I Got 99 Problems (and they're all Jackson)

7 Is Not a Lucky Number

Got7's schedules were actually pretty boring. There was one thirty minute recording session, endless hours of clothes fittings, and even more hours of driving to the ELLE Girl photo shoot.

Now, if you are "with it" you know that ELLE Girl photoshoots involve as little clothes as possible while still refraining from indecent exposure. I was not "with it" mainly because ELLE Girl is not published in China. I am much wiser now. 

All I was doing was just sitting there, eating my sandwhich when I heard a screechy "shield your eyes" and my lovely brother lands on top of me. That smushed my sandwhich. He made me wake up at five, dragged me all over South Korea in an awkward van, and then smushed my sandwhich. The only reason I didn't kill him right then and there is that Manager stopped me. Jerk. 

I was sneaking over to Jackson's bag to steal some money for snacks when all hell broke loose. And by hell I mean puppies. These crazy photographers wanted Got7 to pose half with puppies. That probably would have worked out if the puppies didn't outnumber the humans. Or if they were trained. The training would of helped. A lot.

After the sacrifice of numerous snapbacks, endless hoodies, and a whole table of food the enemy swarm (read: puppies) was contained. The photoshoot went back to normal and I spent the rest of the time playing Go Stop with some of the interns. It all went well until Jackson saw that a few of the interns were male and decided to drag me away while I was still sitting cross legged on the floor. Sometimes I wonder if he goes out of his way to ruin all my fun.


After the photoshoot they had vocal practice followed by dance practice. I don't really know what happened during the vocal practice because I wasn't let in, but dance practice was...odd.

For some reason instead of keeping the air off (which they normally do since it's so hot on stage) the aircon was on full blast. It felt like the artic in there. During the breaks Jackson immediatly sat his stanky next to me and forced me into conversations. I'm not sure if this is his version of bonding, but whatever it is it's irritating.

After practice we all went out to eat. At the resaurant we pushed a both and a table together and sat randomly. Everything was fine until Jackson climbed over Jinyoung, Yugeom, and me just to squeeze himelf between me and Mark. just got weird after that because everyone was trying to figure out what the hell Jackson was doing and why. Maybe he's on his manperiod. I should make note of all of the days Jackson acts weird...er and see if there is a pattern. Or I can blame it on mom dropping him when he was two. I think the latter will work out just fine. 

After eating we went back to the company building for exercise. I was forced to join in by Mr. Wild and y himself. Apparantly if I don't exercise regularly I will give the Wang family a bad name with my out of shapness. I slapped him for that one. Exercise was boring and everyone hated it, but it was over in a couple of hours. we went back to the dorm and collapsed in the living room where Jackson crawled over everyone to drag me two feet away from anything vaguely male. Sometimes I wonder what goes on in his head.

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Chapter 23: Please update author-nim!!!! It's hard to find a comedy that is genuinely funny like yours!!!!!!
anniedrei #2
This is funny. I hope this can be revived :)
annyeongjy #3
Author-nim this is really, really funny. I read the whole thing in one sitting. Lol. Can we have longer chapters please? XD
Chapter 23: yayyyyy i love this story it's absolutely hilarious!
Chapter 15: Yes! You're back, that's awesome hehe this story is just too cute
Sehunnieee94 #6
Chapter 13: Update soon author nim ! Hwaiting ! C:
Kittycatploy #7
Chapter 13: update soon ~~
Chapter 10: I really love this, this is amazing, and I just really like the chillness and comedy of it, so maybe more of that before the romance, but I noticed a pretty significant typo, in Chapter 8 in the last paragraph you said but I think you meant shift.... haha I just thought you might want to check that
minstah #9
Chapter 10: oh my god i love this story so much HAHAHA
and omg yes romance wiTH MARK OR YOUNGJAE YAS (sry my biases) LOL but i rly like the crack thing so if u do end up adding romance i think u should keep the focus on the humor yes???
anyways ily and this story ok i'm sry for rambling byE <3