Love is having you here with me.

|♥| My Only Love is You |♥|
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For once the world stopped for real. Nobody moved. Nobody made a sound. The beeping sounds of machines, the running footsteps of the nurses and doctors were all that we heard. It was as though we stopped breathing at once. My world stopped. 

Minhyuk's fingertips were cold on my cheeks, his eyes pleading. I fought back the urge to cry, to bury myself back in his arms, to look him in the eye and say those three words that I've always been afraid to say. There was someone back in the room behind us, with a dream crushed. I wanted to be selfish, to have him all by myself. But I couldn't do it, I felt selfish, because I know somehow she needed him more then I do. 

'Let's break up.' I've let the words out from my mind. My heart refused, but my mind couldn't forget the dream and Minjung now. Maybe for a while I could let go of his hands, and let him leave, to return to her side. I pretended I was fine, that I was determined and my heart wasn't ripped or bleeding from the inside out. I looked away, I could no longer look him in the eyes. Then I ran, breaking away from his arms, from his warmth and from his embrace.

Am I doing the right thing now? 

Yet I was just contradicting myself. Right? 

Whether Minhyuk followed, I didn't know. I didn't want to know. But I kept on running, I gave myself to my legs. They could take me anywhere, anywhere without pain, without me, without him, without her. I ran. My tears flowed like loose beads, my vision was blurry, my knees buckled and I fell with a thud. I fell so hard my knees hurt. The snapping sounds of camera shutters rang in my ears as the flashes blinded my eyes. Crap, I've ran out of the hospital into the lair of those hungry wolves. I lowered my head, preparing for all the death that could come at once. 

Suddenly someone covered me and helped me up. 

'What happened inside? Why is you out here? Is she crying?' The merciless reporters bombarded us with their meaningless questions. I kept my head lowered inside the blazer and sobbed silently. I trembled, but those strong hands on my arms supported me and we were back inside the safe fortress. We walked into the emergency stairs, the sounds vanished as he closed the door and removed the blazer over my head. 

Sungjae sat down on the steps and sighed. 

'You're still the same aren't you?' He sighed deeply with a defeated smile. I stared at his shoes and leaned against the door. 

'This could be a great hideout.' I tried.

'If you're trying to make me feel bad then you've succeeded.' He said again, I could feel his sad eyes on me but I didn't look up. 

'When I've finally decided to let you go thinking you'll be happier with me, you're making yourself miserable again. Just what exactly is in that unreadable mind of yours?' Sungjae added with a helpless laugh. 

'Huh?' I stared up at him. What are you saying Sungjae?

'If I've knew, I would've just agreed to Minjung's stupid scheme.' 

'What scheme?'

He stood up at once startling me and with just two long strides he was just inches away from me. He placed his right palm beside my face on the door and looked at me intensely. I've never seen this side of Sungjae before and I held my breath subconsciously. He just leaned closer, too close our lips could touch and I knew exactly that was his intention. I squeezed my eyes shut and turned my head. He laughed and took a few steps back. I slowly opened my eyes to see he was actually laughing at me. 

'What? That wasn't funny okay pig Jae.' 

'What did you call me?' 

'Pig Jae.' 

'Yah you want to die?!' He came closer with a m

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lisa66384 #1
Chapter 27: thank u 4 using my name (I waz shocked)
Jungkoyoung #2
Chapter 38: Conviently my name;)
alicheungmss #3
Shinee2013 #4
Chapter 6: love your story!!!
Chapter 39: I was shocked when my name appeared owo. I LOVE IT!
Kpop66 #6
Chapter 6: I can not believe you put my name in here, thank u I love it
Kpop66 #7
Chapter 2: My n ID Kpop66, YAAY
Chapter 39: This is so beautiful T___T
Chapter 39: This story is so cute. It really felt like I was dating Minhyuk. Thanks for writing such an amazing story. •﹏•
ESCshine #10
Chapter 2: I was kind of surprise to see my username. Its so cool! And im totally looking forward to this fanfic already!