that knowledge it was a race to the shower stall to rinse the conditioner out. "Also, you should balance protein treatments with moisture treatments so your hair doesn't get too much of either. To be honest the only one who should be using this every week is BamBam. JB could have back when he was blonde, but the damage should have been repaired by now." And now there are six boys pushing shoving their way into the shower stall while me and BamBam watch them duke it out.

BamBam sighed, "I told them that the salon noona said that they treatment was only for me, but they didn't listen."

We both stood there for a good four minutes watching them waterboard each other before the manager came in.

"YAH, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU IDIOTS DOING?". That man turned red really, really fast. I guess managers don't like it when their talent is using torture techniques on each other. "BamBam, go rinse out your hair, we have an interview and you guys have practice after that." Ugh.

"Isn't there something else I can do?", I asked, "like intern work or something? I keep getting leg cramps just sitting there. Please give me something to do!" 

He blinked. "We could use some more models for Junho's -"

"NO!", Jackson shouted, "just, no!"

"...Okay. Thank your brother for loosing you a job."


So we were backstage at some talk show, and suddenly the hair stylists screams in Mark's face about his hat. Weird, right? I figured that since for some reason she was the only stylist for Got7 she had just lost her mind from having to style seven heads of hair. 

She snatched the hat off Mark's head and pointed it at me. "You! Fluff his hair!"

"Um, I don't work h-"

"FLUFF THE HAIR DAMMIT!" She was scary so I got to fluffin'. 

"Does anybody know how much I'm supposed to fluff?", I whispered.

"I don't know", Mark whispered back, "ask her"

"She's scary, you ask"

"Are you crazy? She's already mad at me for the hat!"

"Well if you don't ask soon you're gonna look like you stuck a fork in an electrical outlet." I am really good at fluffing.

JB rolled his eyes at both of us, "excuse me, how much is she supposed to fluff his hair?"

The stylist looked over like she forgot that I was fluffing and said, "That's fine. Just spray it with some hairspray."

So I did as she told me. Only problem was that the nozzle was facing the wrong way and I sprayed myself in the eye. I am proud to say that in my blind flailing I only took down JB and Mark, who were the closest to me. The poor fools tried to help. Jackson had enough experiance to know that when I'm flailing you need to go in the opposite direction.

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Chapter 23: Please update author-nim!!!! It's hard to find a comedy that is genuinely funny like yours!!!!!!
anniedrei #2
This is funny. I hope this can be revived :)
annyeongjy #3
Author-nim this is really, really funny. I read the whole thing in one sitting. Lol. Can we have longer chapters please? XD
Chapter 23: yayyyyy i love this story it's absolutely hilarious!
Chapter 15: Yes! You're back, that's awesome hehe this story is just too cute
Sehunnieee94 #6
Chapter 13: Update soon author nim ! Hwaiting ! C:
Kittycatploy #7
Chapter 13: update soon ~~
Chapter 10: I really love this, this is amazing, and I just really like the chillness and comedy of it, so maybe more of that before the romance, but I noticed a pretty significant typo, in Chapter 8 in the last paragraph you said but I think you meant shift.... haha I just thought you might want to check that
minstah #9
Chapter 10: oh my god i love this story so much HAHAHA
and omg yes romance wiTH MARK OR YOUNGJAE YAS (sry my biases) LOL but i rly like the crack thing so if u do end up adding romance i think u should keep the focus on the humor yes???
anyways ily and this story ok i'm sry for rambling byE <3