Eyes and Soul


A/N: Hello again, dearies! I'm here again with an update! ^^ Hahaha, thank you for all the comments, I'll try to answer all your heart-warming comments and hello to new subscribers! I love you all! =") Hope you enjoy this chapter. Again, it's unedited ^^" but I'll get back to it later~ Don't forget to give your opinions for this chapter, a small token of love to this procrastinating author ^^"Thank you people! /bows/ 

Picture credits to: Higher (the photographer, I assume) and tumblr



Chanyeol’s Apartment, morning

Chanyeol zoned out as he combed his hair. A blank expression plastered onto his freshly washed face. Silently, he put his comb down and stared hard at the object.

He sighed.

Last night, he dreamt again. He dreamt it again. It wasn’t anything bad. He wasn’t sure if it was any good either. Chanyeol had make peace with his dreams – his past memories – and he welcomed them like a person would to his all-time favourite childhood movie.


He was in a dilemma with this latest dream.



“Mama!” a child called out for her and his happy giggles followed. Pitter-patter of footsteps echoed and an elegant lady turned her head.

A beautiful smile bloomed on her motherly face and she slowly bent her body. Her flowing red dress billowed in the wind as she welcomed her son.

“Shi-hui,” she said gently – almost cooing at the boy.

The young prince hurried to get to his mother and his wind manifested and transported the boy into his mother’s embrace. The queen chuckled as the boy snuggled into her neck.

Chan-yue looked up as she felt the presence of the Dragon Lord who calmly approached his wife and their son. Their son was quick to abandon him for his mother.

“Good morrow, my king,” Chan-yue greeted as the emperor kissed his mate’s forehead. Yi-fan’s soulful and gentle eyes expressed clearly only for Chan-yue and Shi-hui to see. The king smiled.

“Look mama! Look what I found in the gardens!”

Chan-yue then noticed the small transparent jar her Shi-hui was carrying and she was surprised to see what was inside it. The Phoenix gasped.

“He insisted that he wanted to keep it for thee,” Yi-fan muttered.  

“Oh my…” Chan-yue touched the glass jar – entranced.

Shi-hui frowned. “Are you not pleased, mama?” the young boy asked.

“Oh, no, no, my prince,” Chan-yue laughed. Her prince was growing to look more and more like his father. Not just his face but also his childish behaviour – so alike the young king himself.

Chan-yue smiled as she took the jar off her son’s small hands and held it up to the lights.

Inside the jar…was a brightly coloured butterfly, richly coloured in flaming amber that danced in the morning lights as it fluttered its big wings. Intricate black patterns swirled in those moving flames.

A pure messenger between worlds – rare, ethereal and sacred.

“It’s beautiful,” Chan-yue breathed in awe then cupped her son’s face – proud for her young boy.

“Thank you…” she expressed and the boy jumped in glee for his mother’s approval. The Phoenix’s eyes connected with the Dragon’s and the two watched as their growing son began telling his parents about his adventure and his catch.

A moment of pure belonging graced Chan-yue’s heart.


And Chanyeol’s.

He woke up that morning with an ache in his heart. A strong sense of wanting to hold the boy, to sing the young one to sleep, to watch as the boy played in ‘her’ gardens engulfed the 21-year-old man.

Chanyeol did not only inherit Chan-yue’s soul – he also inherited the young woman’s possessive maternal instinct. The precious dream replayed in his mind all morning.

“I miss Shi-hui…” Chanyeol mumbled. Even though he knew the chances that his son was reincarnated as well were close to none, somewhere in the back of his mind he couldn’t help feeling the hope he would see him again – even for just a glance.

Chanyeol exhaled deeply and stared at his reflection. Hints of sadness and weariness from his recovering fever surfaced on his androgynous face.

“Well, it’s no good to grieve now, Chanyeol,” Chanyeol gave himself a pep talk. “What you gotta do today is try to not fall for that sly Wu’s tricks again and avoid Baekhyun at all cost!”

Chanyeol held his hands up and set his face with determination. His one-sided dimple appeared as he stared at his reflected eyes.



Chanyeol jogged down the stairs of his apartment building, silently humming to a song called ‘Power’ by a rookie group he liked. When he reached the lobby and was about to make his way to the bus stop, he was suddenly stopped by the sight of a white Lamborghini Murcielago (of his dreams!) parked strategically in front of the main entrance.

He gaped. Oh, pinch me now! He thought. Suddenly, the car door’s opened and Chanyeol’s fan boy-ing moment died. His face now scrunched up as if he just ate a very sour lemon as a tall figure leisurely strolled towards him.

“What are you doing here?” Chanyeol demanded heatedly. He clutched onto his sling bag’s strap as he watched the taller ‘unwelcomed’ guest warily. He didn’t want to lose his temper this early in the morning.

All Chanyeol get was a low chuckle before he was speedily dragged into the white vehicle and was driven away from his apartment complex.

All the Music major could comprehend at the moment as only one thing.



Seoul National University, morning

For probably the first time in his life, Byun Baekhyun was looking forward to going to school today. And Huang Zi Tao was having major worry attacks for his boyfriend who seemed to either wake up on the wrong side of the bed, or switch his body with a person on drugs or have been eating sugar all day long.

“Baekhyun-ah…” Tao called out worriedly. His hands hovered over the smaller one's arms as the latter strode towards the Music Faculty. As far as Tao knew, Baekhyun didn’t have any music lessons this morning.

“What is it, Tao?” Baekhyun answered, way too cheery. Tao winced.

Tao didn’t know how to say it to Baekhyun without hurting the older one’s feelings so he followed Baekhyun on his morning escapade through the department’s halls – depressed and confused. Baekhyun opened nearly all the doors of the theatres, even to the point of interrupting some morning lessons. Baekhyun was almost scolded by the lecturers but he was fast to get his head out of the classrooms.

Tao finally get it when Baekhyun pouted as he glanced at his phone for time that Baekhyun was looking for someone. And that someone was obviously Park Chanyeol.

Why didn’t it cross his mind before Baekhyun asked a terrified looking student for the whereabouts of the cross-dressing friend of his?

Tao sighed as he followed Baekhyun out of the faculty when his lover – disappointed – was told that Chanyeol didn’t attend his class.

Why was he even putting up with this uncontrolled diva anyway?

Oh yeah, he love Baekhyun.


Yeolhan-Dal Café, morning

Chanyeol cleared his throat uneasily.

“Wu-sshi…” he began with controlled anger.

The person sitting in front of him was only sipping his black coffee calmly – ignoring Chanyeol’s attempt to get his attention. Chanyeol’s shoulder slumped.

“Why are we here?” Chanyeol questioned. He crossed his arms on his lap, a cup of lukewarm tea and an untouched plate of sandwiches in front of him. Who in the world would be thinking of eating when you’re kidnapped – taken against your will?

They were back in the café they’ve first met.

“For breakfast – obviously,” Kris smirked and he watched Chanyeol squirmed in his seat.

“But why? Why are you doing this?”

A hint of whine came out of Chanyeol’s pouting lips and Kris chuckled – amused.

Chanyeol growled unsatisfied at Kris’ response and he threw his gaze away from the annoying basketball captain in front of him.

‘Calm down, Chanyeol. You don’t want to kill somebody.’

Kris brought his cup back to his lips – enjoying prolonging Chanyeol’s annoyance. He loved the way Chanyeol puffed up his cheeks. He loved the way Chanyeol’s fair skin was tinted with red. He knew he was the source of Chanyeol’s hostility.

“Don’t say you’ve forgotten about our deal?” Kris suddenly asked – breaking their bubble of silence.

Instantly, Chanyeol’s face fell and he turned to Kris. He was thinking hard about Kris’ proposition the day before. He tried hard not to think of it.

“So what do you say, Park Chanyeol?”

Chanyeol gulped. His eyes darted across their table before finally looking up – Kris’ handsome face near to his with that smirk that screamed bad boy.

“What do you say? Pretend to be my girlfriend for a month, I’ll save you from your friend or I’ll tell the whole school you’re a guy and…you know what’ll happen after that.”

Chanyeol’s head felt like it was being stabbed again. He sighed again – not even trying to hide his dissatisfaction from the crafty 22-year-old. Chanyeol clenched his hands – his knuckles turned chalky white.


Kris’ grin widened.

“Yes…I-I’ll be your…girlfriend.”   

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[Eyes and Soul] Update: CH16 @ 130726, 5:52 AM


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Chapter 16: Penasaran banget lanjutan ceritanya
Akiko05 #2
Chapter 16: When's the next chapter? Super curious how this all ends.
melmoon1102 #3
Chapter 16: Hope you can update soon this story is amazing I'm really in love with it want to see kris and chanyeol be together and chanyeol meet sehun it going to be 3 years in June T^T without your update please come back if you can
HoneyLin #4
Chapter 16: To all the ppl who's waiting for update, This story was last updated in 2 YEARS AGO!!
Aww~~ I really love how this story is progressing. So I hope that it hasn't been abandoned and will still be continued ^_^ I really do hope you update this soon <3
Megane_senpai #6
I love your story so far ❤️ I hope you update soon
fienyeol #7
Chapter 16: Please, update authornim.....
Chapter 16: Eh? Why you stop writing? I wish I can see they perform their drama... Minseok, who is him exactly? And sehun is their son, right? I hope it's a yes.. Attraction between them just too much. I hope you can update more ^_^
Chapter 16: Fantastic story...looking forward to next update...author-nim...;-)