Eyes and Soul


Seoul National University, Drama & Theatre department

“Tell me again why I’m doing this.”

“Because I said so and Professor Oh agreed it’s brilliant. Oh, look how pretty you are! Your eyes are pretty! Why didn’t you tell me before?”

Chanyeol gritted his teeth. His already ruined mood was not getting any better with what that stupid Byun Baekhyun did to him. As he scrutinised the body-length mirror, his frown deepened and his infamous pout finally appeared.

He was in a dress! A freakin’ dress and it was baby pink!

He wore skinny black jeans and a cream-coloured cardigan.

His feet (thankfully) were donned in comfortable blue converse. The only reason he wasn’t wearing death-traps was because he was tall enough on his bare feet.  

He didn’t know that person in the mirror.  Even if his androgynous face made him looked a thousand times better than a real girl, he still despised the fact that he was-he was-

-cross-dressing. Although it was only for a play. Who said he couldn't whine about it?

The ‘girl’ in the mirror was tall and slim. Curves in all the right places and had y long legs. Creamy healthy-looking skin, narrow shoulders and (big) slender fingers. ‘Her’ pale face was blushing and her pouty lips were soft and a pretty shade of pale red. ‘Her’ big framed glasses were gone and ‘her’ mismatched doe eyes were framed with ‘her’ naturally think eyelashes. ‘Her’ cute nose was scrunched up in frustration but ‘she’ still looked amazing. ‘Her’ waist-long brownish hair hung loosely. Overall, ‘she’ was the epitome of a ‘Goddess’. A natural beauty. A thin layer of face powder and blusher was all it took.

However, the pretty female was indeed a super pretty male and his deep voice proved it.   

“Byun Baekhyun…” he seethed.   

“Oh, Huang Zi Tao! Look at my finished product!” Baekhyun ignored the daggers to his head and called out to his lover who was patiently waiting outside of the Drama & Theatre’s dressing room. He was assigned to never let anyone – anyone – to enter the room under any circumstances.

“Yah! Talking to the wall is way better than talking to you!” Chanyeol screamed. His hands were up to grab his long hair in frustration.

“Hey, watch it! I worked hard on those amazing extension!” Baekhyun snapped.

“Why can’t you just let me wear a wig?” Chanyeol yelled again. Now, he had to live with long hair. It was like his freedom was snatched away! Tao entered the room and was frozen when he saw his beautiful hyung. If he didn’t know any better, he would think that Chanyeol was really a female person.

“Extensions are the trend these days,” Baekhyun replied as if it was the obvious thing in the world. He walked up to his tongue-tied lover with a triumphant smile.

“Oh, my perfectly short hair,” Chanyeol muttered pathetically. He slumped lifelessly onto the chair.

Baekhyun’s deranged self was making him exhausted. It wasn’t even close to the end of the day. It was only 11.45 am and his Drama class would only be starting in an hour and a half. His head bowed low and his arms were limp. He didn’t care anymore. Too much of Baekhyun’s interference with his life would make him go crazy in the end. Persevere, Chanyeol, you can do this, he repeated in his head.

He would rather shut up now while Baekhyun was satisfied. One wrong move would make his calamity took turn for the worst – if it wasn’t yet. Sighing, he stared at the multiple vanity mirrors in front of him and they all reflected his feminine appearance. It was as if they were mocking him. Albeit seeing his stressed face, he didn’t turn away from his image.

Chanyeol was born with a rare mismatched eye colour mutation for Asians. His right eye was a chocolate brown colour while his left was a startling greyish blue with specks of gold – a rare phenotype really. He had complete heterochromia iridum. His parents did think he had that disease he forgot the name of. Mutliple visits to the doctors when he was young cleared him with a perfect health. Maybe it was just because he was mixed. Somewhere in the past, one or more of his ancestors were likely to have eyes of the same grey-blue.   

Those eyes had brought him trouble in his early childhood and teenage years. To the still prejudiced society - he was a freak, because he looked slightly different.

There was a reason why he laid low and tried hard to be invisible. Or at least, not making his eye seen clearly. He did – he was the ugly, sloppy, nerdy and curly-haired Park Chanyeol who always wore baggy clothes. His thick-rimmed, foggy glasses made it hard for people to see his freaky eyes and he was fine that way.

“Come on, my pretty Chanyeol! Let’s kill some time before class,” Baekhyun hauled the thin arms of Chanyeol up and dejectedly, the long-haired boy stood up. One thing he felt good about was that he towered over Baekhyun and Tao. He could easily use his height against Baekhyun. And on multiple occasions, he did.

“Let’s go to the café across the campus and see how many guys will fall for your beauty,” Baekhyun winked cheekily.

“Come on, hyung,” Tao smiled warmly to him.

For the first time that day, Park Chanyeol actually smiled genuinely.


Yeolhan-Dal Café, 12.26pm

“Ge, are you listening to me??”

“Yeah, I am,” the taller of the two said dismissively. He wasn’t actually. All he heard from the mouth of his half-brother was ‘oh blah blah blah eh blah ah blah blah’.

It was not like he always ignored the boy – he loved his brother but his mind was somewhere else that day. He didn’t know why but he felt like something was going to happen and he didn’t know what to expect. He didn't know if it's a good something or a bad something. 

It was frustratingly unsettling.

“Oh really, ge? What did I say?” the younger challenged. His bubble teas abandoned as he stared across the table at his brother. He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow as if to say ‘what are you gonna say now?’

He was there because his younger brother asked to accompany him. More like, using him for his wallet. The café they were in was busy as an influx of people came for lunch. Older people mostly professors, young people, you name it. Most of the customers were students from his university as most vaguely familiar faces greeted him. He could only nod back politely as he didn’t know most of them.  

“Ah, alright, alright! I wasn’t listening, okay? Happy?” he said and his brother snickered.

“Kris ge, you’re distracted today. What’s wrong with you?”

Kris sighed. “I don't know, Sehun-ah. I don’t know-maybe," he exhaled, "-I’m just not in the mood.”

But it was more than that. Kris found it hard to explain to the younger boy so he kept quiet about his current predicament. He was on edge the whole morning and Sehun might just call him paranoid.

Nodding in respect for his brother, Sehun didn’t pry for more. Kris would tell when the time was right.

The two lapsed into a comfortable silence as Sehun savoured his bubble teas. Kris was well aware of his brother’s addiction but he never really stopped the boy from the frightening amount of caffeine he consumed. Oh Sehun couldn’t survive a day without his favourite drink. At least, the caffeine level was low and he was there to monitor his brother.

Just as Kris was lazily drinking his coffee, he heard the melody of the wind-chimes place above entrance. Kris felt compelled to look at the glass double doors.

As if everything was in slow motion-

Everything – his surroundings suddenly became blurs and the noises shimmered down into silent buzzing…

His eyes and his mind enthralled-


Time had slowed down for Kris Wu.


“I’m not going in!”


A/N: Hollo people! I updated! As per usual, comment and subscribe to let me know what you guys think! So far, I've received all the love and it's so heart-warming they made me giddy 24/7 ^^"

UNTIL NEXT TIME, GUYS~ You can also follow me on twitter @amberc_116 to tell me what u guys think! I'll reply as soon as I can (I use twitter a lot ^^v)

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[Eyes and Soul] Update: CH16 @ 130726, 5:52 AM


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Chapter 16: Penasaran banget lanjutan ceritanya
Akiko05 #2
Chapter 16: When's the next chapter? Super curious how this all ends.
melmoon1102 #3
Chapter 16: Hope you can update soon this story is amazing I'm really in love with it want to see kris and chanyeol be together and chanyeol meet sehun it going to be 3 years in June T^T without your update please come back if you can
HoneyLin #4
Chapter 16: To all the ppl who's waiting for update, This story was last updated in 2 YEARS AGO!!
Aww~~ I really love how this story is progressing. So I hope that it hasn't been abandoned and will still be continued ^_^ I really do hope you update this soon <3
Megane_senpai #6
I love your story so far ❤️ I hope you update soon
fienyeol #7
Chapter 16: Please, update authornim.....
Chapter 16: Eh? Why you stop writing? I wish I can see they perform their drama... Minseok, who is him exactly? And sehun is their son, right? I hope it's a yes.. Attraction between them just too much. I hope you can update more ^_^
Chapter 16: Fantastic story...looking forward to next update...author-nim...;-)