He's Cold

My Charming Key

For the next few days Ji Yeon’s heart pounded anxiously at the thought of going to work and risking the possibility of running into Key. 

But, no matter what ridiculous ways she came up with for avoiding him, it seemed running into him was something that was going to happen whether she liked it or not. 


When their paths crossed at the entrance of the hotel, Ji Yeon mustered up her courage, squared her shoulders and tried to act calm as she stood at her post where she was supposed to greet incomers.  


As he came closer, their eyes met for maybe half a second before he casually diverted his gaze and walked right passed her like she didn't even exist. 


Ji Yeon's mouth fell open as she watched him leave with two other guys in neat suits


*What? Di-d he just... ignore me?*


This happened more than once and soon enough Ji Yeon was getting irritated. *Is he mad because of yesterday?*


*Except... how is he the one mad when I had to live not knowing whether he was even alive for the last five years--and then he suddenly appears without even a warning!*


Ji Yeon took a deep, stuttering breath as she headed to her evening shift earlier than usual that day. It proved impossible to stay seated in one spot with all this frustration in her head. *Jerk, idiot, trying to make me feel guilty for your doing.*




Ji Yeon thanked the bus driver as she got off at ther bus stop near the hotel.


"You're here early."


Ji Yeon looked over to her right and surprisingly found Minho sitting at the bus stop with his legs crossed casually and his hands in his pockets.


"Oh! I didn't know you take the bus." She said in bewilderment.


"I don't. I came to see you." He said simply and got off his seat. "Let's take a detour?"




The sound of bells chimed overhead as they made her way into a near-by cafe.


Onew was conversing animatedly with the customers when they walked in but smoothly ended the conversation when he saw them.


“Moocheong, stop flirting with the waitress and get back to work.” He ordered to a boy in apron as he made his way to Ji Yeon and Minho.


"Table for two?" He raised one eyebrow and patched on a complementary smirk.




“You guys need anything?” Onew asked as he got them a table. “Coffee? Latte? Cappacino?”


“Cappacino,” Ji Yeon said.


“And you?” He looked at Minho.


“Nah, it's alright," Minho replied a bit detachedly. 


“Alrighty then, one cappacino. Moocheong! Cappacino. This table.”


“Oh, and Onew,” Ji Yeon said. “Call Annie back. She’s been waiting for a while.”


Onew's face was suddenly struck with horror. “Oh no," he said, voice in a panic. "I totally forgot. We're supposed to go out tonight!” He quickly got out his cellphone and hurried away to the back.


Ji Yeon chuckled softly at Onew's hectic departure and then turned her attention back to Minho--who had not taken his eyes off her since they sat down.


“How've have you been?” Minho asked. 


Ji Yeon nodded her head. “Okay... I guess," she replied. 


Minho raised his eyes brows. “’Okay…? I guess’? Did something happen?"


“Not really… just... ” She paused for a moment as images of Key's icy cold gaze began issuing in her head. "...People."


Minho's look went a bit dark. “People,” he repeated. "Did you meet Kibum?"


Ji Yeon looked at Minho in surprise. "How did you know..."


Minho rested his chin on his interlaced fingers. “You have that look on your face”




Ji Yeon sighed. "Anyway, let's not talk about him. Everything about him gets me into a bad mood.”


Minho laughed weakly.


Ji Yeon looked at him with a puzzled expression.


"I’m jealous," he said with a smile. "I really should have taken you when I had the chance.” 


Ji Yeon stayed silent as she looked at Minho. 


“But of course it’s too late now. All that ever effects you is him."


Ji Yeon’s cheeks went hot.


“But I…”


He stood up before Ji Yeon could finish her sentence. 


“It’s okay.” He said, before stooping down and kissing her on the forehead.


Ji Yeon blinked.


“Wouldn’t I be a terrible friend if I stole his girl from him?” He smiled warmly. 


"See you." He reached out his hand and patted her on the head before waving at her and walking away.


Ji Yeon watched Minho as he made his way to the counter, dropped a bill on it, and then made his way out. 


Her eyes stayed fixed on the spot from where he left.




Key sat at his desk in his new office over-looking the city.


His dark hair grazing the side of his face and elbow resting on the table as he twirled a silver chain necklace around his fingers. 


He heard a knock at the door.


"Come in."


The door opened and his secretary appeared. "Mr. Kim, We've got a slight problem," the secretary said. "Your father will be arriving in three hours and the room that we wanted for the convention--someone else has already booked it for the evening."


"So, can you find another one?" Key asked.


"Well, I did talk to the manager of the hotel, and she said she'd be willing to let us borrow their hall..."


"Great. We'll have it at the hotel then. And-"


Suddenly Key's phone rang. He picked it up off his desk and looked at the screen.


"Sir?" the secretary said.


"That's all," Key replied and answered his phone. The secretary nodded his head and quietly left.


"Hello?" Key said into the reciever.


"Hey," Minho replied.


At once, all the images of the lobby kiss reappeard in Key's head and a feeling of strong dislike came over him. 


"Are you busy?" Minho asked. "Let's talk."



Hey lovelies~!

I know haven't been updating fast and I'm so sorry! I'll get working on this like a mad person-- 

Anyway *woah, chapter 39.* To be honest I never thought I'd get this far.

Did you guys know that when I started this story I thought I wouldn't make past 8 chapters? and if I was going to finish it I'd finish at 20? Oh how very wrong I was... Just thought I should share that.

Hopefully you all are doing well. Exams are coming up! Study hard and read fan fics to take a break lol^^ (of course don't forget to exercise too ;) )

Adios! <3

comments are always appreciated ~ ^^

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Final Chapter!


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songnarae #1
Chapter 42: Omg~~its been long time since I read such good fanfiction. Good job ❤❤❤❤
Chancey #2
Chapter 42: Kyahh~~

This is sooo good! It's very well-written!
I'm glad Minho didn't get heart-broken. And their ending is just so cute~

"We make a baby."
"Let's go for twins."

Those words made me so ugh. I can't even explain it. It's just so wonderful. Had I read this at night, my parents would wake up and I'll be grounded for a month. Lol.
Chapter 43: Ohmygod ... This is aboely amazing!!!!!!!! *squeals and jumps around the room* wowie Key and Ji Yeon and Minho went with Soyoung ... That's a surprise.
Wheeki yayyyy congrats!!!
Key isn't the "umma" in this much. More like the romantic diva (lol).
<3 it!!! And baby Taeminnie is as cute as ever years later ^^
Chapter 16: Omg little cute adorable innocent Taeminnie is SOOOOO CUTEEE!!!!!!
"Minho get a shirt on" kekeke *evil smirk*
need to finish reading now byeee
*dying of laughter*
Great story, very well written, I enjoyed it! I hope you'll continue to write!
jeonghanism #6
This is my second time reading this. :"> It's been so long since I have, and I really missed this. This was like, my first favorite fanfic. I really love this.
xoxosenshine #7
Chapter 43: Nicee~ baby luuu . Kekeke goodjoob
Chapter 42: nice . aww key so handsome haha :)) goodjob author
Just started reading this. Nice fic :)
Musicislife1295 #10
Chapter 42: I really liked this story! It was well written, had great comedic value, and you conveyed SHINee's relationships with each other very well. Good job!