Why Tall People Shouldn't Choose Where the First Aid Kit Goes

7 Is Not a Lucky Number

I was home alone, minding my own business, washing some dishes until I felt something wrong with my hand. I pulled it out of the water only to find that I had a huge gash across my palm. A knife must've been in the water and I didn't notice it cut me because my hand was wet. I grabbed a dish cloth and held it to the cut while I looked around for the first aid kit. 

I had searched all over the dorm when I noticed the edge of the kit stick from on top of the cupboards in the kitchen. I piled up the thickest books I could find and used them as a step so I could stand on the counter. I had just managed to grab the first aid kit when I slipped and hit my head on the edge of the counter. I landed on on my arm and heard a crack, but was too dizzy to care. I carefully felt the back of my head with the hand that I cut and felt another wound there. I quickly figured out that I probably had a concussion and decided to start making my way to the hospital. I grabbed my wallet and keys from by the front door and slowly made my way to the elevator. 

When I the elevator finally reached the lobby the doors opened to reveal BamBam whose eye widened to the sized of dinner plates. I moved past him and started for the door. I was stopped by Jinyoung who took one look at me and then proceded to drag me to the van. Jackson was still there talking to the manager and he lost his when he saw me. 

"What happened? Did someone break into the dorm again?"

"No", I mumbled, "Cut hand, climbed counter to get first aid kit, hit head on counter and landed on arm."

"You're worse than Youngjae." Jinyoung said in disbelief.

I was driven to the hospital and spent a good five minutes watching Jackson scream at the receptionist. Then I was taken to urgent care where the doctors took care of my cuts and my broken wrist. The doctor decided that I had a concussion and said that I had to stay awake until my head falt clear. I was given some pain medicene and returned to my brother, who had moved from screaming at the receptionist to screaming at Jinyoung. I gave handed Jackson the little print out the doctor gave me and went to go find the van. 

That night everybody who didn't have an appearance schedule the next day was assigned to shifts to make sure I would stay awake. Jackson threw a hissy fit when Jinyoung and Jaebum forced him to go to sleep because he had work tomorrow, but other than that everything was cool. I played games and watched loud movies until morning when I went back to the hospital to make sure I didn't still have a concussion. Mark even read aloud to me when I was dizzy. Also, they made sure to move the first aid kit to where everyone could reach it. 

A/N: Okay, so here's where I get a little conflicted. I sort of want to put a romance angle on this, but I've never written romance before (or gone on a date, or had a crush .... I'm a sad person). If I do write romance I'm not sure whether I should put it in the story sooner or later. I have a few romance chapters written out already, but I think I want to have a little more comedy and bonding before I add them. I would love to hear you guys' opinion on this. Also, I'm running out of pre-written chapters, so if there are any scenarios you want to see then please share.

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Chapter 23: Please update author-nim!!!! It's hard to find a comedy that is genuinely funny like yours!!!!!!
anniedrei #2
This is funny. I hope this can be revived :)
annyeongjy #3
Author-nim this is really, really funny. I read the whole thing in one sitting. Lol. Can we have longer chapters please? XD
Chapter 23: yayyyyy i love this story it's absolutely hilarious!
Chapter 15: Yes! You're back, that's awesome hehe this story is just too cute
Sehunnieee94 #6
Chapter 13: Update soon author nim ! Hwaiting ! C:
Kittycatploy #7
Chapter 13: update soon ~~
Chapter 10: I really love this, this is amazing, and I just really like the chillness and comedy of it, so maybe more of that before the romance, but I noticed a pretty significant typo, in Chapter 8 in the last paragraph you said but I think you meant shift.... haha I just thought you might want to check that
minstah #9
Chapter 10: oh my god i love this story so much HAHAHA
and omg yes romance wiTH MARK OR YOUNGJAE YAS (sry my biases) LOL but i rly like the crack thing so if u do end up adding romance i think u should keep the focus on the humor yes???
anyways ily and this story ok i'm sry for rambling byE <3