My Cousin is My Boyfriend?

My Charming Key

Ji Yeon opened the door to her house and stepped in. Unusually, the lights were still on.

*Did I forget to turn them off?* She put her bag down at the foot of the stairs. The sound of the television sounded in the background as she looked around.

She heard a flush and a few seconds later the washroom door opened to produce Jaejoong in his dress shirt and pants, taking advantage of the house slippers. Instantly, his face beamed.

“BABY CUZ!” He immediately rushed toward Ji Yeon, practically leaping, and wrapped his arms around her. “How was school?!” He asked brightly.

Ji Yeon was close to having a mini-heart attack and let out a short yelp.

“—How’d you get in?!”

“The door,” he answered.

“Yeah, but – I mean –“

“You probably forgot to lock it.” He swayed side to side still bear-hugging her.

“Oh... woops…” Ji Yeon winced.

“Sorry I couldn’t visit earlier, I was busy, In fact I just got back from a convention, too bad they didn’t serve actual alcohol, it was like this fizzy stuff, geez.”

Ji Yeon rolled her eyes good naturedly.

Jaejoong was just releasing her when the front door squeak open. *Huh?* She managed to slip under one of Jaejoong’s arm and turn her head to take a glimpse at the doorway.

Key stood there, mouth agape; the tub of ice cream that was previously in the nook of his arm fell to the floor. 

Jaejoong whipped an arm around Ji Yeon’s shoulders and crinkled his nose. “Who’s that?”

“Key!” Ji Yeon exclaimed.

“Key?” Jaejoong looked around unsurely. “Did you find it? You need to lock your door, seriously, or else anyone can just walk in.”

Key stood there looking slightly offended.

“Who…” He managed to utter as he motioned fumblingly to Jaejoong.

“Oh, this is, “

“—Jaejoong, her boyfriend, nice to meet you, you are?” Jaejoong said with a totally straight face.

Key’s jaw dropped slightly.

Ji Yeon rolled her eyes. She knew her cousin would put on twice the act now that they had a visitor—not to mention he was always super protective over his ‘baby cuz’ and would go to great lengths to keep ‘those bastards’ away by even pretending to be her boyfriend.

“Key, meet my cousin, NOT my boyfriend.” She gave Jaejoong a half-hearted glare.

“Aww, baby, did you have to ruin it?” He poked Ji Yeon’s cheek.

Key’s expression did not alter one bit. *Why the heck is he so touchy?* this label ‘cousin’ didn’t settle anything. There was something fishy. Jaejoong was way too intimate for Key to over-look.

“Ow—that hurt, Ji Yeon, don’t hit me.”

Key scoffed and looked away.

“Key, come in. I’ll make Ramyeon, okay?” Ji Yeon smiled and then turned to threaten Jaejoong with another raise of the back of her hand. Jaejoong flinched and Ji Yeon doubled over, bursting into laughter as she made her way to the kitchen.

Jaejoong glanced over at Key with a calculating look and somewhat of a smirk. “Come in, and don’t forget to lock the door.” He winked, and sauntered into the living room.

Key stepped in cautiously. His eyebrows knitted together as he blew a lock of blond hair from his eyes.

*Interesting relatives you have, Ji Yeon.*

Every bit of him told him that there was something suspicious about Jaejoong. What kind of relative was that intimate?

*Hate him already*.



“Nice work, Minho!”

“Thanks, Ssem! Goodnight!” Minho zipped his duffel bag and threw it over his shoulder as he left the gym through the back doors.

The sudden chill of night air was more than welcomed as it penetrated his skin after long hours of cardio work out. Practice had ended two hours ago yet Minho stayed claiming he needed extra practice. The entire time however, he found himself thinking about Ji Yeon.

Honestly, what did Key have that he didn’t? He didn’t want to put it this way but Key was clearly obnoxious, a player, and a jerk. And he was, well, the opposite. Was it because Key had gotten there before him? Did he realize his feelings too late?

A feeling of contempt washed over him. Why did girls always go for the jerk? Should he be a jerk too? Will that get her attention? He sighed and made his way to the front gates.

As he passed through one of the open metal gates, a particular figure on the opposite side caught his eye. She had her arms crossed as she leaned on the black limousine, a few metres away, almost camouflaged in darkness.

“Hey, Minho!”

Minho swore he could have jumped right out of his skin at this unexpected greeting. He blinked to make sure someone was really standing there. When she walked towards him it was made clear.

“What do you want?” He said outrightly as he recognized the figure.

Jessica let out a dry laugh. “Why is it because I came to see you, you think I want something?”

“Why else would you speak to me?” Minho countered, though his tone was almost casual.

“You have a point.” She smiled. “Fine, I’ll get right to it then.”



“So… you guys are classmates…” Jaejoong remarked as he sat on the couch opposite of Key ticking his coffee mug.

Key nodded and took a sip of his orange juice trying to hide the bitter expression on his face.

He could hear Ji Yeon running around in the kitchen boiling water and doing who-knows-what with the pots and pans. He wanted nothing else but to have her in his arms that instant. After all, he came here to be with Ji Yeon, alone. This interfering cousin of hers was ruining everything.

Suddenly, he had an idea. “I’ll go help Ji Yeon in the kitchen,” he said, setting his glass on the table and standing up from the couch with a faked polite smile.

Jaejoong scoffed. “Don’t give me that.”

Key breathed steadily as every bit of him was itching to shove this guy in the basement—better yet, outside in the cold.

“Everything about you is shifty,” Jaejoong stated rather bluntly. “Why is your hair blond? It looks weird. Are you gay?—Wait that wouldn’t work, or else why would you be fawning over my innocent cousin…”

This guy was asking for it. Key put a hand through his hair and rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek. He promised himself he would try to stay on his good side for the sole reason that he was Ji Yeon’s cousin—despite the fact that he TOTALLY didn’t act like it.

Key exhaled and answered “I’m not gay,” with a stiff smile.

Jaejoong smirked. “Do you drink?”

“No, not - usually,” Key replied, confused but still able to maintain a poker-face.

“How old are you?”


“So you’re old enough, but you don’t drink. What kind of man are you?”

Key clenched his jaws. *Stay on his good side, stay on his good side—IF THAT’S EVEN POSSIBLE*

“Wanna go to the bar?” Jaejoong asked.


“I mean you’re obviously not going to stay here all night are you? We should go out, let Ji Yeon sleep comfortably.”

Oh, how he hated this guy so freaking much.

He didn’t exactly know what to respond with. “I don’t really…”

To his utmost relief Ji Yeon walked into the room with a tray of Ramyeon; Key suddenly looked a bit too overjoyed.*Saved*

“Finished!” Ji Yeon’s eyes then shifted curiously over to Key. “Are you going somewhere?” she asked.

Key quickly shook his head. “No.” and sat down. Jaejoong’s smirk never left his lips as he watched Key with an amused expression.



After a few drinks, forced pleasantry, and snide glances, Jaejoong was in the bathroom.

As soon as the door clicked closed Ji Yeon felt Key’s eyes on her.

“Please tell me you don’t have any more relatives like this.”

“Why, what’s wrong?”

“I don’t like him.”


“Just because,” he said with a shrug of his shoulder.

Ji Yeon gave him a suspicious glance. *Weird…* she thought.

“Yah, Ki Bum, are you by chance—“ Before she could finish her sentence Key made his way over to her. Liffting her chin, he placed a kiss on her forehead.

Ji Yeon blinked, wide-eyed.

He smiled sweetly at her before making his way to the door. 

“I’ll see you,” he said, and stepped out.

Ji Yeon froze, blinking her eyes in astonishment.

When she heard the door close she put her hands on her pink-stained cheeks.

Why hasn't she gotte used to this yet? 


Update~ It's been so long, sorry for the delay!

Lol, catch the 'key' pun? Lame I know.  And cousin Jae can be a sass. //Jess/Minho on the side

There was going to be another little section to this, but I thought it was getting long >.>

Btw thanks for the support guys! Seriously, these little comments make my day ♥




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Final Chapter!


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songnarae #1
Chapter 42: Omg~~its been long time since I read such good fanfiction. Good job ❤❤❤❤
Chancey #2
Chapter 42: Kyahh~~

This is sooo good! It's very well-written!
I'm glad Minho didn't get heart-broken. And their ending is just so cute~

"We make a baby."
"Let's go for twins."

Those words made me so ugh. I can't even explain it. It's just so wonderful. Had I read this at night, my parents would wake up and I'll be grounded for a month. Lol.
Chapter 43: Ohmygod ... This is aboely amazing!!!!!!!! *squeals and jumps around the room* wowie Key and Ji Yeon and Minho went with Soyoung ... That's a surprise.
Wheeki yayyyy congrats!!!
Key isn't the "umma" in this much. More like the romantic diva (lol).
<3 it!!! And baby Taeminnie is as cute as ever years later ^^
Chapter 16: Omg little cute adorable innocent Taeminnie is SOOOOO CUTEEE!!!!!!
"Minho get a shirt on" kekeke *evil smirk*
need to finish reading now byeee
*dying of laughter*
Great story, very well written, I enjoyed it! I hope you'll continue to write!
jeonghanism #6
This is my second time reading this. :"> It's been so long since I have, and I really missed this. This was like, my first favorite fanfic. I really love this.
xoxosenshine #7
Chapter 43: Nicee~ baby luuu . Kekeke goodjoob
Chapter 42: nice . aww key so handsome haha :)) goodjob author
Just started reading this. Nice fic :)
Musicislife1295 #10
Chapter 42: I really liked this story! It was well written, had great comedic value, and you conveyed SHINee's relationships with each other very well. Good job!