
Our one and only

Melody's POV



"A cheerleader?" I asked. Brittanii nodded her head. "It mostly consists of girls and a mascot." I thought about it some more. "They usually do cheers and dance for the games." I said. "Why want to do it?" I asked.

"Will you do it?" She asked me.

"Melody doesn't do those kinds of things. She's more of a quiet and shy person. The only reason she doesn't seem like that is because she is comfortable with you." My sweet guardian angel, Henry said.

I blushed. "Yeah. I don't like being in the center of attention like Miya."

"No way are you like her anyways! Your nice and beautiful." Henry said. I shot him a glare to shut him up, but literally melted deep inside. "Hehe....sorry.....I got carried away."

"Hmm.... I'll think about it." Brittanii said.

"Why don't you ask Ren's opinion?" I suggested as I saw him a meter away from us.

"Why are you suggesting that?" Brittanii asked.

Ren smiled and held onto Brittanii's waist. "Its because I'm right here."

Brittanii jumped. "Whoa! When did you? How did you? Wait what?"

Ren chuckled. "I'm going to take her away!" He paused. "I will return her later okay?"

I nodded my head and the two left. I giggled to myself at Brittanii's shocked/scared face. "Hehe that was funny."

"What was?" Henry asked.

"Oppa you saw Brittanii's shocked/scared face right? It was pretty funny!" I told him.

"Good. I thought I was the only one thinking that." He smiled and linked arms with me. "What should we do?" He asked.

"Hmm.... want to go to the cafe?" I thought. "I want something sweet to eat and something warm in my stomach."

"Okay lets go! I want to pay this time!" He grinned and ruffled my hair, before dragging me towards the cafe.

I pouted and fixed my hair. "You don't have any money though....." I mummbled.

"Nope I do! How do you think I got your cardigan and dress?" He teased me.

"I don't know.....magic? Or maybe you secretly made it." I joked back.

He laughed. "I have no time for all that."

"Let's just go already." I said as we stood infront of the cafe.

A waiter appeared and had his smile on. "How may I help you today? My name is Shin."

"A table for two please!" I said.

He took us to our table and set the menus in front of us. "Here are the menus. Our special today is our yummy gelato. Its a mixture of mango, coconut, strawberry, watermelon ice cream." He said. "I'll be right back for your orders."

Henry looked at me and smiled. "Go on and look." He urged me.

"Mehrong." I stuck out my tongue at him. "I already know what I want."

"Oh really? Then what do you want?" He asked.

"I want a piece of tiramisu cake and some cafe latte." I beamed. "What about you?" I asked.

"Hmm.... a caffe latte with cheesecake."

Shin came and he took our orders. "Okay I will be back in a minute with your orders." The two of us nodded and watched him leave the table.

I looked around and found a cute adorable 4-year-old child sitting with her parents. Her mom was feeding her, while her dad was making funny faces to distract her. My eyes started to water a little.

"Hey Melody! You okay?" He asked. I looked at him with a poker face. "It seemed like you were going to cry." He said.

I gave him the best fake smile I could. "I'm fine."

Shin came with our orders. "I hope you enjoy. And if you need anything don't hesitate to call me okay?"

The two of us nodded and started to eat our delicious treats. I let out a small moan, when I took a spoon full of the tiramisu cake. I noticed Henry looking at me.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked.

"No. But I would like to try your tiramisu. I mean if it can make you moan like that it must be really good." He teased.

My cheeks heated. "YAH!" I shouted at him. "Fine don't try it." I retaliated back.

He pouted. "Melody-ah! Let me have some!" He opened his mouth.

I put in a spoonful. He ate the tiramisu and made the exact small moan that I had made a few minutes earlier. "This is good!" He said.

"Yeah you made the same moan I made." I giggled.

"Here try some cheesecake. It taste just as good."

I nodded my head as he put a spoonful of his cheesecake. "Hmm.... Its good."

We enjoyed our time and got the check. Henry paid as he said he would, and then we left going towards home.



Sorry for the uber late update! I hope you enjoy this update though!

My writing style kinda changed :) I write a bit more now!

Comment and subscribe if you haven't! It motivates us to write more ^ ^


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We are going to update now :) So hope you enjoy! I might be slow because I'm on a very deadly writer's block xD


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alejandra12 #1
Chapter 23: Update soon
Chapter 23: ILL STILL SPPORT!!!!!!!!
Chapter 22: What!? how can this be. Why does he have to leave? Come back Henry!
RokuKazami #4
Chapter 2: the story is kinda choppy but I like the plot structure! keep it up !!
Chapter 22: that was sad!! CLIFF HANGER ARGGGG
Chapter 22: that was sad!! CLIFF HANGER ARGGGG
Missbalance #7
I'm dying from so much cuteness.

keep put the good work girls, you guys are good. XD
So cute, I want to go on a date like that.

Awesome story, keep it up.
Missbalance #9
Aww, cute.

SO are Henry and Melody a couple now?
and who is that girl?
Chapter 20: whos the girl?!?!?!?'DONT END THERE ROMANTIC MOMENTS!
update soon!