First Love Story

|♥| My Only Love is You |♥|
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I pasted a small band aid as gently as I could on the corner of Sungjae's lips. That must have hurt alot, but of course I knew that at this point of time his heart was already in pieces. He just sat motionlessly on the bench. I've never seen him like this before; too silent.

I packed up the rest of the stuffs that I bought from the nearby pharmacy and watched a group of kids played in the playground a block away; carefree and fearless. I sighed and he turned. 

"Thankyou, you. Really, you could've let me be." His head hung low staring at the ground, his hands were clenched into tight fists. There was nothing I could do. I would've said the wrong thing. 

"Sungjae..." But there was something I just have to know. And I think Sungjae already knew it and was waiting for me to begin. 

"mmm?" He looked at me, his expression was soft and that band aid just made it even softer. 

"I...err...who... can you..." I couldn't find the right words and stuttered but Sungjae finished the sentence for me, "tell you about Hyuk's ex girlfriend?" 

I just nodded in silence looking at my hands, a throbbing feeling in my chest, like someone lit a fire, consuming me up whole from the insides. Minhyuk's pained expression replayed itself numerous times inside my head. He wouldn't even look at me till the very second I left with Sungjae. I wanted to know, exactly who that girl was, who broke his heart so bad. I wanted to be the one who could heal it, or not...

"He likes you, you know it." Sungjae spoke suddenly, catching me by surprise. I gulped. 

"No. I don't." I replied with a pitch an octave higher. 

"He just... AISH THAT BASTARD." Sungjae ruffled his hair in frustration, his expression a mixture of fury and defeat. Then he took a deep breath and finally started his side of the story. 

"There was a girl almost two years ago.  We were in our last year of Junior High. She was beautiful I have to admit," A pang of jealousy hit me suddenly knowing that Minhyuk actually

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lisa66384 #1
Chapter 27: thank u 4 using my name (I waz shocked)
Jungkoyoung #2
Chapter 38: Conviently my name;)
alicheungmss #3
Shinee2013 #4
Chapter 6: love your story!!!
Chapter 39: I was shocked when my name appeared owo. I LOVE IT!
Kpop66 #6
Chapter 6: I can not believe you put my name in here, thank u I love it
Kpop66 #7
Chapter 2: My n ID Kpop66, YAAY
Chapter 39: This is so beautiful T___T
Chapter 39: This story is so cute. It really felt like I was dating Minhyuk. Thanks for writing such an amazing story. •﹏•
ESCshine #10
Chapter 2: I was kind of surprise to see my username. Its so cool! And im totally looking forward to this fanfic already!